Update on my prostate caner.


Staff member
Hello i got word from my doc. Just one of the biopsy cores demonstrated low grade prostate cancer
You are probably best managed by just being followed closely, but I'd like you to come into the office and we will discuss all the options
My team will arrange this. Im thinking just get the prostate out. Im not comfortable with the idea of seeing if it progresses or not. They did the observation with my uncle. He's no longer with us.
You may want to talk to your doctor about doing an MRI. I had a similar diagnosis, ie. one biopsy core showed low grade cancer. But my doctor said he also wanted to do an MRI to make sure the biopsy didn't miss something. We did the MRI which showed significantly more cancer. So I had the prostate removed. That was 2 years ago. So far my PSA is 0. Hope it stays that way.
They did an MRI. That was how they found it besides the PSA. The biopsy was a fusion biopsy. I saw the cancer it is the size of a pea for now. PSA of 0 is awesome congrats.
Sorry to hear that you have joined the prostate cancer club; I've been a member for almost 4 years. My cancer was low grade (good) but extensive meaning I needed surgery and it was only unilateral nerve sparing. As a result, I am incontinent and padded 24/7. If your tumor is very small, only in one biopsy core and Gleason 6, is your urologist suggesting Active Surveillance? If so, consider it as surgery and radiation can both have long term side effects. I have no problem being in Depends for life but it wasn't my choice. If you are already incontinent from some other cause, prostate surgery isn't likely to make that better and there is the other main side effect to consider.
If you want to private message for further discussion, please let me know.
Best wishes for you on whatever course of action you take.
I have heard that some prostate cancer is slow growing and can just be watched. Talk it over with the doc though, if you're going to sit around and worry, maybe it's best to get it out.
Yes i know it wont help my incontinence. Mine is neurological. Im aware that ED can happen afterwords too. Im fine with that. Already have it part of the time due to my diabetes.
It depends on your age. The older you are the less likely they are to want to operate, as the cancer is more likely to be slow-growing. But peace of mind is worth a lot so I would go for the op.
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