I really tried to avoid this thread, but given all the attention it is receiving, I feel compelled to jump in. In this post, I intend to bring it back to the issue of incontinence as well, but I want to bring up a few personal issues first.
To begin, I am not a Christian. I was not raised a Christian. In fact, my first real encounter with the Christian narrative was seeing “Life of Brian” when I was 16. (I love Monty Python.) I’ve had friends, roommates, and sexual partners, who were Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and atheist, and we were able to respect each other, despite our differences. And in the decades since I was 16, I have learned more – much more in fact. I have spent over half a century mastering biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, and I have a working, but poor, knowledge of koine Greek. Biblical history is one of my professional specialties.
One other thing I know about is PTSD. I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and understand the many ways it impacts people. One of these just happens to be secondary enuresis and other issues pertaining to incontinence. I’ve participated in many group therapy sessions and encountered numerous victims of sexual and other forms of abuse by clergy. I’ve met middle-aged Catholic men, who will not even walk on the same street as a church (I’m actually thinking of one in particular, but I have met more). The scars run deep, when there is abuse, and often, religion of any kind can trigger fierce, visceral reactions. Let’s be real. You would not tell someone who was raped by a priest (or rabbi or imam) to go to a church (or synagogue or mosque) to pray for forgiveness and be cured. They are survivors, who have developed coping strategies to survive. Respect that.
For more information, check out
https://www.snapnetwork.org/ . While it began as a Catholic group, it has members from all religious groups.
I do not known Justej. I had no idea that he was not cis until he was outed in this thread (shame on whomever outed him). But his reaction was prompted by a post, “Chosen,” encouraging people to watch a film about Jesus. It had nothing to do with incontinence. It was, what Chaps54 might call “flasher evangelism” (I like that term). This was followed by comments, and I paraphrase, read the Bible in the translation of your choice (I prefer the original language) again and again, and realize that we are all sinners.” To quote Life of Brian, “I’m not.” That’s a particular theology, but it is not a theology shared by everyone. I also saw remarks like, “I didn’t say anything about you being trans…” as if that was some horrible flaw, rather than just who someone is as a person. Imagine how that affects other trans, gay, bi, etc., people on the board reading this. They come for support and suddenly they are not accepted.
Anyway, if you read this far, thank you. I will end with what I said much earlier. I recognize that some people are helped by religion, but I also believe that some people are hurt by religion too. There is no “one cure fits all.” So, lets avoid talking about religion. I believe we can help a lot more people that way. Isn’t that what it is all about?