The nightmare happened.


Staff member
I’m sitting in my car right now, freaking out. I had the moment. The one we all fear.

At the busy grocery store… IN TOWN, as in I’m sure I knew someone that saw. I was grabbing some items off the shelf and a little kid said really loud, “look mommy, that man wet his pants.” In that moment, it was loud enough for people to hear it and it went dead silent.

Everyone in the vicinity turned and looked at me. I can’t say I saw anyone laugh, because I didn’t see expressions because everything went into a panicked blur.

I ran to my car and sure enough my pull-up leaked and it ran down my leg super obviously. I didn’t even realize I was wet when it happened.I am ready to cry. Ready to just drive off a bridge.

I’m just going to go home, order groceries, get changed and just curl up in bed. I hate this.
Hey, it's OK. Stuff happens. Sorry this happened to you (but things could be worse). It does not change who you are or what you are worth as a person. Yes, curl up in bed for a while but then get up and live your life as best you can. Doesn't matter what other people saw or what they think -- maybe some people have compassion for those of us who have problems - we all have problems, just some are more visible than others. Be easy on yourself!
Oh an that is indeed a nightmare. I had similar wearing light beige pants. It was summer
What I learned is to have a loose open men's dress shirt style shirt I can take off and tie at waist if I continue to stubbornly wear light colored pants (which I do in the summer). Alternatively carry a similar or double of the ones I'm wearing rolled up in my bag.
Wearing jeans or dark color pants can be a concealing factor.

Please do take a breath and get on with the day. You are a problem solver. You're going to find a way to be prepared.
Take a deep breath, you will be ok.. I know it must have been a very humiliating experience, many others here will have similar stories to tell. Who you are is not defined by your medical condition, please don't think about ending your life over it! Think about all your family and friends who love you. Yes dark pants as others have said is best to help conceal accidents. Put on your favorite movie or do something else you enjoy to get your mind off this. And remember, the people in the store who saw you will likely never see you again! You are an overcomer, and you will get through this!
When I was 14 I went to the front of my Junior Business class wearing a light blue/white/yellow striped gathered summer skirt that I had sewed. I wrote something on the blackboard per the teacher's instruction. As I returned to my seat one of my classmates told me that I had blood all over the back of my skirt. I tied my long sleeved WHITE sweater around my waist and walked the 1 1/2 miles to my house, washed up, changed my clothes, ate my lunch and went back to school. Nobody ever said anything to me about that. They were probably just happy that it didn't happen to them!
A huge fear I have happened to you today. Really sorry for you. I know someday it will happen to me. I just do the best I can before I leave the house to be dry as possible. I know words only help a little. But when you realize that about 30% of men out there have these same issues and the percentages are even higher for women, it may help a bit to realize that the odds were pretty good that there were others in that store you were at that completely understand what you were going through. We are all human sir...and because of that you need to understand that almost everyone has some kind of issue going on with themselves. Hold your head up and be strong. And make sure you are there for someone when you see that happen to them. You are going to be ok. Things like what happened to you only make you a better person in the end. Good Luck and Be Brave, we are all here for you.....and thats a lot.
oh gosh! it's pretty much ok though! i don't understand why wearing glasses or having a cast on an appendage is just fine! but heaven forbid a little pee gets somewhere that it normally doesn't!!

i echo what bobtabla said!

and know that children can be brutal!!
I'm sorry that happened to you. It's mortifying, and it's hard not to keep going back and reliving it in your mind, feeling all the horrible emotions all over again.

The thing is, we've all been there at some point, whether through incontinence or through some other thing that leads us to be the unwilling center of attention with some humiliating problem. Most people are able to empathize with that, and as @ritanofsinger said, they're just happy that it didn't happen to them!
Oh no, that absolutely sucks. I can definitely relate to that embarrassment, having wet myself on the way out of a public restroom (bladder did not fully empty and chose to do so after using the toilet) and having nothing to cover the palm-sized wet patch on my light blue shorts. Had to do the walk of shame several hundred metres to the tour bus I was on and half way down the aisle of the packed bus to my seat. Although it hurts now, the feelings will fade with time and you may even be able to laugh about it one day.
doodle - Children can be brutal, and most of the time they don't mean to hurt someone with their words. They just say what comes into their heads and may not even understand how it may hurt.
I am so sorry this happened to you!! It is one of my greatest fears. I wear pull-up type protection everyday but I always fear a leak. I know this is not the answer for everyone but for me I stay home alot and very rarely go out in public. I order everything online including my groceries. I spent all of my adult life leaving the house and all I ever really wanted was to be home so it works for me just fine. And on the rare occasions when I have to go out I just pray my protection holds up because I am guaranteed to void at least once but usually more than once. I guess it's all about finding a product that you can trust but as we all know #@!t happens no matter how well we think we have prepared. I myself have several horror stories as I'm sure everyone here does. They suck - period. But you know you are not alone. We are made in God's image and perfect is what I was raised to believe but when I go meet my maker I want to discuss a few design flaws!!
Boopsie61, This design topic is part of the reason that I began a systematic search for truth and found that truth is illusory. The myth of God creating the world is just a myth like ancient cultures have had their myths. This life, is it for all life. We make the best of it that we can and help others along the way. If you do any searching through science, anthropology, psychology, theology, etc you'll have a great awakening. At 82 I started that journey and three years later find it almost sickening that I fell into the "spiritual" pit and defended it for 70 years. To each his own, but for me I'm happy to be shed of it.
@Ritanofsinger, I'm sorry to hear you feel you have been liberated of your faith at 82 years young. No research into what psychologists, scientists or anyone else says can deny the existence of God. I know He is real because I have seen the miracles he has done in my life personally and in those of loved ones. He is like the wind- you can't necessarily see or always hear Him, but you know He is there because you can feel His presence. To me, it takes a whole lot more faith to believe that every intricate perfect detail of our universe, from the alignment of the planets, to the fact that we have eyelashes to protect us from dirt getting in our eyes- came about by chance rather than by an intelligent creator. This forum is not intended to be a religious or spiritual forum but I felt like your assertion as though it were a fact demanded a response.When we die, you can either believe nothing happens to you and that is the end, or you can believe that we go to Heaven or hell. If I'm wrong, there is no consequence of my choice to believe in God. But if you are wrong, you have eternity to pay. I don't believe in scaring people into salvation, but again, since you said you used to believe, I think this is something to ponder.
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