This message board does not exist for you to “save” people

@jeffswet EJ’s private parts are absolutely pertinent to his discussion of incontinence. This forum is full of rednecks.
@billliveshere As usual, you are a good voice of reason. But @AlasSouth , I usually agree with you, but after been bullied my entire life by the Mormons, I will not be bullied by any other religion, either, nor will I apologize for something another person offends me with.
@Cajunfisherman The problem is that the proselytizers don’t keep their comments to themselves by making objective statements, like, “I’m a Catholic,” or “I’m a Christian.” No, they have to drag down on other people with their stupid comments about how they’re praying for us. THAT IS VIOLATING.
You wrote, “What makes the catholic church look so bad(they are by far the worst offenders) is the fact that other priests go to extreme lengths to hide the crimes of their priests and then shuffle those offenders to other churches and districts instead of reporting these crimes to law enforcement.” Ever read about the Mormons? They have far more men in positions of power at every level. They do the same crap the Catholics do with the shuffling around.
Hi @snow, admittedly I don't know a whole lot about Mormons and please correct me if I'm wrong. But from what I can discern, that religion is very much hierarchy-based and they take that extremely seriously. That church is divided into districts and there is a bishop as head of the district. The bishop is the top cat for the whole district. And the word is "thou shalt not disobey thy bishop."
What the bishop says goes!! If he says the sky is green, then the sky is green! If he decides that Mr. So-and-So will not marry Miss So-and-So then that's it, no further discussion. It seems extremely repressive.
And are there no female bishops???? If the answer to that is no, then that would not surprise me one bit!!!
I read a book (forgot the title) years ago about a doctor in a small Mormon town in Wyoming, I think it was in the Little Big Horn region. You may know that book. But he used his position as the town's only doctor to abuse his Mormon women patients. There was a long drawn out court trial and the whole thing was a mess!!
But as far as the forum is concerned, we just need to coexist!!! We are all here to help each other and we do that job really well! And we shouldn't lose sight of that!
I've thought I said my piece and probably too often,too, obliquely. But there's a deep anger in me so here I go again.
I've been on this forum as long as most anyone and alot of the people who helped me over these years are silent now.

I've experienced everything you have opened up as topics every abuse every indignity.

Why did you join the forum? Because WE ARE ALL INCONTINENT.
PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL of each other. It's a multi faceted afair being incontinent. What ever you want to bring to this forum be respectful of EACH OTHER or don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Sorry to vent but there it is.
Wow, that is a lot of hate being slung around snow. Unfortunate. Perhaps scroll past things you disagree with. We're all here for support and not all people of faith are rednecks, stupid, bigots or any other slur you want to throw around. I'm a believer, but keep it to myself online these days precisely because of the type of vitriol thrown towards believers that is on display here.

Perhaps justej is right, and it's time to find a new support forum.
Hey Guys,

So I think the main concern we have expressed and covered I think is a communications issue. I think if the @NAFC were to update the forum to be more user friendly - we could separate topics to allow people to focus on certain issues and concerns.

In the NAFC board - we could have it separated to five main forums


Urinary Support
Bowel Support
Life and Other Support
Off Topic

At the behest of myself, I would kindly ask the @NAFC to archive this topic on the mutual respect that we all have for the original poster. As we have not heard from them for a long period of time since the beginning of this thread - I think we can all agree we should do the right thing and consider this topic closed and archived.

Unfortunately, I do not know what goes on at the National Association so I cannot speak on behalf of them - I am just mutually voicing the overall concern and coming up with a plausible solution that would work for all people.

Of course - Other concerns would arise with mature users who are used to the style of this board format and of course - I would ask the NAFC to give us a heads up if any work would be done to this forum to allow the people who aren't tech savvy that are loyal to this community to be able to adapt and voice there concerns and questions.

This is all I can think of to help our situation - so that we can continue to build, grow, and further foster support for those with Continence issues.

With Love and Mutual Respect for all people,

Venting is a very good thing. I sense that you feel better after doing so, and that's a good thing. I'm here for the incontinence info and that's it. I did find Honeeecombs's poem enjoyable, albeit true.
Hi @Honeeecomnbs and all, I think your suggestions are great!! Very constructive and will enhance this forum so those of us who take it seriously will continue to be able to enjoy it and enjoy the relationships we have.
And I very much agree with you that this thread has served its usefulness and needs to be closed and archived. We shouldn't lose sight of what this forum's main intent is and that's to provide support for everyone and really and honestly religion and politics has no part in doing that. None whatsoever! I'm sure there are plenty of forums that focus on politics and/or religion, should anyone be interested in such.
Thank you @Honeeecombs for being a great member of this community and for your helpfulness!!
@billliveshere Your understanding of Mormons is correct. I’m glad you understand. On that note, I’m going to be nicer about them on the forum because I know there are at least two of them here.
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