They said I would grow out of it 27 years on


Staff member
27 year old female from UK and Ive suffered for far to long with this crippling and embarrassing problem since 3 years old.
Firstly the doctor said it was emotional due to my parents spilt. As I got a little older maybe 6/7 the hospital said it was a scar on one of the kidneys. In my teens I became a lost corse and a laughing stock at my high school.Bullied at home from my mum and at school lead to low self a steam and no confidence with low grades I had not much of a future. Id like to say that some miracle happend and some how its all better and I have a wonderful life now!!! Hahaha yeah right its more harder now than ever. As much as I try not let it control my life it fucking dose. The tablets dont do anything,the alarm wakes up my next door neighbour instead of me. The plastic covers /pants can only last so long and it dosent fix the actual problem. Ive asked so many times. ....pleaded evan begged to give me the surgery and I can at least have a chance of a Sunday morning lie in or sleep at a friends without making a excuse for leaving. Also not to embarrass myself around my daughter !!! its so exhausting now Iam literally fucking drowning some days I have gone to that dark place because... hey I bet id finally get a good nights sleep. But I snap out it and just keep swimming keep on going I wont let this problem get the better of me I just wont.
Good suggestion Ben. It sounds like you are just managing bladder issues Penny, so I might suggest the Abri-Flex Level 3. It's protective underwear with amazing absorption. Ben's idea is good, but you may find it a little easier to work with the protective underwear vs. the brief.
Good Luck!
What brand of absorbent product are you using? For night time use, I don't worry about discretion and go with the most absorbent product available. It is the difference between getting a full night sleep and having to change once or twice in the middle of the night
I started wetting the bed as an adult...we'll I wet once or twice a year my whole life so it was hardly a problem. Over the last year I developed overactive bladder and wet just about every night now. Maybe one dry night out of 10 or more.

It's been very hard on me as well. I started soaking the bed with my wife sleeping with me. I had to keep waking her up to tell her we needed to strip the bed. I had loads of daily laundry to do. I dealt that with this for a while before realizing hey you know know what? You need diapers! That realization was enlightening because it forced me to really recognize my problem. It was damning because it dumped a new level of embarrassment on me. When I came home with diapers and showed them to my wife i was so mortified. But she was SO supportive and agreed it was a good idea. Wearing them the first night with her in bed was very hard on me. But waking up the next morning in a dry bed and wet diaper was so much better! Over the months I've gotten used to wearing them. I sleep so much better now.

In the meantime I saw a urologist and went through the battery of invasive tests. I was diagnosed with OAB and given pills. The pills at best shaved a wet night or two off per week but for me had unbearable side effects. I saw no point in taking pills that didn't completely resolve my wetting. I now accept that I need to wear diapers to bed. It's not something I enjoy but it's such a relief to come to that acceptance. It really has not impacted intimacy with the wife. We just work around it..

We've gone on overnight stays out of state at her friends house and I just packed my diapers. I was very nervous about wetting their bed so I put very heavy booster pads in my already very heavy diapers (I wear abena L4, Seni Quatro, or Northshore Supremes) and had no problem on that trip. I wet my diaper both nights but our friends bed was dry. I also put absorbant disposable bed pads down but didn't even need them. We just packed the wet diapers up in plastic and took them back home with us. No one knew. There no reason you cant sleep away from home! Just use adequate protection. When in doubt, wear MORE than you even think you need. You'll have peace of mind

I also bought leakmaster PUL pullup diaper to wear over everything. These are like plastic pants but with absorbant material. Trust me, an Abena level 4, abri let maxi, and these PUL diapers, nothing will leak. It's a lot of bulk to sleep in but who cares?

If you wet a lot during the day, get good high end diapers and you'll be fine. Personally I'm not even a candidate for surgery yet but I'd rather wear diapers than get major surgery. These surgeries often have serious negative results and to me a diaper is a better choice. Good luck.
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