Things we all have to deal with that annoy us. "Add to the list"


Staff member
1) Hospital/Doctors office Hold music.

2) Getting stuck in traffic.

3) Having diaper/incontinence ads on every page you visit.
LOL. I had to tweak some google settings to get rid of those annoying ads. Unfortunately I ignored them for a while and passed my phone to a friend to read an article and forgot one of those ads popped when she scrolled down. Not very comfortable moment for me but she didn't say anything.
I agree, doctors office hold music is very annoying. My doctor has classical guitar music (I think it's classical guitar but I'm no expert!) and one day I needed to ask a question. So I drove to the doctor's office and talked to the receptionist.
I told her that I tried calling but "all I'm getting is a guitar concert and no one answers!"
Well she was very nice and chuckled at my "concert review" and did answer my question. They gave me a card that specifically addresses the issues of not being able to get through on the phone and an email address to contact them.
@justej hahaha.

And having to pay bills is something that just never stops it seems!!! Any more I dread going to my mailbox!
Here's another thing that annoys me these days. Going into the supermarket and seeing prices that have suddenly increased. As in "But that wasn't the price two days ago........"
Picking up prescriptions. UGG. Getting my second covid shot this morning and got a text saying I have pills to pick up.

I swear sometimes I am like a walking pharmacy.

Making sure not to fall asleep wherever and whenever I want to if I am not wearing a full diaper.
Here's wishing that your second covid shot goes well with minimal side effects and that you know you're doing what you need to do for everyone around you.
I went shopping with my wife yesterday and had a accident leaked out on to my pants.We were not done shopping so had to finish with a big wet spot on my pants glad the temp was about 80+ so they did dry but still a PAIN.
Okay, I got a few good ones.

Matching socks. Like why!
I know darn well I put both of them in the wash and dryer so, where did the other one go?

Maybe this is just me...

Wiping my butt with toilet paper.
Baby/wet wipes are the best thing since sliced bread.

Nats... Like why do we need these annoying bugs?
They ju jus ju jus just bug the hell out of me.

Jake brakes.
I know why they exist, but why do they have to be so dang loud?

Also, cars that some young kid decided to make a sound like WWIII just started.

People not replacing the toilet paper roll at stores.
Hence why I always have wet wipes.

People with cell phones that stand in the way when I am trying to take photos with an actual camera (Use to be a bigger annoying thing to me but cell phones have come a long way)
Yes politics for sure, especially these days!!! And politics (and politicians) definitely the thing we all love to hate!!!!😠😠😠
Okay, got another one... Shipping delays!!!

Who else has sat at home waiting because FedEx or UPS said stuff would be their and it did not come on time.
Hold music! Most of my Docs are through the Hospital. It has a "Patient Portal", and the independents do to. I'm amazed at how quick I get a response, and no Hold Muzac. Here's the best part: They don't sell my info or email address to anyone! Now that qualifies as a miracle! Patient portals vary - some even let you make appointments. Now I'm careful what I send on the weekend, as some reply then for something minor.
The worst medical sites for passing on your info are the ones that are suppliers. CVS seems to be good, but not the site where I get diabetes items like compression socks
FLGuy: I no longer use Google. They track you and sell your info - some of which is none of their business. Try DuckDuckGo, or any of the others that concentrate on "no tracking". It used to be I'd buy something, go to my news site, and there already was an ad for the very same thing thing & company. That fast. Most have privacy settings, although Google made it hard to find, for me.
Every once in a while, some website won't deal with me until I turn off my ad-blocker. So I don't deal with them.
My VPN (Virtual Private Network) helps a whole lot, although some sites think I'm in L.A., or Seattle,, or somewhere. If I use a site, they give me directions to someplace hundreds of miles away - so I have to change them to "my Store", or "unsubscribe", or whatever.
Mostly, I refuse "cookies", or eliminate them later. Not for my banking website, though.
Isn't it nice when you get one of those "direct" numbers instead of the general number?
Try "unsubscribe". Works for me!
Never click on "click bait".
NEVER sign up on a political site! I live in Alaska, and somehow am getting ads for a politician running in Ohio?!?! (Left over form the last national election - so I do a lot of unsubscribing....)
Bills on time? What's worse is bills late due to new Post Office changes. Then you get Late Payment fees!
Did you know all those missing socks go to the dark side of the moon? NASA found them with that new space telescope.
Finally, Those places where you call in for help or even ordinary business and get one of those AIs - artificial intelligence - usually with a "phone tree" that never has the choice you need, or makes you waste an hour trying to navigate, getting dropped, going back, over and over. Grrrrrr!
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