The Roller Coaster ride of Medicaid.


My insurance plan will cover products but what they supply is garbage. I would rather pay out of pocket for stuff I know works for me than become more of a shut-in because what they give me is garbage.

It is sad that those of us with incontinence have to fight so hard to get what we need to live a somewhat normal life.

I have a cousin that has advanced CP and is mentally delayed. Well, when she hit Pennsylvania was going to cut her off. Her mental age is one. She has never spoken, walked, or feed herself in her life. She is on a feeding tube has never been out of diapers.

After three months the state finally sent someone to do an assessment and now she has everything she should have had a long time ago. She never had a walker or anything growing up and now the state is providing everything.

There were countless requests for this care but never got any help.

The sad part is that for 21 years my aunt was her main caregiver but now the state is very involved in her care almost so much that they have to get cleared to take her places.

It should never be this hard to just get the care we need.
Ad with nearly every insurance company, they go the cheapest route first, hoping that will suffice. Then it takes an act of congress to get what actually will work for you.
You are all so right & input so good. Worked an office, sole worker, salary, ended up 12+ hr days, 10 on Sat., an occassional Sunday. 9 years fighting Med Insurance Company for 650 employees, and the employer. The HR dept made medical decisions (illegally), breaking Contractual & State Laws, often contrary to Doctor. Had a State Supreme Court decision against them & they ignored it. They figured we didn't have the money for Lawyers all over again. We were mostly all under 65, hardly anyone had to deal with Medicare (except for the nightmare of disability when the state, and Medicare, competed to see who could deny & delay the most) Medicare lost nationwide when "someone" working for them leaked the memo ordering the workers to automatically deny the 1st 2 steps! Yes, Medicare was stupid enough to have put it on paper and fire anyone who refused without a written order! Our Congressman got involved & he was senior on Appropriations!)
And we won't even talk about how many grievances I had to file per year. We knew stuff we weren't supposed to from disgusted moles in employer's offices. Thank You, Lord.
9 years of that. NINE! It finally wore me out. So much of what you/we experience is deliberate or consequence of Profit-driven system. A Pope a few ago called it "Predatory Capitalism". He got called a Commie by certain members of Congress. The Pope is a Communist! I never would have guessed....
People, Despair should be one of the 7-deadly-sins, but we need to not give in. THANK YOU, all of you that fight the system. Bless you.
Predatory capitalism is an ugly truth! And it's uninformed people who put those clowns in Congress in the first place. You've heard of buyer beware; well this should be voter beware!!!!
One can only hope @BarbaraDrabek! I can think of a bunch who need ot be turned out to pastier right this very instant!! Along with some governors especially the disaster who is governor of the state where I live now!!!
That should read: "I can think of a bunch who need to be turned out to pasture right this very instant!!! I think my typing "skills" are already enjoying their exile in the local pasture!!!
My typing skills are not that great either. my fingers and brain don't always work together as well as they should. I notice I misspelled life, it came out lit. Term life-this disagreement was big thing when our rules and laws were being developed-some water term life like the the Supreme Court for the Senate so they settled on 6 years. I think this is a great time and maybe let them have 2-3 terms, but that is it. Then go out and work like the rest of us. The house -4-5 terms would be enough. I hope we get this though-this would be such a blessing to our country. Big business would not be able to control and influence so much. Ike told us back the the 1950's to be aware and be good stewards. Our lives were too easy then. Johnson in feeling over whelmed for the terrible way the blacks were living came up with the well fair for kids and they got involved in drugs and the family unit was broken down in the black culture. This is not good, I know if I had had kids, I would have needed a husband-their Father to help raise them. IT is too hard on your own and so many are doing it alone which they cannot provide the basis of life and make sure then kids stay away form the evils of this culture today-especially drugs. It is so important to study and learn to have a good quality life and help others.

I took typing in grade school due to my extensive history of dysgraphia. I was lucky that some of the things that would have prevented me from making it to graduation were set aside due to my individual learning plan (IEP).

Lucky when I went off to college there were things in place as well to help me get by.

I used Grammarly a lot and even had a paid membership during college and I also used the university writing center to get a pre-edit on all of my big papers.
Hang in there Bud.
My hope and wish and prayer is you get to a place of no pain living a life without this being its focus anymore.
BarbaraDrabeck: 2 things. U allow too many terms for them. And, they should absolutely not get unlimited health care, they shouldn't get it for life. It only takes 5 years (not terms; years) to get that "for life". That's 1 term for Senate, 3 terms for house.
Maybe then they'd pay attention to the health care most of the rest of us aren't getting....
Thank You for the information Alas South, I was not aware of this, thank you for educating me. This also needs to change-we need to make this more public which I will do. Blessings-let keep the faith.
Along with the term limits no more free health care and no private health care system which is the biggest problem in my opinion, not having the same as everyone else. Obama signed an executive order exempted congress and their staff to the health care plans that we much follow. To me this is the real reason, they do not pay attention, They do not have the same plan at all. They think because they went from one term to 3 term for congress that they were doing enough-no they were not. The camps for the illegals are bakeries for the virus and all the staff are getting sick. Someone told me that are shipping the illegals with virus to other states. I hope this is not true. This is going to be a tough time for all of us-big time.
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