Hi @snow, admittedly I don't know a whole lot about Mormons and please correct me if I'm wrong. But from what I can discern, that religion is very much hierarchy-based and they take that extremely seriously. That church is divided into districts and there is a bishop as head of the district. The bishop is the top cat for the whole district. And the word is "thou shalt not disobey thy bishop."
What the bishop says goes!! If he says the sky is green, then the sky is green! If he decides that Mr. So-and-So will not marry Miss So-and-So then that's it, no further discussion. It seems extremely repressive.
And are there no female bishops???? If the answer to that is no, then that would not surprise me one bit!!!
I read a book (forgot the title) years ago about a doctor in a small Mormon town in Wyoming, I think it was in the Little Big Horn region. You may know that book. But he used his position as the town's only doctor to abuse his Mormon women patients. There was a long drawn out court trial and the whole thing was a mess!!
But as far as the forum is concerned, we just need to coexist!!! We are all here to help each other and we do that job really well! And we shouldn't lose sight of that!