Taking a Break


Staff member
I haven't been around much as of late. An unpleasant encounter with a doctor a while back triggered my depression. This is the first time I actually identified a trigger, which is a plus.

Since I have never had any luck with medications for depression, I decided to try something different. I'm taking a class I've always wanted to take (calculus) and trying to focus less on my physical woes.

You guys are great here and have a great thing going. I'll try to pop in occasionally, but I have to take care of myself right now.
Good for you. Turning to something interesting is a wholesome approach.
Totally support you ithinkyourcrazy, calculus? But hey, when I was very depressed i took a remedial math class for dummies at community college. I had an amazing kind teacher who had grown up a share croppers daughter in the south and was going for her PhD.
I stood up for her when some wise acre was rude in class and i helped her when she was about to faint from low blood sugar.
She snd her math class pullrd me out of that drpression.
Thank you for giving me gift of her memory.
Thanks all. I start feeling so worthless and incapable so taking this class is reassuring me that I can still do hard things and I am worthwhile. A lifelong struggle I'm afraid.
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