uphill battle, Social Security update.


Staff member
I knew that 90% of people that apply get denied the first time. Now I have to file for reconsideration and then an appeal if that fails. On the 14th I see my GI again and have started putting together what I need to talk to her about. Then on the 21st, I see my colon surgeon and I will decide then what to do next.

I have to wait to tell SS to send me the letter to figure out what/why they denied my claim but I will be talking to my Disability Lawyer on Monday and the company the is representing me after my GI appointment on Tuesday.

It sucks that I have worked since I was 15 years old and still have to fight for what I paid into.
My sister went thru the same process. With the help of a lawyer, she prevailed. Seems to be the way things work there.
I was fortunate and I was approved the first time through it did take a year to go through the process and I had an agency that specialized in getting people through the application process help me through the process they actually visited me while I was staying in the Hospital
Hang in there! It's true that most people are denied on their initial application, but it's also true that most people who have a genuine disability, and a reasonably competent lawyer, will be approved on appeal. I've worked as a psychological examiner for many people with disabilities, and all but one were eventually approved by Social Security. It can take anywhere from 3 months to 2 years -- usually about 6 months. Don't give up!
I will never understand why deserving people are dragged through this process. My Christmas wishes for you and all the deserving people have a miracle and are able to receive their entitled benefits very soon. Merry Christmas!
@ThatFLGuy i started working at 14.

ive been fight the SS idiots for 3 years so far . but i got my health insurance company and another company my insurance deals with to approve or diney test and stuff. well they both are now representing me and have reapplied for me.

we applied in july and there's been more and faster progress this time around, compared to previous applications and appeals .

I have been paying into social security since I was eleven years old due to getting a trust fund when my father died.

Our family lawyer worked it out so my parents borrowed that money and we held a mortgage on a rental property that they owned. So due to tax law, we had to pay into social security. In 2017 that trust was closed due to finishing school and trying to get out of debt before starting my masters. Back when the trust was active I paid in 7-12K a year depending on how well my trust did on other things it was invested in.

So, I have worked and paid close to 400k in my lifetime. The crazy thing is if I never paid in at all and invested that money on my own it would be in the high millions today. Yea, Our government sucks at getting us a good return on investment.
I have a friend who is on their like 3rd try for ssdi. I got mine in 2007 for mental health stuff when I was deemed permanently disabled. Then I lost my leg so that’s an added thing. I’ve heard lawyering up helps. I think it took 3-4 months for mine to go through which I’ve been told is super rare. I’m lucky.
Yep, everyone I know who was actually granted disability had a private attorney they paid for themselves.
I got the letter in the mail today. Seems like they did not use anything from my Physical therapist and the stuff they had is not helping my case. I reached out to my service that is doing my claim and they are looking into it because the lady doing it is like WTH. My PT says that I cannot work, my PCP states that he sides with my PT. So that leaves only the letters that they got from the hospital. She is going to check them and make sure they came from my doctors and not-so-stupid security that does not know everything going on with me.

Also, I am going to be sending her the stuff for surgery as soon as I get it.
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