Ugh. I hate scum bag companies.


Staff member
Well, I thought things were finally going well.

Now my long-term disability insurance wants me to give them my whole repayment check plus extra $$$.

Waiting for my family lawyer to tell me if they have any grounds for it as the company is out of Georgia so our laws here in Pa. might affect what they can do.

It sucks because the paperwork I had to fill out says that I might have to repay an overpayment but doesn't say what that was so there was no way for me to know what they meant.

My family lawyer already said that he has never heard of this when we first brought it up but he needs to see the paperwork they sent me.
I would speak to a disability attorney ASAP! Many insurance companies build in these types of clauses such as in a car accident, so that they get reimbursed for insurance claims paid by the other insured. It sounds like they are calling the fact they were found responsible to pay your LTD they are trying to classify this as a liability claim in order to recoup some of “THIER” loss because they were found liable!
Even if you had multiple insurance policies to cover you, and paid for each, they “Were” independent of one another and they have no rights to the money YOU paid for in advance by purchasing insurance!
Each state is different, so you need to speak with someone that specializes in this type of law. I’m sorry to say, but your attorney should know this one right off the top of his head….
I know this only because when I was in the accident in 2007, I had multiple companies and was insured under each company, so they each had to pay independently of the other.
Good luck, a good attorney should be able to clarify this for you very quickly!
Thank God you already have a family lawyer! That already puts you one step ahead of the game. I agree that you shouldn't pay anything until you can hash this out with your lawyer!
I hope you can get this resolved soon! I know insurance matters can be a real bear!
A bit more.

The company in question is facing a huge class action suit over this stuff.

They are going after people like me that got SSI( Social security income) right off the bat and not SSDI Social security disability income)

And there have to be assets to take. The check that I got cannot be attached as it is not income.
@Sprung87 I agree; don’t mess with “a family attorney.” We’ve been telling you for years that you need an attorney who specializes only in disability law, rather than a generic, small-town attorney. I made the mistake of using a putt-putt attorney in the past and it definitely bit me in the ass. I should’ve gone with someone better and more legitimate right from the start. I ended up paying less to the specialist than I did to the phony, lazy, uninformed, and inexperienced putt-putt attorney.

Good luck, and sorry to hear this is happening to you. I have no idea what the laws are in this matter, so my only advice is to get a specific disability attorney.
I didn’t think of telling you this before, but I hope your “Family Lawyer” is not charging you for this stuff.
Since I’ve been an entrepreneur since the age of 16, and literally swimming in contracts (I HATE THEM! BTW) most of my professional life I have learned “The Language somewhat” and saved myself a small fortune on legal fees, there are very good reasons to have specialty lawyers.
As Snow stated this is where the Big Insurance companies HAMMER the small guy! I’ve seen some of these BIG FIRMS insert hundreds of pages of mostly unimportant minutiae just to bury the small guy and distract from the really important stuff that can really come back to bite you. Not only that you are being charged literally by the page, the surrounding language often disguises what the meaning of a statement will be when determined by a Judge…
This is nothing to mess with, it could literally cost you $ millions over time. Your future, and your ability to eat & have a roof over your head is nothing to cheap out over now.
I recently won a 7 year lawsuit against a major (Top 5) insurance company that would have cost me over $8,000,000.00!(Reimbursement for care) They utilized a number of clauses that were initially in the Affordable Care Act, but later deemed illegal by the courts. If my attorney didn’t know that 20,000+ page document I would have been SCREWED! An additional bonus was after 20+ years with this insurer they raised my rates from est. $500.00 per month to most recently $8400.00 PER MONTH! They were ordered to reinstate my coverage at the original rate + cost of living increases which is now around $800.00, less than 10% my former rate. In addition my auto rates dropped because my insurance score (Just like a credit score) skyrocketed back to where it was saving me over 30% on Home, Cars, Motorcycle etc.
This is just a true example of how you can get screwed. Not saying your family lawyer didn’t have to read thousands of pages to catch up and get to know a bit of that arena of law, but it’s a HUGE arena and what’s worth litigating or not he wouldn’t know unless he worked that end of “The Club”
You “NEED” an expert, as your case, your health and what you are going through is far more complex than “I broke my arm and it doesn’t work, so I can’t do my job anymore”. You have long road behind you and ahead, and I’d hope it’s a smooth as can be….
Good Luck & Happy New Years!
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