Ulcerative colitis flare


Staff member
The past several weeks I've been having significant pain from my ulcerative colitis, and last week it got bad enough that I finally messaged my doctor, and he got me in to see him today.

(TMI warning: If you're squeamish about bodily functions, you might not want to keep reading!)

Long story short, I seem to be having a flare that's different from what I'm used to - no bloody diarrhea, just pain, cramps, and intermittent diarrhea with lots of mucus alternating with constipation. Lots of nausea thrown in just to keep everything fun. Everything looked good on my last colonoscopy last May, but this has cropped up just in the past few weeks.

I'm already on mesalamine (oral and enemas), so the doctor is switching me to steroid enemas to try to calm everything down. He offered oral steroids, which I'll take if I absolutely have to, but anyone who's been on prednisone will tell that it's not much fun, so I wanted to try the topical stuff (enemas) first and see if I can avoid the systemic stuff (pills).

Unfortunately, it turns out that my insurance won't cover the cortisone enemas without a prior authorization. My doctor is trying to get that pushed through, but we'll see. I'm irritated that my insurance has put the brakes on the treatment that might get me feeling better. Hopefully they'll be quick to approve once the extra paperwork is in.

Meanwhile, the doc upped my antinausea meds (ondansetron, with promethazine as a backup) and adjusted some of my other meds. He also scheduled me for an upper GI endoscopy in September because I sometimes have things get stuck in my esophagus when I swallow; I've figured it's due to one of my meds that makes my mouth dry, but he wants to make sure I don't have scarring from my GERD, or esophageal cancer (which my mother died of).

The worst part of the appointment was that the doctor was right on time for once. That goe me out early enough that I had to call into my weekly staff meeting, which I was looking forward to skipping! ;)
Insurance companies are just awful-just wakeful. By the time they approve it, it gets worse. Having a terrible time with workmen comp, lot of my complications is from poor medical care and not acknowledging the stuff that went on. This is bullshit in a big way. I am on Medicare and it doesn't matter who pays for it in my opinion. Anyone know any law school where the students would like to learn taking on a case against the feds. I was a part time employee and lost my lawyer because there was no money in it for them. I am dropping some stuff off to my congressman tomorrow when I go to my Doctor in Naples for my 6 week check up on my shoulder.
You could have played hooky with that meeting though!
Hang tough feel well. Get as well as your sense of humor allows and good luck
I should have played hooky with the staff meeting. I spent all day today dealing with issues that came up in the meeting, that I could have happily ignored for a few more days.

I checked with the pharmacy late this afternoon, and they haven't gotten approval for the cortisone enemas. I haven't had to do this for a while (and the last time I tried, they still rejected the medication and told me to take something that I'd already tried and hadn't gotten any relief from) so I'm not sure how long it takes. Probably at least a couple of weeks. Frustrating.

The increased dose of anti-nausea meds is helping, though. That's something.
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