Tests and consultations with no results.


Staff member
Just went through a month of Neurological and Urological tests regarding my recent(6 months now)onset of incontinence. Follow ups this week with both specialists yielded equal results. Neither of them know what is wrong and each of them is hoping the other can figure it out. They didn’t even have any recommendations to manage my current care. I’m not going to say I’m surprised, having read a lot since this started it seems a challenging issue to resolve. Still pretty disheartening at this point.
yes it can be frustrating when they don't have an answer but at the same time they are ruling out more serious conditions that incontinence and enuresis can be symptoms of
@Rupertino, I share the same miseries you are going through. It's been almost 3 months I started with these incontinence problems and I was hoping to see it stop by 3 months. Just last week my left testicle was swollen with pain and unable to walk as admitted for 2 days and the urologist can only comment it was due to infection and they gave me some antibiotics and he told me that the swelling will take time to subside.

I was considering to see a private urologist and after seeing your situation I too believe it's only waste on money as they too will tell the same thing after calling for several expensive test.

Wish to see it go away soon meanwhile they keep on saying do your keegal exercise three times a day.

Going thru this website, you will find your experience is common. Every once in awhile, it helps, but as DPCARE said, at least they eliminated more serious problems. The next steps are probably seeing if any of the other help topics here can help you. Eating or drinking certain foods or liquids, and when. Not only caffeine, but sugars. Amounts of liquid. Various chemical additives. Various sugar substitutes.
Prostate cancer, chemotherapy, prostate surgery, actually didn't have a very serious effect on me, unlike some here. Two other operations quite a few years later did. Brain cancer increased it to the max. A year and a half plus later, it has gotten surprisingly better, and I'm reasonable sure it was helped, also, by diet. Klegals didn't do much for me, and i practiced them religiously, but others have found they definitely helped. Weight loss helps a lot of people. I've yet to see incontinence listed as a side effect of a prescription medication, but what do I know? And what do the docs know? And what if you take a lot and they interact? There are some really good threads here. Watch for MayMay, she's on a lot of them.
Any chance you have some other conditions that aggravates it? Ask the doctors. Sometimes it is better to ask the nurses.
Good luck.
@Rupertino I was prescribed with Tolterodine Tart 4 MG SR CAP by the Urologist last weekend. Not sure it will help will have to wait a little longer. Please check with your urologist or the internet for additional information. I just thought you may find this info helpful.

Best Regards
My PT for incontinence told me that Kegals could actually make my urge incontinence worse because of my anatomy. She recommended other pelvic floor exercises. I found that consuming foods low in acid has helped. Wishing everyone well.
@boasammy This is quite an interesting observation and both my urologist and nurse are counting on me to do this keegal exercise three times a day and 10 times at each session. They say no coffee, tea, Milo, soft drinks and alcohol. Wonder how to manage them with all these conditions.

Best Regards
I also had many tests over the years to find out why I still wet the bed. Tried all the meds, without results. My doc's say alarms don't work. Said to handle it as I see fit. Choose diapers and plastic pants. Don't like it, but much better than waking up soaked head to toe. Forgot to mention, all tests showed everything was ok.
@peterx3t I totally understand but the good news is atleast the doctor did something like the antibiotics. Where I live the idiots of the medical field in fort worth texas will not prescribe antibiotics when you have an infection like in my case. Their idea of being a professional is watchful waiting. And it's that sort of incompetence that causes someones health issues to go from bad to worse. It use to be prevention but now the so called professionals of healthcare have decided to ignore it and maybe it will go away. And in that case... why pay someone to wait it out .... or as the so called professionals call it.... watchful waiting.
Wow, HueyHuckabee. Right on. In a recent hospitalization, for them to do ANYTHING, or even explain what they did or didn't do, the "reason" I was given always was "liability". That excuse was even used for why you couldn't get an explanation!
Florence Nightingale - the mother of modern nursing - has a famous quote that seems to have gotten lost by the medical profession. "I attribute my success to this: i never gave or accepted an excuse."
Boy-oh-boy. It seems like all we get from them about incontinence is excuses.
A ER nurse caught a lecture because she objected when i said i might just let the cancer they'd just discovered just run it's course and she "chewed" on me. She was horrified. She wanted something done. It was her (and her profession's) job. It was also a criticism of the doctor, really, when he didn't react, i think. Now if we only had more like her....
So true. I’m just Blessed to have a loving nurse as my love and companion in life. There are allot of good ones still out there but...
There are allot that for whatever reason don’t always she the compassionate care we used to know nurses were famous for.
It’s a shame that so many facility politics get in the way of care anymore ☹️

I can say that the nursing staff and my family doctor have been the exception to the rule as has my visit to Chesapeake Urology in Westminster, Maryland. Very impressed with both places.
@jrpoorman Yes politics and american corporate greed has changed healthcare from a humanitarian effort to a business as usual where the only thing pursued is profit. I'm glad to hear you have good healthcare where you live because where I live in Fort Worth texas the illegals get far better healthcare in ALL aspects than taxpaying citizens do. You have to wait 6 months to a year JUST for an appointment and after waiting all that time, you don't even get to see a doctor. It's always a PA who doesn't have any answers but they bill you for seeing a doctor that never saw you. That's called fraud. If you or I do it, it's called a crime but when doctors and hospitals do it, it's called business, so you wait ALL that time for nothing. Not even any medicine.
@jrpoorman no profit for the patient but there is profit for the doctors. They get big salaries no matter what the patient outcome is
Most doctors can give a well educated response. Any suggestive treatment is the ultimate responsibility of the patient to accept or decline. The doctors give their opinions on what course of action should be followed. The doctors aren't always 100% correct, but they are Damn close.
I’ve had 3 Urologists in three months. When I went to the first I wasn’t incontinent just hesitating. Once the incontinence started he kept telling me it was like a baby crying, you can’t stop the crying you have to see if you can find the problem. He recommended surgery to address my retention. Since he had talked to me about 15 minutes in 4 months of visits I got a second opinion. Second opinion doctor wasn’t sure what to do even after Urodynamic testing, thought the issue might be DSD, so he recommended a neurologist. Went to a neurologist and a third Urologist, this one at Mayo. He listened, took great notes and put me through all the same tests again. Meanwhile the neurologist had me in the MRI machine for hours. Followed up with Neurologist and Mayo Urologist after all the tests. Neurologist doesn’t see anything he thinks could cause a problem. Urologist said he thinks I have a hyporeflexive bladder due to high bladder neck but doesn’t know why I’m incontinent. He says it must be neural and recommends a second neurologist opinion. I feel like many of us face these same challenges, diagnosis seems rare even when utilizing the supposed best doctors, it is no wonder we get frustrated.
Geeesh, no wonder you are frustrated! I feel for you. Hope the guys here don’t do the same thing. I’d be pulling my hair out.
I think Rupertino's experience represents what so many of us are going through. And I don't have enough hair to be worth trying to pull out. The medical system is broken. Is the only real answer political?
Saw a protest sign the other day. On one side it had, in big letters, George Orwell, Octavio Butler, Margaret Atwood. On the other side it said, "They warned us."
Do we go with Dylan Thomas or Alfred Lord Tennyson?
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