Update ive now got my own place


Staff member
Update on me so much as gone on toio much to put here really but here goes ive now got my own place to live beats liveing in a hostel iam still in contact with mental health due to my mental health problems i still have incontinence problems both day & night but iam under the care of the incontinence service at the hospital i live with a friend i made from the homeless hostel and we share the bills cooking and cleaning and shes great company too i am still on many meds using diapers ect i just wanted to say a big thank you to you all and this is a great site keep safe Jo@nne.
Great news. It's great to hear life is looking up. Take one day at a time. Keep us posted on your progress.
Good for you and your friend. Happy for a good outcome for both of you. Even the worst situations can mostly have a good outcome.
Glad to hear it.
Good for you! At least the tide has changed course for you. Great to hear. And great to hear about that you were able to quite smoking. That is something you should celebrate 🎉 in its own right.

Great to hear and congrats!!
Very happy for you Joanne! I've wondered how you were doing and it seems you have a good support network for all your needs now. Very pleased for you!
Love to read someone's good news! Glad things are better and I love your new place.Nice photos. Congrats on quitting smoking too.
Hi,I'm very happy for you,you have a great place, I always look at it this way Joanne,there is always someone else in a worst situation than me.It doesn't mean that life is easy,but with help from friends and from people like us that you have never meet,we are all here to help on another. I thank God that I have a great wife that encourages me a lot. I congratulate you for stopping smoking. Don't forget that our pelvic floor muscles are very delicate, so to stop smoking it will help greatly, take it one day at a time. Take care Joanne, will say a prayer for you,(we all will pray for you).Take care
A very beautiful home. It sounds like things are really coming together for you. And you stopped smoking! Yes you will notice the difference in your health! You must keep your family here posted! Glad you have a friend too!
glad you were able to get your own place. I know you didn't like the hostall much. how long have you been living their now?
Hi @joanne777, Welcome back!!! It's really good to see you again and to see your new "digs!" It looks like a very attractive and comfy place and will be a great place for your continuing recovery. I'm really glad you're living there with a friend and that will make things so much easier and you won't feel so alone. And good going on not smoking any more!!! That will help your overall health in the long run! So keep looking for the positive because it is there for you so please embrace it!!! And do stop in and let us know how things are going!!!!
Wonderful news, Joanne! I am so happy for you! And I feel inspired not only by the changes you are making in your life, but also by your sharing them with us! Thank you!
Thanks for sharing. The place looks great and glad to hear that things are looking up for you. Keep hanging in there. Prayers.
Thank you all for all your kind words yes iam now getting the right kind of surport to do with my health issues and houseing thank God there are some relly nice people out there such as our private landlord she's great she's given us a chance to live and rent this relly nice house at low rent and no deposit also iam so glad I did get taken in under the mental health act and looked after as I was a mess and just wanted to end it all but after haveing treatment including electric shock and getting all my medications right and comeing off the tobacco and weed iam now feeling better it did not help losing my unborn baby and being in a very bad relationship with my ex boyfriend that's what started me going off the rails turning to bad stuff anyway once again you are all so great and and a big thank you to all of you I will keep you all posted on here about my incontinence problems and other bits
Hi,I was shedding a few tears reading your last post,my dear you have passed so many hard times and I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better,My wufe had a hard time 5 years ago,she couldn't deal with the situation that she was retired and missed being with her companions from work and also one of her sisters was giving her a hard time mentally,but with help and understanding from others she is 100% better.My dear child whenever you want to express yourself do it,their is nothing to be shy about of what you have gone through.Take care Joanne.
Hi Joanne, I have to tell you, you have been through hell and back but you are a really brave and strong woman and someone to really look up to! Your story really touched me and I gotta admit, I kind of choked up reading it. But you stuck it out and got in there and fought for your life and you did it!!!! And as far as I'm concerned you passed with flying colors!!!! And I, along with everybody else here, are really lucky and happy to know you!!! I'm sorry to hear about your unborn baby and that's something that can't change but please remember, we are here for you if you feel like you just need to reach out for any reason.
And you really lucked out with your landlord and housing arrangement and being taken in under the mental health act. That's a wonderful opportunity and I know you will fully appreciate it and know that many people are on your side.
It's as you said, there are some really nice people out there and you are definitely one of them!!!! So Joanne, please take care and let us know how you're coming along!!! You've got friends here!!!!
Joanne I'm so happy for you I know you have been in awful place so glad you have a home and getting on with life again.

Always here for you.

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