This message board does not exist for you to “save” people


Staff member
I come back from taking a break and see not one but two Jesus posts. We get it. You’re into god. But can we chill out with these religious posts? Not everyone here is Christian. If I started posting about being a Muslim or Hindu or something it probably wouldn’t go over very well. Im to the point of deleting my account.
Do you not have the self control to skip the threads you don’t like? I skip plenty if they don’t apply to me. That way we don’t need the thread police. 👍🏻
@Cajunfisherman there are people whose every response and every post talk down to the “non believers” and it only being one way. It gets REALLY old. I guess it is time for me to delete my account
@justej Please don't go! Find your posts really informative and, being a fellow wheelchair user, they're a great source of information.

For what it's worth (don't want to get into an argument with anyone) I completely agree. I've been giving the Long Covid group I'm in on Facebook a wide berth as it's become clogged up with religious, anti-vaxx and snake-oil cure posts and it's really made me appreciate this place. I came for incontinence advice way back when but this board is so much more than that and a real lifeline as there are no disability groups in my area.

I guess that the general thing of 'no politics or religion' is a bit of a difficult one in a forum concerned with disability though as often governments don't provide enough for disabled people causing issues and religion is a coping strategy for many.
I feel the same way EJ. I respect other people wanting to encourage each other and if someone says they are praying for some one can accept that meaning they are concentrating their good wishes in ones direction in a manner that is effective to their being.
I read posts here find it overwhelmingly men but I have personally benefitted so much over several years of what is the most benign form of incontinence (late onset nocturia possibly due to a slip and fall) that made me feel so alone and ashamed. I've come to a place of self acceptance and even better health (no spasms less nocturnal flow) however it does grate on my nerves to open a post and religion is the topic.
I stayed on to be inspired by the coping mechanisms and salute the small triumphs. I've learned that no matter how good health insurance one has the magic pills and operations are not be a fix I will participate in but kudos if they help another or you are willing to try. Live and let live but please don't proselytize. Now I'm tired I have next to nothing more to add to the forum.
Sci_Fi_Fan - I'm with you. Don't go EJ! I agree that the religious posts are somewhat condescending. I choose to overlook those lines, because I used to be a full-blown Christian and I understand where they are coming from. I read a quote from someone many years ago that basically said, "Whatever it is that you love the most, you want to share." Now my focus is on reality and I no longer believe that I am an alien on the earth. Your contributions to this site do more to help everyone here than all the prayers. Don't go.
justej said:
@Cajunfisherman there are people whose every response and every post talk down to the “non believers” and it only being one way. It gets REALLY old. I guess it is time for me to delete my account

Who is talking you down? Not me or the others.
Please quote someone if you can.

I ignore your posts about your sexuality without complaining about it.

Just ignore us.
@MezaJarJarBinks when have I “talked about my sexuality” but great way to further push people away with your bigotry

I have NEVER made a post about my “sexuality” I have had people private message me though that they are afraid to even mention who they are because of religious posts.
Meza Jar Jar Binks he doesn't try to get anyone to be "like him" he doesn't elaborate or offer his lifestyle a a path.
justej said:
@MezaJarJarBinks when have I “talked about my sexuality” but great way to further push people away with your bigotry

You and someone else were comparing which kind of trans you were. I never commented about it when you said it. Please explain where I said anything bad about anyone.

Who is name calling here - not me.
Folks, this forum has been sooooooo important to me since I joined it. I have learned from it and tried to share on it, too.

If I get into an actual verbal conversation with someone who says or does something I don't like or disagree with, I simply excuse myself from the situation or don't respond. I do not leave the building though. I know there are others who I can talk to, learn from, and share with.

I do the same thing here. Everyone here knows that life is too short to get into squabbles that can't and/or won't be solved. Hang in there and appreciate whatever positive things you take away from here.

One man's opinion
justej: I, for one, hope you don't delete your account. You can be an inspiration.

Hey, everyone! My mother (and certain elementary school teachers) used to say: Apologize and shake hands. Funny how much more that makes sense when you are older. I remember resenting that, but it did patch things up.

Well, it is a forum for coping, and while not everyone "goes to religion" for help coping, many do. Some of us need reminding, too (like me when I'm at my most depressed). It might be more polite to make it more general so it makes it clear it can be most or any religion, or even a higher ethic if you prefer that language. Or any form of meditation.

Just saying. Stick around.
Honestly it's so easy to skip the post you don't like.
I'm not religious so don't take notice of religious posts I just move onto to the next post or threads I'm interested in.
This is supposed to be a site that talks about dealing with incontinence. I recently joined, but only joined to learn more about incontinence, remedies and how to deal with it.
Actually, justej, you have in fact spoken of your sexual identity- you seem to think that people need to know about your sex-change operation (or plans, I'm not sure which), but really, it isn't pertinent to the topic of the board. As for anyone talking down to others, well, I haven't seen it. But if that is what you are going to call it, then you must think that once you have 'put it out there,' it is 'truth' because, after all, you can't unring a bell... Here's the thing- if you are going to talk about the elements of your life, then you have to tolerate it when others talk about certain elements of their lives. I don't know if you've counted, but there's more than one of us on this board who live by our faith. As for your leaving the board, if I'm not mistaken, this isn't the first time you have threatened that. If you want to go, then do so- leave. The way it is, it appears that you do this every so often just to see how many others will 'beg' you to stay.
jeffswet said:
Actually, justej, you have in fact spoken of your sexual identity- for some reason, you seem to think that people need to know about your sex-change operation (or plans, I'm not sure which), but really, it isn't pertinent to the topic of the board. As for anyone talking down to others, well, I haven't seen it. But if that is what you are going to call it, then you must think that once you have 'put it out there,' it is 'truth' because, after all, you can't unring a bell... Here's the thing- if you are going to talk about the elements of your life, then you have to tolerate it when others talk about certain elements of their lives. I don't know if you've counted, but there's more than one of us on this board who live by our faith. As for your leaving the board, if I'm not mistaken, this isn't the first time you have put that out there. If you want to go, then do so- leave. The way it is, it appears that you do this every so often just to see how many others will 'beg' you to stay.

Thank you! @jeffswet
I was trying not to say the obvious. You did it tactfully.
Can we all just agree to keep religion and politics off this board. We've been doing quite well with that until now.
I have been keeping my mouth shut, but I'm beginning to see that we're whipping a dead horse!!! We could go on with this all night so let's all agree once again to keep religion and politics which are subjects that have been dividing people lately, out of this. I know it's easy to get sucked into to this but let's just keep this in a supportive vein. I agree that life is too short for us to get bogged down in this nonsense that takes us away from the real reason why this forum exists.
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