Unless there is a major reason to wait such as insurance, I suggest getting done as soon as possible. I know some area's of the country are taking more time because of covid-19.
My biopsy was postpone due to covid-19. Waiting to get test and procedures schedule may actually take longer.
I had my MRI on June 25, biopsy on August 5, CT and Whole Body Bone Scan (making sure it did not spread and having a snapshot of my body to compare to in the future.) on August 19, 2020, heart stress test on August 28, hospital pre-op on Sept 11 to get to Robotic assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy on Sept 24, 2020. I spent 2 nights in the hospital. Typically my urologist only does one night, but I had more blood in my urine than he was comfortable with sending me home.
I went through jumping the hoops with my other doctors and was able to get it done in 6 weeks.