Text/email Club


Staff member
Random idea popped into my head-I wanted to see if anyone else here is a big texter or email person and would like to chat/message others? I wish I could do voice chat/Zoom but with my neurological conditions moving my jaw hurts.
I can do text and video I mainly use Skype. I do have Google meet/ hangouts, Microsoft teams and discord. I also use Facebook messenger.

I'm toying with the idea of creating a discord server aka channel for us.


Both Skype and Facebook messenger have group chart capabilities with voice/video options.

If you want to add me to Skype or Facebook messenger send me a dm.
Skype would be really smart, does that allow chatting? Honestly..the discord idea would be fantastic if you feel up for that instead. I know Telegram also has less people on it so it could theoretically be more hidden so to speak.
yes skype supports text/audio/video chatting eg you can be on video and text in the group chat or you could just use voice and text or any combination voice/ video / text or all 3 at the same time.

The one issue with using zoom is.
1. on the free tier a group chat will only last 30-45 mins then it kicks you out then you gotta start a new call and reinvite or readd everyone back, it could be a hastle .

2. if 1 of us pays for unlimited useage then the above mentioned isnt a factor.

IMHO skype would be the better option. then again discord is also an option. I mean we could use skype for now then maybe explore the discord option to get the server setup and such.
I know for me personally, I would consider doing a Skype/Telegram option personally but I am biased because Discord does a soft-lock with my phone number (Supposedly a cell phone number is a land line, and customer support does nothing). I have not attempted Skype yet but that sounds really easy, realistically.

Zoom for me doesn't work because most people who work have more randomized schedules and also less option to communicate without speaking. I typically am on mornings to mid evenings, but this would be too early/late for some, and the consensus on getting a time together can be a headache.

I'd vote Skype or telegram to see about setting up, but its possible to bypass the soft-lock at my computer for Discord *I would have to be on my PC at home then*
android or ios? windows or macos or linux?

im android and im using linux mint 20.2 64bit on my pc. i have 1 laptop thats running windows 8.1 my other 2 laptops are running linux mint 20.1 64 bit the other is running ubuntu studio 2020lts 64 bit

I pretty much got away from windows not long after windows 10 was born.
Currently android and Win 10, but I dislike Windows 10 due to the forced upgrades that eat the harddrive like popcorn. I may eventually get away from Windows and try a different setup but I know certain ones you aren't able to play as many games with.
Email works for me!! I agree that Zoom isn't that good an option because everybody has different schedules not to mention different time zones.
This is a good idea, but probably only works for people in the same country/time zone/hemisphere.
Also, I can only speak for myself, but after being on zoom and teams for work, I'm so over zoom and teams!
ICGamer: Hi! Cool Icon. It's teasing at my memory, but I'm not a gamer since Pajama Sam. My grandson loved it. (Boy! Does that date me? Yes? No?) and Minesweeper.
Hey, compwiz878! Did anyone port Minesweeper over to the current OPSYS like they did Pajama Sam?

I can do texts. I am now the chagrined owner of my very 1st not-so-smart iPhone 6s with iOS-14 or 15. (Always had flip or dumb phones). Texting with it will be slow until I get a handle on that keyboard. My Android friends and I can text to each other.

I would be willing to try either Skype, or maybe even Discord if it's compatible with Mac. Never heard of or used it. I don't want to email, please. Right now, I am not doing emails from my not-so-smart phone.
I discontinued my Facebook several years ago, and they don't let you on without an account. Small loss, large dividends.
Have used Zoom for long meetings, but, compwiz878, I'm not the one paying for it. Did you all note ICGamer can't, please? It would be very awkward on my phone. I'm all set up at my desk, but not always home.

I'm Alaska Time Zone (GMT +9): 4 hours different from East Coast, 1 from West Coast, and 1 the other way from Hawaii. Daylight savings time is absolutely meaningless up here - but they make us do it, or the Feds will take away our Interstate Highway money. You have 3 guesses why that is so stupid, and the 1st 2 don't count.
I gave up on Windows when Windows 2000 went out. It did beat the heck out of WIN 95 - which wasn't hard. I actually kinda likes DOS 6.12, and WIN 3.11. (No, I don't have the machines, anymore!)
Does anyone have issue with allowable-data-amounts - whatever that's called? I don't, for texting.
I'm using an ancient MacBook Pro with Big Sur (2013 is ancient in computer-speak, right?), the Wife's iMac is a 2011 model, with Mohave. Hey! If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ;)
I think what would be most effective right now as much as I hate to say it, is to wait until more people show interest. I would hope if a room got set up more people would attend/respond but that could be unrealistic honestly. Communication is a hit or miss and I would bet the majority of people here have facebook rather than staying off social media. Its a catch 22.
@AlasSouth yes discord is compatible with just about every OS including Mac is.

