What could this be?


Staff member

So im still under the weather - but the symptoms are so weird. I have a little bit of a headache, body aches all over, chills which means without cold & flu medicine and tylenol i am running a fever.

I am very tired in the evening and my appetite is there but its also not; i havent been eating a ton the past month.

But keep in mind i only get these symptoms (minus the appetite) in the evening and at night. So were on day four of waking up feeling great, no pain, no flu like symptoms all day until evening sets in (after 6pm).

Has anybody had that happen to them? Bladder Symptoms are the same in terms of OAB and Urge issues, and Bowel health is normal.

Think I would check into the emergency room and let them check your vitals. Is this a residual COVID bug hanging around? You definitely need to establish a baseline and go from there. The COVID is "officially" over but it's not over. We have a family member who came up with COVID 3-4 days ago. It's milder than most COVID but has been tagged as COVID. please...take care of yourself. TRANSLATED: DON'T MESS AROUND WITH THIS. Dan Carr
DanCarr said:
Think I would check into the emergency room and let them check your vitals. Is this a residual COVID bug hanging around? You definitely need to establish a baseline and go from there. The COVID is "officially" over but it's not over. We have a family member who came up with COVID 3-4 days ago. It's milder than most COVID but has been tagged as COVID. please...take care of yourself. TRANSLATED: DON'T MESS AROUND WITH THIS. Dan Carr

See, so I don't think it's COVID but I will test tomorrow morning and report back - I've had covid twice in my life; and both required Emergency Room visits for Dehydration and Severe Leg Pain - luckily the body aches are not isolated to my legs anymore and I am keeping fluids down which means I am staying hydrated and not needing and IV fluid.

It's just weird it's isolated to being symptomatic at night.

It's noised abroad that many fevers and other symptoms tend to go up at sunset. I first heard it as folklore, but, as a pastor, I visited many people for fifty years and this "tale" has popped up many times.
I never knew for sure, but I've had fevers to go up at sunset. If you find out, would appreciate a smoke signal. Maybe Dr. Google knows something about "sunset fevers."
I just punched in Dr. Google and I got 2-3 pages of address responses that deal with "fevers going up at night." Try it and see what you get. "DO FEVERS GO UP AT NIGHT?".
Symptoms worsening as the day goes on is not unusual, in my experience. One feels much better after a good night’s sleep, and then, as the day progresses, it starts all over again. Do get tested for Covid-19: it is a great masquerade, and different strains can affect a body differently.
Don’t bother with at-home COVID testing; it can’t be trusted. It’s far less accurate than the manufacturers claim. Get a real PCR test from a medical clinic.

Look up hMPV, Human Meta Pneumo Virus. I was sick with it for 3.5 weeks in April and May. I’d never heard of it until my doctor tested me for it. Genetically and symptomatically, it’s very similar to RSV. It was hell. It wasn’t quite as bad as the flu but it was close. I had no appetite and my symptoms were way worse at night. I was totally exhausted and I had aches, a bad cough, and severe congestion that started out light but hit worse as it went on. My brother had the same thing earlier in the year with the same symptoms. I hope for your sake that you don’t have it.
Snow has a point and current dominant COVID variant is SBB.1.5. No vaccine or intervention for it specifically. Paxlovid somewhat effective. Get thee to a hospital e-room unless you have a reliable PCDOC.
@Honeeecombs, go to the ER or an urgent care facility, especially when the symptoms are present. A visit now could prevent worse things in the future.
Hey guys,

Just wanted to give you guys an update - seems to have gotten better as of tonight. Had a little bit of a fever but that's about it; I think whatever it was is on its way out.

Thank the Lord!
Glad you are on the mend! Thanks for sharing! I'm amazed at how many things our bodies can do for us to restore our "normal."
@Honeeecombs - Hey Honeecombs, glad to hear that you are feeling better and whatever it was is on the way out the door. Maybe it is the Mom in me, but don't assume the "next time" that it may hit - your body will react the same way and if you wait it out. - you will be fine, like now. You may not be. Just be aware. Take your vitamins! - Pam
@Honeeecombs Hope it’s all sorted! Could just be a virus, I always find my symptoms are worse at night when I’m ill.
jeffswet said:
Okay, that was 2 days back. How are things now- Saturday?

Well; I'm still symptomatic unfortunately - that one day seemed to be a fluke. I did go and get tests done; and I was dehydrated and they think I have some sort of a bug/virus but they didn't put me on antibiotics. Drinking plenty of fluids and hoping with time it will pass. During the day I still feel fine - so it must not be that bad.

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