Urologist appointment


Staff member
Wow! What a pain in the butt to get a sooner than later appointment with a urologist. I had my primary doctor open a referral. The soonest I can get in is July 16th. I will keep you guys updated. I've done enough research now to where if I need to have a procedure done, I am strongly thinking of having the TURP done.
@JWT what are you experiencing for symptoms, and what is your psa? Have you considered getting a second opinion from a urologist at a different hospital? I wish I had before I started having procedures.
Not to be a downer, but from my experience with different doctores/ different specialties/ fields I discovered way too late that them guys always go for the procedure which pays more. My experience only, there is always exception to the rule. I started to fall apart when age of 60 arrived. A couple of years later I came to the conclusion that I am pretty well on my own. Small wonder old people become super religious in their later years. I kinda understand it now.. :-)
I would also suggest getting a second opinion. Since 2017 I've seen 5 urologists. I know that three were less than what I had hoped for. One was okay, but was surgery happy. I am now on the fifth one and he has been very effective with my situation. I know it is obvious, but Your Quality of Life can be mightily effected by getting the right treatment.
Second opinion is prudent. However, in Canada to get a second opinion it's nearly impossible. The Canadian Healthcare system is setup so the patient doesn't have a say in choosing the specialist. The system chooses one for you... I wanted to change urologists and was made to look like a stand -up comedian. That is not how the system works I was told. Unless one can afford to seek help outside of the jurisdiction.
I have been tested twice for prostate cancer since the problems have started. Both tests have come back negitive for cancer. Just dealing with BPH as of right now. This is my first time with a urologist. I will see what he has to say and I am sure I will need to do necessary test to find the outcome of what I am dealing with. My main doctor only went by what I told him. He said that I'm sure I'm dealing with BPH. He had me on Flomax. I had to stop taking it after 2 months of being on it. It started to make me drowsy at work. That's what got me to ask for a referral to see a urologist. I'm the type of person that doesn't like to take meds if I don't need them. With all the info that's out there with a touch of our fingertips, it helps us as patients to know what we will be going through and outcomes. We are always learning no matter how old you are or how young you are.
@klew11 the symptoms I'm having and been having is dribbling during the day and some full on no control release of my bladder. I do wear diapers 24-7. Every morning I wake up to a soaked diaper. There are times I wake up and have to change into new fresh one. When I am able to make it to the restroom, my stream is slow and knowing after that I have not totally emptied my bladder. My PSA was 0.50. With the research and issues I have been going through, I figured TURP would be the procedure to take. With the outcomes after the procedure I'm ok with. I figure I better start somewhere then to just let it go. I've heard if you let it go to long, it could come down to where a person will not be able to urinate and have total blockage. That part really concerns me. I wouldn't want to be somewhere and end up in that situation. Do you think I'm jumping into this to fast. At age 49 and having to deal with this is discouraging. I'm as one with having to wear protection. In the research I read; 1 in every 200 people that have the TURP done, might or will have permanent incontinence. I cross my fingers and hope I am not that 1 but if it has to be, then I am one step ahead already by wearing protection already. Sorry for the big story. Had to get it out and how I am feeling.
JWT you are not alone. Sounds like a good path to take and ask lots of questions. TURP can be invasive, so I would think they might not jump right to it, but who knows! I turn 50 this year and have similar issues.
@JWT this is the place for long stories. We all have at least one. Hopefully you will get some responses from men who have been through the same issues and had the turp. I went straight to RP after an MRI. My PSA jumped up after being slightly elevated for a long time. You definitely don’t want to live with blockage for too long that will lead to infections at least. Good luck and I hope you get some good advice from guys that know what you should expect.
I love this Forum. Thank you guys for the info that you all give. We are one big happy family when it come down to it.
JWT we pay no premium and we are told that Healthcare is free. Well I found out soon enough that Healthcare here is substandard and not free at all since Canadians are heavily taxed, therefore pay for Healthcare via taxes. Our healthcare is good.... until you get sick and find out there is lineups to see specialists few years long. Looks good on paper indeed, just make sure you don't get sick.
@Josh WOW! Thats crazy. I guess it's really not any better here in the US. I miss going up there to the northern region. I used to drive truck to the sand plants up in Midland Ontario and Qubech. I am hoping to plan a trip up there again on my own time.
Canadian government tells us we are blessed with our Healthcare not like Americans they say. Well I have friends in USA and they all have insurance tru work and no one is complaining much. My ex wife has a knee problem ( no I didn't break it ) she is on the 2 year long waiting list to see orthopedic specialist. Private healthcare in Canada is illegal so you have no other choice but to go tru the snail pace healthcare system.
@Josh That’s horrible. I know it’s the same for my relatives in England, Wales, and New Zealand. As much as our premiums cost us here in the U.S., I’m glad we get choices and self-determination. I think ultimately we’re all paying the same prices. It’s just that in America most of us actually get choices and we get seen in a timely fashion.
@JWT Because I have a small prostate and a below 1 PSA, for many years I was told by several doctors and urologists that my prostate was only slightly enlarged. That the Flomax was doing its job and the problem wasn't that bad. They were only doing the DRE's and blood work at the time. I did not know to ask for a cystoscopy, ultra sounds, residual ultra sound, and a uroflowmetry test. I should have demanded the test years before I got them. Then during a routine urology visit I told them I saw blood in my urine in addition to the existing pains in my kidney area, constantly feeling full, and urine that smell fermented. After hearing I was seeing blood I was scheduled for the above tests on a short date.

Results came back as numerous strictures, a small prostate that was very enlarge, and Moderate Trabeculation of the bladder meaning I was retaining I think 300-400 plus ml. My stream was slow and weak, with some start stopping. A TURP followed on a fairly short date. It is fantastic that I can urinate again, it smells better, and no more pains in the kidneys. I was urinating comfortably within a few days.

The trouble is that because of the permanent damage done to my bladder by waiting so long for the surgery I am left with urge incontinence. Post void dribble from the strictures that I think were aggravated during the tests and TURP. And I think because of the amount they had to remove, they also damaged the sphincter resulting in intermittent dribbling. I use external (condom) catheters. I feel very lucky that they got me in when they did, I do not have cancer, and don't have to self catheterize.

Good luck and my advice is to ask for the tests. Even if your primary orders them, because some can be done in hospital or in clinic.
@Redcat I will definitely ask for the tests. Thank you for the heads up. That will be the first thing I ask for when seeing the urolisgist for the first time.
@snow having options, getting second opinion is important. We (Norway) used to have a mix of private and public. That was fine, but current government is trying to remove private offering and only allowing public health care. I think we are losing a lot with this.
I will not have surgery for my BPH till i can no longer pee.
I am already incontinent due to nerve damage and on two meds for the prostate so surgery will do little.
I am a 80% service connected veteran so my medical is free, but with the surgeries I have already had i am tired of surgeries and at 73 I don't like being in the hospital. The last time I was in the hospital was for all most 4 months.
Getting woke up every two hours for a diaper change and having insomnia was driving me NUTS.
The only good thing is my doctors are from UCLA Medical school.
Hey everyone. I got good news. I don't need surgery for my prostate. He did an some tests and came back all good. He said with the weight that I carry around that its contributing to my issues. Once I lose some weight, things will get better. I'm at normal range for size of the prostate. He said I can take a med that will slow the urgency down to where I should make it to the restroom in time. He said the downfall of the med will or can make me constipated. I'm on Wegovy right now and one of the side affects is constipation. So, I told him I will decline that med and just deal with it.
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