vacation and snorkeling


Staff member
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and is looking forward to a great 2021.
I am ready for this COVID issue to be over and planning on what we are going to do. I have decided to do a trip back to Hawaii where my wife and I got married. As we have talked about going back but never seem to have the time.
Issue is back when we got married I only had issues and wore diapers at night. Now I have been back in diapers full time for well over 10 years.

When were were there last time we loved driving down the coast line (Kauai) and snorkeling at different beaches. Now I am wonder what to do as I don't want to put a remove and put a fresh diaper on every time we stop and go into the water, not to mention I remember most of the beaches not having restrooms.

What do you guys do that snorkel on vacation do about this?
Have your doc give you a catheter while you are on vacation. Then you can remove it when you get back. That and a belly bag or flip flo valve make life pretty normal again.
There is a catheter called Duette that is excellent and protects the inside of your bladder from damage. They go up to 18fr. Oxybutinin helps with any spasms. Check with your doc.
@jrpoorman Thank you I am prescribed Foley catheters from my urologist but hate them with a passion as they hurt like the dickens. I had not thought about using them with a flip valve. I have quite a few at home as I choose to wear diapers instead. I can take some and use during the day and remove when we get back to the hotel.
Ask your Doctor about the duette foley. They are comfortable and the lining of your bladder doesn’t get sucked into the holes on the catheter tip. Much more comfortable than normal single balloon catheters. If you use a belly bag then it can hide under your bathing suit while you are snorkeling 🙂.
You could try using a Male Guard pad or possibly a baby diaper in the webbing of your bathing suit. Use it as normal getting to the beach, then pull it out and put it in a plastic bag when you get to the beach. After you're done swimming put another pad or baby diaper in your swimsuit and repeat. I've done this a few times with success.
I am on vacation now and snorkel and beach, I wear a pull up until time to get in water. You can easily remove a pull up not removing any clothing. Cover with towel and rip sides and pull out. After I am in water and done snorkeling and may get back in water I usually stay just in bathing suit and if accident happens very easy to cover up.
@david1 This is more about the driving between beaches and worrying about damaging the seat of the rental car then the actual swimming.
Hi @MarineJohn, Now that sounds like a fun thing to do to go back to Hawaii when you were first married! Wishing all the best for a great trip and getting ready to kick covid in the you-know-where! I know I am! I don't snorkel but I would say protect the seat of your rental car with something like a Chux by all means! That;'s a big priority! Probably wear a cheap tab diaper with a booster pad inside that you can quickly by sleight of hand remove when you get to a beach and discreetly throw it out if used or if not used too much hide it in something like a plastic shopping bag unless Hawaii is trying to go green like California and outlawing those!
Hope you come back with wonderful memories!!!! :D
They sell something called swim diapers which can be worn under shorts easily. That sounds like fun. I,ve heard the small mom and pop restaurants serve the best local food.
You could use one of the larger shaped pads, like the Northshore DynaDry Supreme Liners. Those go into your underwear (or in this case, your swimming suit) but offer more coverage than most pads, close to what you can get with a diaper. You could always wear compression shorts under your suit to make sure the liners stay in place (although you probably don't want compression shorts that are too tight - maybe go up a size). When it's time to get in the water, as @Wbwayne11 suggested, you wrap up in a towel and pull off the pad, leaving the compression shorts and swimming suit on the whole time. You can do the same thing in reverse once you get out of the water, sliding the pad inside your swimming suit without having to take it off.

For the rental car, try putting down a large underpad on the seat, then covering with a big beach towel or two. Nobody will be able to see the underpad, and the towels will look like they're just there to protect the car seat from getting wet from your swimming suit. The car is protected in case the pad leaks, the towels are easy to wash, and nobody is the wiser about your health issues.
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