Urethral Urgency and soreness


Staff member
Anyone had to deal with urethral soreness and urethral urgency feelings. If so, what helped if anything. Had this for 5 years now. No diagnosis or anything. Tried numerous ointments and creams and nothing works. So so fed up. It rules my life. :-(
I'm a woman but a woman friend told me to drink a lot more water plain not tea or flavored drink PLAIN WATER Nwhen feeling almost like a urinary btrac urinary tract infection its a dry uretera. It takes awhile for a body to heal but it's a great lifrbpractice and wored for me just not overnight results
I can confirm what was stated above. I have had urethral pain and it has signicantly lessened after being sure to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. You can ALWAYS get a second opinion if you aren't satisfied with your answers.
Same I can tell a difference in discomfort and bladder spasms if I stay w just clean fresh water over other drinks. Shooting for 128+ Oz a day and feeling better.
It's not a unpleasant chore just a mindfulness as we think lquid is liquid. But it's not. Everything flavored asks your kidneys to sort out and dispose of stuff.
So just having water at your desk in a bottle as you walk outside or shop at the sofa when you are relaxing and sip it as you go dont wait for thirst dont make a big deal of drinking a huge amount lie a contest
Your body will figure out what it needs to send to all tho innards once it gets see to a regular supply of what we are made of: water.
I still drink other stuff for fun but don't substitute for water before and after.
If I feel a bit urgentor sore in the uretera know I've slacked on water and my body is trying to report. So no other drinks Just water after one morning coffee (must have my coffee) and I reset quickly.
I think I took a week the first time I did that. Now self correct in ,48 hours
@Maymay941 I love the image of my body puzzling over a pool of water trying to decide which of my innards gets what!

I'm with you - one coffee first thing to turbo-charge my day, then water water water all the way from there. Great advice.
BasilCat said:
Anyone had to deal with urethral soreness and urethral urgency feelings. If so, what helped if anything. Had this for 5 years now. No diagnosis or anything. Tried numerous ointments and creams and nothing works. So so fed up. It rules my life. :-(

I've fought with urethral soreness off and on my whole life. In my case, it's a symptom of my interstitial cystitis, though it took until I was over 40 to finally get that diagnosis. An remember getting in trouble in grade school for signing out to use the bathroom too much because my urethra was hurting, so when I finally found out why,it was a huge relief!

My Itestim has helped tremendously with urethral pain. I currently self cath about five times a day due to Botox injections in my bladder, ad that can cause urethral irritation. I use lidocaine in a Urojet syringe for that, which makes it easy to squirt into my urethra.

Are you working with a urologist to figure out the cause of your pain?
Yeah, and I add all those sugar substitutes to the list of the no-nos, now. No good word on them from any reputable science organizations. I was away from home for a week and looked them up. Booring, though.
I drink about 90 oz of filtered water per day, I have this drank before 6pm. Yes it effects me, control wise, but it does help with pain
Thank you everyone for your replies to my query. You've all made some interesting comments. I can see that I am going to have to try and get into drinking plain water. I have been having urologist appointments for about 5 years now! Still no diagnosis. Im no urologist of course but I think the urethral problems are because my oestrogen levels are too low. Yes I am on Ovestin twice a week and it seemed to be helping for a few weeks but sadly the soreness and urgency feelings came back last week. I am wondering if I need to have another dose or two during the week or if the Ovestin needs longer to get into my system and work properly perhaps. So fed up of having my life so restricted by this and you all have my sympathy too.
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