Well here we go


Staff member
I’m on my way to my friends house to spend the night and from there we will head to Berkeley springs in West Virginia for a day in nature. I think I really don’t know what we are doing. Hahaha. I’ve packed enough diapers for probably 2 people. I have one backpack full of diapers, wipes, and bags and another one with my clothes and other essentials. I also got my new leg today so I brought my crutches in case it acts up. And also brought my disability parking pass so we can get the good parking spots! I’m not worried about urine accidents but I am worried about bowel. I’m on antibiotics and also oxycodone so my bowels are kinda screwy. Wish me luck.
Hey, the biggest thing that I am going to tell you is have a awesome time and enjoy your trip to the fullest. I used to drive over the road as a truck driver. Beautiful country out that way. Rolling hills and lots to see.

No matter what, have a good time. I have to tell myself that a lot. Accidents do not define us.

There there are 1440 minutes in a day. Even if you spend 30-40 minutes cleaning up you still have a lot of time to enjoy life. Don't hate life just because 30-40 minutes mess you up.

I know, I know I should be telling myself this more often.

Hope you have a great time EJ.
Hi @justej, have a great time over there and just enjoy nature. Berkeley Springs isn't too far from Maryland and the Potomac Valley and there are no major towns around there so it should be pretty and the weather should be fine since it's already Fall! Still a bit early for the leave to start turning. It's in the Panhandle. I used to live and work in Winchester, VA, which isn't too far from there. But take it all in and enjoy your time away from the city!!!
I like ThatFlGuy's post about all the minutes in the day compared to the ones required for cleanup. Very positive way to look at all of this. Enjoy your trip.
Thanks everyone. We are on our way and stopped for breakfast at a vegan cafe. Delicious donuts! I had a canned vanilla oat milk latte before we left and my stomach has been fine. I had a bowel movement as soon as I woke up this morning which is really rare for me. My friends house that I stayed at is in no way accessible. It was a challenge to go to the bathroom and take a shower. I smacked my knee on a raised part of the doorway twice. Apparently I didn’t learn the first time. I’m wearing a MegaMax and pul pants and so far have been ok. Hope it stays that way. It’s beautiful today.
So we just got done doing a mineral bath. I forgot my swimsuit but had a spare pair of boxers in my bag (never leave home without a spare pair of boxers) so I used those. I made sure I went to the bathroom before I got in and we were only in for a half hour so I had no issues. I ended up trashing a dry diaper before I got in but I brought enough it was ok. There were single person changing rooms so getting dressed was a breeze. Except for all the water on the floor that I was slipping and sliding in. Time for dinner and am having a great time.
Sounds great!!! I've never done the mineral bath thing. But do watch out for water on smooth floors. I'm always leery of that myself!
@billliveshere thanks! I’m back at my friends house. I’ll be spending the night here and taking the disabled van home tomorrow morning at 11. I’m exhausted!
I’m home! It was a 100% successful trip. I even treated myself to Starbucks on our way home last night! It’s amazing how when you have been dealing with incontinence for 6 years and have been wearing diapers 24/7 for that long just how much you have to say to yourself “I’m not gonna let this stop me”. Hell I had way more issues with my new prosthetic leg than I even did with diapers. There were 6 of us on the trip and 2 do not know about my issues. And they never found out. Two trips under my belt in 2 weeks and I have so much more confidence to do whatever the hell I wanna do. I am gonna have to use my wheelchair for the next several days because my leg is sore but it was well worth it. And the cat is happy Im home too. :)
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