Trying to figure things out.


Staff member
A few people told me to look into an ostomy forum. I found a good one (OUAA) but some of the information left me with more questions.

I am trying to come up with a question to ask my surgeon on Tuesday but I have a lot of anxiety about some of it.

The big thing is having enough time to get the key answers to questions I have (the appointment is only 15 minutes)

Now my biggest question is that how long I will be in the hospital, and if the surgery will be open or laparoscopic.

The issue might have is that my past surgery might require open surgery this time.

Also, I do not know if this surgery will be removing my colon or not.

Yea, so more questions now than I had before but I feel like now I have more to ask that needs to be asked.
Hi @ThatFLGuy, Go ahead and ask those questions. You'll never know unless you ask. I can understand that appointment times are limited and the thing to do is to figure out what the biggest question will be and then prioritize. I know some things are best asked of the surgeon and other questions could be easily handled by the nurse or a PA, if the surgeon's office has one.
At the appointment the big thing you want to know is how long you'll be in the hospital and that will be your first question. And then if the surgery will be open or laparoscopic. And if I were you I would assume it's going to be open, but still you want to get that nailed down.
I know I would be really anxious if I had this appointment and the people running that office realize that and I would think they would anticipate that patients have a lot of questions. If those people don't understand that, then they are in the wrong line of work!!
And every patient contemplating that kind, or any kind of surgery has basically the same questions.
They would do well by you if they gave you brochures about the procedure. If they don't offer you one then insist on getting something you can take home and read at your leisure.
1) How long will I be in the hospital?
2) Will this be open or laparoscopic surgery?
3) Will my colon be removed or not?
It's good you're working with the OUAA forum and shows that you are getting plenty of info and insights.
I hope these tips help and will make things a bit easier when you actually talk to the surgeon.
Everyone here will be thinking of you Tuesday and I hope the appointment answers your questions and helps allay those concerns that you have.
As a retired nurse of a colon surgeon, I recommend you take a yellow legal pad and pen to have the surgeon draw out what your surgery requires. This will be a record to review and may stimulate more questions later at home. I haven’t seen that surgery laparoscopic but times have changed in the 6 years since I retired. Write down the questions you have now since you will be less pressured for time. Make sure you have Home Health to help you out at home for a few weeks. Check your anticipated supplies before surgery if you can and have some of these at home. I taught many ostomy patients care when I worked at the hospital years ago and I do try to keep up. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask any question. We as nurses have heard them all. If you have a local stony support group, check it out. Good luck and you will be fine after your surgery.
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