Staff member
Hello NAFC -
Today has been a beautiful day - full of the spirit of God and beauty of the begining of the fall weather.
The leaves haven't changed yet in our area - but I'm sure they will be within the next month or two. I'm sorry if I haven't been active on the message boards as I have been dealing with a cold/pain issues where I stated in another post that I suffered from extreme leg pain a couple nights ago - which I think was from the beginings of a cold PLUS I realized my headboard support for my bed was broken so my legs sat up higher than heart and head - so I think after sleeping a night or two because of that - plus the other - I didn't have much hydration and blood flow in my legs.
When I went to the hospital - they acted like I was there for pain meds - even though I praised them for giving me the non narcotic. I just wanted anything to sooth the pain - I felt like somebody had chopped my legs from the knee down.
My significant other whom has been my roommate is gone now - he left the other night and took the cats. I miss them terribly so - his mom is a cat hoarder and I didn't want them to get put in cages for the rest of there lifespan here on earth - but I know my eldest cat won't live too much longer in that environment; and our Kitten whom has slept with me every night - has always been an active cat and doesn't like cages - and she always bonded with me.
But he took them away from me - an act of spiteful revenge I suppose.
In the healthcare field - does anybody know anything about the Patient Bill of Rights? I'm wondering because when I went to the hospital I was admitted and administered pain medication but the healthcare team did not answer my calls for a blanket and so that I could politely tell them I had to use the restroom. My bladder spasms haven't been bad in the sense that I am constantly going and urgency rates have gone down due to dehydration - but I called three times for a blanket because I was too embarrassed because anything that has to do with bladder issues I get embarrassed about - and due to being a victim of haneious acts - I know that the Lord Jesus Christ would answer when others cannot.
Finally I was able to get a nurse who told me where it was - but I don't think the private healthcare conglomerates can identify there inequities. After having a full bag of iv fluids in me - I only went a little bit. Which I think said alot of my hydration levels and my urgency issues.
Its sad really - even with the pain medicine and my legs feeling better - the pressure in my bladder stayed the same. Just thankfully it was not pain like it usually is.
I think about living in constant pain from bladder conditions and my life - and I wonder if that's what they truly want me to live with. In pain. Does anybody who remembers Public Hospitals in America remember how much better people were treated compared to private healthcare corporations? My biggest fear is that due to being a victim of a civil rights case - is private healthcare groups fudging or cooking the books on people's healthcare records to state things that are not true - to protect them from legal risk. I talked to this to my mom the night i was in the hospital because I asked them to test me for Covid - and they did so after they had already printed my discharge paperwork.
Why would they test somebody for something after they discharged them without telling them they have an illness that could possibly infect others or put others at risk of being exposed to a virus? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of what Healthcare is all about?
My mom and grandmother have been helping me out on getting on the right tract of getting assistance and going to appointment - so that I can go to a group home temporarily because my mom and I are looking at affordable income based apartments. But I am thankful in the sense that I will be able to have peers to assist me in helping me with daily goals and financial management and things that will help me live a better life.
I spent the day out with my dad today - and I had a good time with him. He's been rather quiet but my mom says it's because he is in a rock and a hard place. But I pray and beg to the Lord that he will fight for me just as the Lord is doing - as I know deep down I will always love him. I am trying to remain positive and think of happy memories so that I can continue to cherish more times with him - and am thankful for everything he has done. I love him.
I told him I missed the cats - but he didn't really say much but talked about life and things - and I got to see my grandmother again; whom I dearly love.
I pray that things will continue to work out in that regard.
That's my life update; in regards to bladder issues - I'm still working on dehydration so luckily I have barely been going if at all like I said prior - so luckily the spasms haven't been bad.
If anybody could - please pray for my cats whom I feel I have abandoned even though they were taken from me - all I want is for them to be in a nice, safe, and clean home - where they can be happy together.
Blessings In Christ,
Today has been a beautiful day - full of the spirit of God and beauty of the begining of the fall weather.
The leaves haven't changed yet in our area - but I'm sure they will be within the next month or two. I'm sorry if I haven't been active on the message boards as I have been dealing with a cold/pain issues where I stated in another post that I suffered from extreme leg pain a couple nights ago - which I think was from the beginings of a cold PLUS I realized my headboard support for my bed was broken so my legs sat up higher than heart and head - so I think after sleeping a night or two because of that - plus the other - I didn't have much hydration and blood flow in my legs.
When I went to the hospital - they acted like I was there for pain meds - even though I praised them for giving me the non narcotic. I just wanted anything to sooth the pain - I felt like somebody had chopped my legs from the knee down.
My significant other whom has been my roommate is gone now - he left the other night and took the cats. I miss them terribly so - his mom is a cat hoarder and I didn't want them to get put in cages for the rest of there lifespan here on earth - but I know my eldest cat won't live too much longer in that environment; and our Kitten whom has slept with me every night - has always been an active cat and doesn't like cages - and she always bonded with me.
But he took them away from me - an act of spiteful revenge I suppose.
In the healthcare field - does anybody know anything about the Patient Bill of Rights? I'm wondering because when I went to the hospital I was admitted and administered pain medication but the healthcare team did not answer my calls for a blanket and so that I could politely tell them I had to use the restroom. My bladder spasms haven't been bad in the sense that I am constantly going and urgency rates have gone down due to dehydration - but I called three times for a blanket because I was too embarrassed because anything that has to do with bladder issues I get embarrassed about - and due to being a victim of haneious acts - I know that the Lord Jesus Christ would answer when others cannot.
Finally I was able to get a nurse who told me where it was - but I don't think the private healthcare conglomerates can identify there inequities. After having a full bag of iv fluids in me - I only went a little bit. Which I think said alot of my hydration levels and my urgency issues.
Its sad really - even with the pain medicine and my legs feeling better - the pressure in my bladder stayed the same. Just thankfully it was not pain like it usually is.
I think about living in constant pain from bladder conditions and my life - and I wonder if that's what they truly want me to live with. In pain. Does anybody who remembers Public Hospitals in America remember how much better people were treated compared to private healthcare corporations? My biggest fear is that due to being a victim of a civil rights case - is private healthcare groups fudging or cooking the books on people's healthcare records to state things that are not true - to protect them from legal risk. I talked to this to my mom the night i was in the hospital because I asked them to test me for Covid - and they did so after they had already printed my discharge paperwork.
Why would they test somebody for something after they discharged them without telling them they have an illness that could possibly infect others or put others at risk of being exposed to a virus? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of what Healthcare is all about?
My mom and grandmother have been helping me out on getting on the right tract of getting assistance and going to appointment - so that I can go to a group home temporarily because my mom and I are looking at affordable income based apartments. But I am thankful in the sense that I will be able to have peers to assist me in helping me with daily goals and financial management and things that will help me live a better life.
I spent the day out with my dad today - and I had a good time with him. He's been rather quiet but my mom says it's because he is in a rock and a hard place. But I pray and beg to the Lord that he will fight for me just as the Lord is doing - as I know deep down I will always love him. I am trying to remain positive and think of happy memories so that I can continue to cherish more times with him - and am thankful for everything he has done. I love him.
I told him I missed the cats - but he didn't really say much but talked about life and things - and I got to see my grandmother again; whom I dearly love.
I pray that things will continue to work out in that regard.
That's my life update; in regards to bladder issues - I'm still working on dehydration so luckily I have barely been going if at all like I said prior - so luckily the spasms haven't been bad.
If anybody could - please pray for my cats whom I feel I have abandoned even though they were taken from me - all I want is for them to be in a nice, safe, and clean home - where they can be happy together.
Blessings In Christ,