Urge incontinence progression


Staff member
Hello, I am new to this forum.
I have urge incontinence that started over 12 years ago. Through its progression now when an urge strikes I only void 95 to 125 ccs. Holding back an urge and reaching a bathroom in time has always been the challenge. But to my surprise, Approximately 18 months ago I also started experiencing difficulty at times in getting my flow started , followed by a weak stream , even though I had a very strong urge and needed to void. Now I am finding it necessary during the day and at night to self cath. Testing myself by voiding first and then immediately self cathing I realize I have retention.

My question is if anyone else that has urge incontinence is also experiencing difficulty in voiding and retention.
So if I'm reading this right you have issues with urgency with very little urine and then difficulty voiding. In my case I get the urge when I have 1 to 2 ounces in my bladder. My average output is 3 to 4 ounces and I have to strain to get it out. I have done meds, nerve stimulator and botox. Nothing has worked. In fact it was after the botox that I had to start sitting down and strain to go. That was the end of sept. I have no other problems except for the urgency with very little. Are you like this also?
Could be an enlarged prostate squeezing on your utheria. A quick trip to the urologist would confirm this. Medications can be prescribed to help regain a good flow.
It is time for a trip to the doctor. It could be something minor, but there it always a chance it is not. Only a doctor can find out.

I do have an upcoming annual appointment with my Urologist at the end of May. I have been going to him for the past four years and he has been following the progression of my incontinence. This visit will be informing him of how my symptoms have gotten more severe.

Yes, you read my post correctly. We have similar symptoms , however yours is more severe than mine. Talking in ounces, I more likely have about 2.5 ounces in my bladder when I first sense the urge and then I usually void about 3.25 ounces.
When I first started with urge incontinence my primary doctor wanted to put me on medication. But I have resisted taking them, due to the side effects. My Urologist informed methat it is very difficult to find the right medication for each individual and that they all have side effects. Therefore over the years I have learnt to manage my incontinence with catheters and disposables.

So if I understand you correctly, the medication , never stimulator , and botox didn't work for you.
How are you managing your incontinence then?

My Urologist has been checking my prostate, and finds it normal. Same each time my primary doctor checked it. Also my PSA readings are always normal. Therefore it seems the prostate is not the cause.

My Urologist says urge incontinence can be very complicated and caused by various conditions. Even with tests, it can be very difficult to find the exact cause. In my case, he feels that the nerves in my bladder wall have deteriorated and are firing off wrong signals as if my bladder is full even though it isn't. Which is also the reason that it is now starting to retain urine each time I void.
I don't have any leakage. My only problem is the urge , or sensation,that I have to go with very little in my bladder and nothing has worked to stop this.
Self catheterization may be the way to go. You don't need to have urine remaining in your bladder, as this could give you an uti. Not good.

Last year my urologist prescribed the intermittent cath to use twice a day to make sure my bladder would be completely drained. And to self cath when it was difficult to pee. Recently it has became more difficult, plus discovering I have retention, I am now self cathing 4 to 5 a day.

Being new to self cathing I am open to any advice. Do you self cath?
I reckon that’s the source of your problem. I have the same, though I’ve annihilated ALL disc material from L1 through S1 due to a sever snowboarding injury. My systems started occurring gradually like yours. Research “neurogenic bladder.” There’s not much to be done about it but I’ve felt much relief since at least knowing the diagnosis. Botox helps me ***tremendously***, almost perfectly, when I can afford it. HUGS!
snow said:
I reckon that’s the source of your problem. I have the same, though I’ve annihilated all disc material from L1 through S1 due to a severe snowboarding injury. My symptoms started occurring gradually like yours. Research “neurogenic bladder.” There’s not much to be done about it but I’ve felt much relief since at least knowing the diagnosis. Botox helps me ***tremendously***, almost perfectly, when I can afford it. HUGS!
Be careful on any type of catheterization, it could lead to an uti. This is not good. I was characterized years ago and got a bad infection. Cleared up with antibiotics, but it took a while.
What brand of intermittent catheter are you using? I started with CompactCath, and now I also am using Gentle Cath Glide. I find the Gentle Cath Glide very comfortable and easier to use.
@Gerald51 use the cloroplast compact when I'm out of the house as it is easy to slip into a pocket. At home I use teleflex liquick. Phil
For the past 7 years I have managed my urge Incontinence with using both the external and Foley catheter. And lately when off the Foley I am needing the intermittent as I mentioned in an above post. Yes, contracting an UTI is always my main concern. I am very careful and practice the best hygiene I can.
My urologist supports my use of the foley and will help me if any issues occur. He always make sure I have a prescription for antibiotics to have on hand. I also test my urine often in order to catch any infection in the beginning stages.
I know it’s going to be a bigger problem down the line, but in 2011 I had 15 surgeries (two kinds of cancer, 3rd-degree/full-strength burn covering 10”x6” of my ass, open-knee surgery, foot surgery twice, etc. Needless to say, I predictably contracted MRSA Staph infection wounds on my flesh while hospitalized *but* I have a really great dermatologist who keeps all the Staph infection in-check by giving me one low dose of 500mg Keflex per day. That started five years ago. Since then, if I miss a day or two of antibiotics, yep, sure enough, I get several Staph boils under my arm or behind my knees, or I get a UTI. Having active-MRSA is normally manageable but not during COVID times. COVID and MRSA would quickly conspire to kill me in a matter of a few days. MRSA is basically FOR LIFE.

But! I am fine! And I love my Keflex! I never get UTIs while I’m on Keflex If your doctor ever suggests being on a low dose antibiotic for the rest of your life, I say do it!!!!!!! They save the stronger stuff for when you’re really sick and need it.
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