Weight loss


Staff member
So I’ve been noticing my diapers fit me better and I have less leaks but couldn’t pinpoint why. I went to my prosthetist today because after 2 weeks of having my brand new leg I was having to add 7 ply socks because my leg wasn’t fitting. My prosthetist weighed me and I’ve lost almost 30 pounds! I couldn’t believe it. I thought maybe I’ve lost about 10 but not 30! I’m thinking it’s because I’ve dramatically cut back on coffee and switched from fruit punch to crystal light. The better fitting diapers and no leaks is an added plus!
Congrats on losing weight for positive actions on your part. You may be starting a new trend, justej. I might switch to crystal light instead of what I drink;-)
Great, EJ, that things are working better!!! Except things work better (diaper) and worse (prosthetic). Can’t win, I tell you!
Congratulations, JusteJ! Sometimes it's helpful to say, "If one thing isn't going right for me (incontinence), I can at least change the things that I CAN change." I'm doing okay keeping weight loss, but I have read that artificial sweeteners AND sugar are bladder irritants. Darn! Now I'm mixing pomegranate or other natural fruit juices with water for drinks. I also enjoy Teaccino with unsweetened almond milk.
Keep up the good work @justej! I guess they call it Crystal Lite for a reason and you've found out why!! And you probably just overall feel better not carrying 30 extra pounds around!
My pelvic physiotherapist has advised me that weight loss has a positive effect on incontinence by reducing the pressure the stomach puts on the bladder when sitting or upright. I also have dodgy knees from my football playing youth and an added advantage is weight loss also reduces the pressure on them.
Great! Congratulations on the weight loss! Now we have a bunch of jeolous people on here, including me.
We've been doing a lot of label reading; those nutrition labels. Fruit juice is just loaded. From the point of view of a diabetic, the carbs count too, and the body can use them to convert to sugar - and to store fat. And it doesn't want to give up that fat.
We stocked up on those Ocean Spray cranberry juices, when the price got unbelievable low. Now I just use it to flavor water. At the rate we're going, gonna hit those "best used by" and "expiration dates. As if we care. If it's a 16 ounce glass, it gets about an inch. With the ice.
I hate the aftertaste of those artificial sweeteners. But those flavored "ICE" ones are okay, Carbonated. No caffiene. Zero sugar. Calories 5 in 17 ounces (must be the fruit juice. Weird bottle - too tall & narrow, tips easiely, too narrow for cup holders, so I'm always replacing the cap. Makes me drink slower, anyway.
I think it must be scaralose we use in baking instead of sugar. There you can't tell.
My dentist has a ZipLock bag on display with about a quarter cup of sugar - the amount of one can of soda. (Pop for all southerners - or is it midwesterners? or west coasters? I forget.
We're from Michigan, so Vernor's ginger ale is required, once in a while. What can I say? :D
I think "pop" is for Midwesterners and in the South is "Co-Cola" or something like that. But New Hampshire has to be really different. Those folks call soda "tonic."
And while we're on sodas, Maine has a unique soda that's definitely an acquired taste. It's called Moxie. Pour it in a glass and it looks like a regular "Coke." But one taste and it is not anything like a "Coke!" It is very bitter! But the old Mainers really love it!! I don't know if there's any sugar content in it or not!! It must be made from some kind of a root (or something like that).
Ginger beer!
And alasouthwith climate change good thing to have ICE in Alaska eve if the bottle is peculiar as you said.
I recommend that you look up Healthline.com, crystal light. Personally I try to stay away from most of the artificial sweeteners, as they work the same way on your system as regular sugar. It's all sugar.

Marciafry - I do the same thing. When I want a little sweet I get a tall glass of cold water and pour in a 1/2" to 1" juice, usually cranberry/black cherry. But I've also begun drinking iced water with a wedge of fresh lemon that seems to take care of the urge for something sweet. And I have noticed that sweet drinks cause my incontinence to be worse just like caffeine.
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