Staff member
I have certain issues that I need to wear diapers 24/7 and they are urnairy incontince and anxiety, insomnia are the main reason why I wear diapers. I find it very hard to do my job and have any friends or family member who understands my need for diapers. My job is very stressful and demanding. I have a hard time getting to change during the day. There is no preovice because the staff bathroom is in the break room. When I do change my coworkers will know that I wear diapers and that is stressful for me. I do see someone for issues and she thinks I should get disability from social security. I am trying but got denied, this is the second time I tried to get disability. I know that others have it and didn't have a problem getting it. It seems for me I always had a hard time with things. I also have a learning disability too. I have a hard time understanding people and I keep to myself. The only thing that helps me cope this is diapers it may sound wired but that's how I deal with my issues.