Taking a break from the forum


Staff member
I’m thinking I post too much and people aren’t finding my posts useful or even thinking they are annoying. So I’m taking a break here for awhile. Don’t know how long. But pm me if you wanna stay in touch via Facebook or something. Thanks. - elijah
i'm sorry you feel that way justej, i haven't been too active here recently since i've been pretty busy so i haven't been able to engage with any posts here for a while.
I think you're wrong. I find your posts useful and in no way think they are annoying. Not sure why you would think that. We shouldn't be judging each other on here. We all have pretty much the same problems so no one should be judging someone else for their conditions when they probably have the same or some of the same conditions.
I read your posts, I dont respond often sometimes I dont know what to say and thats probably due to what all I have going on. I dont find your posts annoying.
Hi @justej, You have really blossomed in this forum and you're telling us about your journey that we are all ourselves taking. Your posts are not the least bit annoying and I know myself that I am glad I've followed you through this, particularly your trip to Colorado and then to Martha's Vineyard and then West Virginia. All successful! You have shown us that incontinence and other limiting conditions don't have to be, well---limiting! It's proof-positive that you're getting out there and living!!!
This is a strong point of this forum----to give useful insight in dealing with incontinence. And your posts have done exactly that!
So please reconsider! Besides that, everybody likes to see what😺 Miss Emma is up to!!!
Don't withdraw unless its for the feeling its healthier for YOU, that you're in such a good space so active elsewhere you don't find value in posting.
Nothing annoying about following the steps to someone managing to overcome challenges in daily living and its been great to hear you getting out socially and trave, as well as a silent groan of comiseration when its a bad day
ej - We all have these bouts of wondering if anyone really cares. Wondering if it's all worth it. My 37 year old granddaughter, a journeyman electrician, earning "big bucks", playing golf, homeschooling her 14 year old son, came to see me today crying because she feels so worthless, overweight and not pretty. She is pretty and has a great sense of humor, is always helping out somebody. She is overweight but not obese. She works hard and loves what she does. She's in a relationship with a man who has problems with knowing how to love anyone and yet she cares for him. She feels so often rejected. What could I say? There's other fish in the sea! A lot of good that will do. She is bi-polar so I worry about her when she gets depressed. Hopefully she'll feel better tomorrow and will ponder how much she really wants to be with this guy who with his cutting remarks makes her feel so awful. I hope she will keep talking to me, I never am annoyed by her expressions of emotion. And your postings have given me a much better understanding of what people with disabilities go through. You are not annoying.I don't do any social media except the NextDoor app and this forum, so I hope you don't give up on us here.
I think posting often is a good thing.

In a forum where everyone is a stranger behind a username it can be hard to get a sense of the person on the other end of a post. Especially if the person only ever posts "on topic".

I get information from "on topic" posts. But I get a feeling of support and a sense of community from knowing that there are real people behind their posts, and it's the off-topic and more personal posts that make the three-dimensional person show.

@justej - keep being you. The forum is a better place for it.
What they (up above this post) said!
I'll be glad to welcome you back, but agree you don't have to leave unless it's what you need to do.
Get a refreshed perspective, but remember we want to know the next verse of the saga!
I agree with everyone else. I currently am having heart and neuro issues both so I tend to limit my replies to things, however I don't believe you annoy anyone here. Having said that, taking a break can be good. I know when I get stuff diagnosed myself I will probably need a break depending how life changing things are. I think some people just aren't sure how to respond to things.
EJ, i view you as a valuable and welcome member of the forum. I’m always in my own mess so if I’m not responding it’s about me, not you. Take care and do what’s right for you.
@justej :( You’re one of my faves. I find your posts useful. I appreciate that we’re similar in age and incontinent due to injury. I always appreciate your posts and will miss you while you take a break, if you need it.
Well I obviously couldn’t stay away. 🤣🤣🤣
You all are truly like family to me and I thank you for all the love.
And if you did stay away you would definitely miss everyone here!! Why get that feeling of missing somebody if you don't have to? And we'd all be wondering how you're getting along!
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