Traveling and TSA


Staff member
If I’m wearing a diaper and it’s wet or any other item will I get through TSA at the airport. I plan on changing just before entering the que lines
I would try and wear a dry diaper through. Not sure if a wet diaper would set off anything. Maybe explain to them you are incontinent just in case.
I would just second what mHart82 has said above. I would just try to have the diaper dry going through security lines and if it isn’t and you get pulled aside just say you are incontinent and don’t make a big deal about it.

I know that’s easier said than done. ;)


Just did this Thursday. I wore a pad through TSA. I was pulled to the side and had to have a pat down. I plan on placing the pad on after security check on return flight.
I am never wet when I go through TSA, but I always get stopped and patted down. It is what it is. No biggie.
I always pack 3 or 4 extra diapers in my carry-on, and if I'm wet before the check point, I'll change my diaper before I go thru... As far as carrying extra diapers, once when I flew, the plane was delayed due to storms, and after 2 hours, they canceled the flight!! However, everyone's check-in luggage was sent on another flight. Then they told us that we could fly out the next day!! So I'm in an airport overnight, all my clothes and diapers were in my checked bags, on another plane. Fortunately, I had two diapers in my carry-on bag, which saved me.
I have travelled to and from the States wearing a nappy and plastic pants several times without a problem. Been patted down and had my hand luggage opened. They saw my spare nappies, cream pants etc and nothing was said.
As I drip and dribble all the time my nappy would have been at least damp.
I have a card that I printed off from the TSA website where you can state any medical conditions you have. I indicated that I am incontinent and wear diapers. I may not need it, but have it just in case. I also have a card that indicates that I have a pacemaker, and should not go through the scanning machine.
I flew last summer and wore a dry diaper though the nude-o-scope. They didn't say a word either way. I also had diapers in my backpack carry-on and it was a non issue.
Having flown quite a bit since having issues, I have gone through TSA wet and dry with no issues. I do make sure I carry 3-4 diapers in my carry on. Once coming back to California from Florida we got delayed overnight, They put us in a hotel but we did not have access to our checked baggage. Keeping a few spares in your carry one can be a life saver.
Just returned from first trip since becoming incontinent. I was wary of TSA before the trip, but it went fine. Outbound I was sent trough the metal detector. On the rerun I was sent for a body scan. I did get flagged for a pat down, and informed the agent I was wearing protection for incontinence. He said OK, conducted the pat down and asked to see my cary on. After a quick look (I assume to confirm more protection and supplies) he sent me on my way.
On the water question for you.

After the tsa agent patted you down why did you say. After a quick looked in my bag (I assume to confirm more protection and supplies) he sent me on my way.

Why did you assume just to confirm for more protection etc.

I just found it very interesting to phrase it that way.

Curious on your response to me, or maybe I just find it intriguing as for me writing like that is a way of down playing one’s incontinence.
Happy to respond. The event happened during the morning rush, with a slew of passengers lined up. Once flagged by the scanner for pat down, and a pat down confirms the presence of something out of the ordinary (my diaper) I am under the impression it is an option for TSA to head to a strip search. This option takes at least two agents off the line, which during a rush is not desirable, so the agent then looks to other options. One option is to confirm my declaration of incontinence by looking for supplies in my carry on. The carry on had gone through its own scanner so the pat down agent was the second to look at it. I used “assumed” because not a lot of conversation happened and it was clear once he saw supplies consistent with incontinence, he was comfortable I was not a threat to passenger safety. The whole process took about two minutes and I am sure by being up front and open to a second viewing of my carry on, I helped the situation.
I know we can have a conversation about why the presence of incontinence protection is “out of the ordinary,” but unfortunately from the TSA perspective that is a risk they have to evaluate.
I hope that doesn't happen to me ever! Why would wearing a pad or diaper flag you for extra inspection? I think I would cry. Since I'm pretty new to this and hope not permanent, I'm very sensitive to others knowing my struggle.
Hi Sarah,

I don’t think On The Water was flagged because he was wearing protection. It’s just when one is patted down one would have to explain why there is a bulge around the waist as the persons job is to ensure flight safety. It’s not that they want to make a big deal about it but they have to be fine with their own conscience that everything is fine with said passenger to let them on their way.

Honestly it does get easier once one accepts it and it does become second nature to be truthful. For your own sake hopefully in your case Sarah it’s not permanent.


It's important to remember "the underwear bomber" who tried to blow up a jet with explosives in his underwear. The TSA folks have a very hard job to do. They can't make one mistake so we'll all be safe. Yes, it may be embarrassing/annoying to be stopped for personal health reasons, but it is intended to protect everyone from potential disaster.
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