Yeah the reason I ditched Windows is when winblows ie Windows 10 killed a perfect good working hard drive in my mom's laptop which I inherited when she died of cancer in 2015. It was a win 7 but upgraded to 10 it ran good with 10 until they released a new build of 10 which I didn't know was incompatible with 10 as it is an amd machine, and 10 was hit and miss with that new build of 10. Windows kept trying to upgrade but failed then auto reverted back. Then it tried and failed and corrupted itself and killed the hard drive.

I got a new hard drive and tried 10 once again for it to fail from a clean install..

So I got my Ubuntu flash drive and wiped the hdd and installed dual boot Ubuntu studio 64bit and mint 19.2 had 0 issues with Linux did same on my desktop too.

I've been a Linux user for 3 years now full time as my daily driver is. I have 1 laptop here running Windows 8.1 with classic shell to get the taskbar back and start menu back.
I do have Skype I have used Telegram and as far as Discord and Zoom goes I am a volunteer examiner and I do use them both we use Zoom for administering examinations and we use Discord for behind the scenes communications
Hi @AlasSouth, nothing to do with communicating but I do have a guess (one out of 3) why it's stupid the feds will threaten take away your Interstate Highway money if you don't do Daylight Savings time.
First and only guess is you don't have Interstate Highways in Alaska to begin with!!!!! Mainly because Alaska doesn't have the population to support an Interstate Highway and No. 2, Alaska is not bordered by any other state, only Canada on one side and the Bering Sea and Pacific Ocean and Arctic on the other sides!
And where would an Interstate Highway go??? Anchorage to Fairbanks?? The population isn't there and places like Juneau and Ketchikan aren't on any kind of road-----period!!
I wonder why the feds never saw that one???? It's kind of obvious to me!
The four Interstate Highways in Alaska are:
Interstate A1 goes from Anchorage to the Canada border. It is 408.23 miles (656.98 km) long.
Interstate A2 goes from Tok to Fairbanks. It is 202.18 miles (325.38 km) long.
Interstate A3 goes from Anchorage to Soldotna. ...
Interstate A4 goes from Palmer to Fairbanks.

Interstate H-1 (abbreviated H-1) is the longest and busiest Interstate Highway in the US state of Hawaii. The highway is located on the island of O'ahu.

billliveshere said:
Hi @AlasSouth, nothing to do with communicating but I do have a guess (one out of 3) why it's stupid the feds will threaten take away your Interstate Highway money if you don't do Daylight Savings time.
First and only guess is you don't have Interstate Highways in Alaska to begin with!!!!! Mainly because Alaska doesn't have the population to support an Interstate Highway and No. 2, Alaska is not bordered by any other state, only Canada on one side and the Bering Sea and Pacific Ocean and Arctic on the other sides!
And where would an Interstate Highway go??? Anchorage to Fairbanks?? The population isn't there and places like Juneau and Ketchikan aren't on any kind of road-----period!!
I wonder why the feds never saw that one???? It's kind of obvious to me!
billlives here: Congrats! You got the 2 issues - no Interstates and not connected to Contiguous states! Unlike some beliefs, we are on the North American continent! We get told, when we order by web, sometimes, that the company doesn't deliver to foreign countries or to a different continent. Or the Department of Defense forbids exporting certain ideas or goods. Sigh.

DPCare: None of those Alaskan Highways are marked as Interstates, and the Fed don't do the upkeep or make the rules. Where did you find a map or list? I'd love to see it.

"A" stands for "Alaska" on those signs. (for example: In Michigan, there are state roads, and Interstate roads, say I-94 andM-1,) marked differently and controlled differently. That's true on the State Hwy Maps on any state I've traveled. Interstates have a different construction than most State roads. Another example. I-5 goes from the Canadian border to the Mexican border. Referred to the I-5 corridor. It parallels the old State Hwys 99 which go down almost to San Francisco along the coast. At points, Hwy 99 & I-5 merge for a stretch, then re-separate.
I live just off the Sterling Hwy, South of Soldotna, which goes from Seward through Soldotna and down to Homer. It is the same highway, dual numbers, north out of Seward, until the Junction at Tern Lake (Milepost 36 - MP 36), where the Sterling Hwy branches off and goes to the West Kenai Peninsula. The Seward Hwy dead-ends at the Glen Highway that goes Anchorage to Glenallen. The Glenn dead-ends at Glenallen, and you take the "Tok Cuttoff" to Tok, where you join the Alcan. They all have a designation of "A-#. Almost no one uses the Hwy number in conversations, and the media refer to their names. We do know they have a number. Some of us do - the ones that can read a highway sign, anyway.

Hey! That's cool that somewhere Alaska is listed as having Interstates. Where is that list or map?

Potties are few and far between on any of those highways. But they travel though wilderness, so except when temps are in the negatives, just pull off and pee. Minus 50 is a wee bit uncomfortable to bare it. Take a cup of coffee at -55 and throw the liquid up, and it freeze before it lands. Yikes!
Take care, and you get some points!

Cheers, everyone!
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