Yeah; I can hear you there.
I haven't been on here cause of health issues - but can relate in the sense that I haven't been on here to be able to update everyone - so that's kinda my "what if" - I'm part of a couple of communities but haven't been active the past few days due to being physically ill.
I figured out what seemed to be the issue though; the head support of my bed broke a little bit and my head and my heart were lower than the legs part of my bed/mattress. I think sleeping in a position for so long where my legs were higher than my heart - caused the severe leg pain (even though the Emergency Room called it "acute") - because I tested negative for COVID - allegedly per the Hospital.
It's never fun waiting for results for tests either - so I will be praying for you and making sure the Lord shines his Light, Warmth and Love down upon you during this time.
Blessings In Christ,