The new terminology or? Haha


Staff member
So I went in for my 6mo. urology checkup. She is very good Urology PA, and really does look out for me. But she was asking me questions on my condition. How many times was I straight cathing a day, how often was I having a Foley placed. How often I wore protection.

So I went through the above then got to the incontinence products, and said to her I changed or get changed 3 times per day. She then said what are you using? I said "tape protection"

So later on that day her notes came through, and low and behold, she said he is also using 3 adult diapers per day! So much for briefs....

Seriously thou, I have seen her for quite awhile and helped me a lot.
Lol it’s pretty funny to see it so black and white translation. Lol 😂

I am sure you are fine with it either way boomersway but tiss funny to see it so blatant.

Hey points to her is called them by what they really are. ;) it’s just funny how bent out of shape people get out of just calling them diapers. However I guess there are multiple levels of acceptance.


Guys-I have a rotator cuff tear and during my pre opt stuff they found something on my EKG and also I have kidney disease. I have to collet my urine for 24 hours this weekend and on my EKG I have an irregular heartbeat. I think it is from all the anti depressants I took and the anti-inflammatories I took when I was misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia and here I had a meningioma brain tumor. So I have a rotator cuff tear and it is workmen's comp. I had a part time job with the census bureau last year and wanted to earn a couple of thousand for new hearing aides. So I wonder if it will still do the surgery. We are going under Medicare. they want a second opinion on the rotator cuff tear when the MRI showed it. I am going to have the federal doctor do the surgery. So I am meeting with my internist in the morning to get clearance and next Monday morning with the federal doctor and the NeXT Friday morning with the kidney doctor. I looked at most of my values and there were ok except the bun/creatine was out of wrack. It was too high and my alum was little low. My white blood cell count has gone down also. I read this can be from the kidney disease. I stopped talking my potassium supplements which just started a month ago to help with the healing from my fall. I broke both wrists, screwed up left knee and both shoulders, my left cheek hit the pavement where an implant was screwed up-etc. So will catch up with you on what the doctor says tomorrow. I would like to get my rotator cuff healed because I do not want to have pain or limitations on what I can do. This is very depressing. My core is getting weak where I am having some accidents again. Also I am trying to drink more water. So will update soon . Take care. I wonder if there is a group like this for kidneys? there is one for the type of brain tumor I had. any suggestions on diet is appreciated. nite nite.
BarbaraDrabeck. Diagnosed with 2 meningioma, 2-plus years ago. They took only one out, said the other was too close to important areas of what little brain I have left. They called the 1st one "benign".
I had minor incontinence prior, major after. Far as I'm concerned, they held me way too long after the Op. The incontinence has reduced a lot, since then.
My Insurance won't do or pay for anything, unless it's filed with Medicare. Medicare doesn't have to pay, just be billed, as I understand it, and according to the EOBs. I've never had to get a "second opinion" for Medicare, and the Insurance company fights a 2nd opinion, but will if you stick to your guns & the Doc backs you.
If all you have/will have is Medicare, i don't know what to say, but it can't be good, the way Alaska doctors are abandoning Medicare.
They lose private insurance payment and the patient has to go elsewhere. Sometimes, there is no "elsewhere" except a 3 1/2 hour plane ride and the costs of living where ever that is. And then the IRS won't let you deduct all the extra costs.
I sure hope you can come up with a better result. You have enough on your plate.
And the rich wonder why we hate the broken medical, tax and political system. Or more likely, they just don't care....
God Bless.
@may941, did instills, and they did help, but its coming back, so she has told me she wants me to try a new procedure where you are put under, and the surgeon injects the same medication in the instills, so you dont have too have the 6 app to have it injected into your bladder. We discussed my goals, she agreed pain was a good direction to help or even correct. We discussed that these procedures and treatments probably have affected the incontinence, (in a negative way) May, as you know, its a hurry up and wait.
Boomersway said:
So later on that day her notes came through, and low and behold, she said he is also using 3 adult diapers per day! So much for briefs....

I have had that happen several times. At a medical supply store, when I asked about "Adult incontinence briefs", the lady had a blank look, then said "Oh, adult diapers!" When I was getting ready for a colonoscopy, I told the nurse I was wearing an "absorbent brief" due to incontinence issues. She asked if I had brought another "diaper" with me, for afterwards..

I think the only reason a lot of people have a stigma with the word "Diaper" is because we let it..
Ok update-got the clearance from my Doctor for my rotator cuff repair-everything was find-the kidney values were find. I was over reacting. So we are good to go. the federal doctor is doing this so will we see what happens. I am going though Medicare even though it is workmen comp. They must get a bonus by not paying for stuff. Take care-need to do some work and get other stuff done. blessings-I have never not disliked anyone like I dislike the case manager on this case for workmen comp. Even though my acholic husband was terrible I really I knew he was screwed up in the brain from alcohol. Like my Father was, their value system is wrong. Then when they get older they don't remember or they are still selfish. Take care and Alas South I had my meningioma out in 2011, I celebrated my 10 years with a good friend this year. I have issues with incontinence but I think it is due to lack of strength b more than anything else. Also getting old is not fun at all. Prayers are with you, have you ever heard of the meningioma mama's and papas- a support group on Facebook. You can ask to join and then start reading about other's journey. I was so blessed not to have to have radiation. Brain tumors are like real estate, location is everything. Prayers are with you and take care and be grateful-I believe that all of this is temporary -it is not eternal-one day with Christ we will all have perfect bodies and our spirits will live on forever.
On my online medication profile for my doctors it says “diapers and supplies” and my both my primary care doctor and urologist call them diapers.
BarabraDrabek: Thank You. I had no idea there was any sort of a support group for mengionoma. FaceBook isn't one of my options, so I'll see if I can use the Library's computer in the next town. I go in often enough, and I think they are open, again, partially. I'll have to ask if FaceBook works on their system. If they have a "permanent account", I'll have to think about it. FaceBook floods you with ads, sells your data and my library doesn't need that.
On rare ocassions, I've tried to go to Facebook, for one reason or another, and they demand a log-in or registering for an account. Or I can give them my ID by logging via various other things that still require a FaceBook Account.
The incontinence got bad after that operation, but of course they can't commit to stating if there's a connection. I wonder if they even know what part of the brain is in charge of "holding it". (lol).
The arthritis is getting debilitating and I don't wish it on anyone. One of my orthopedic surgeons put me on Vitamin D and goals for daily calcium intake for bone health, after I almost flunked my bone density test. (I was never very good at tests.) Did they check on yours? Seems like they/you have cause.
Yeah, about location on the brain. Good friend had to have radiation for a growth right at the place where the spinal cord starts, and he is not only still living with the effects (diminishing, thank the Lord. We can now understand him, now, and he can eat without a straw), but they went bankrupt. It was either 1.5 million or 2.5 million. No difference between those when you are an ordinary couple. He can't work, now, either.
The guy who said these are the golden years wasn't even 40, yet, I'll bet.
Anyway, you get a big Congratulation on the 10 years! Really glad you are still with us.
Take it easy, but take it.
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