Still not right 16 months post-op


Staff member
I am a 47 year old male that is still routinely leaking during strenuous exercise and later in the day, particularly when walking. I'm also still experiencing ED as I am only able to sporadically gain an erection. I have been using the common ED drugs and even completed injection therapy for several weeks.

At this point I am losing hope of ever making a full recovery, and am desperately seeking advice and inspiration. Thanks.
@Daniel welcome to the forum. Which surgery did you have? It was prostectomy, followed by bladder neck surgery in my case. All made more complicated by sepsis between the two operations. I'm left in a similar situation to you apart from being 10 years older. You will find many of us here who can sympathize and maybe offer advice. Cheers Phil
I’m 2 months out from my surgery and now began Luepon therapy as the cancer is in my bladder
I’m totally ED and incontinent
Physical therapy I began a week ago. Pray it will help on the incontinence
For penis reduction I’ve been advised to use an artificial erection device. This I’ve not tried
This surgery is no joke
Daniel, you didn't mention doing any pelvic floor physical therapy (ie. Kegels). It takes time to "teach" the muscles involved (your EXTERNAL urinary sphincter) to perform at a higher level, which should provide some reduction to your leakage.

However, from the description of your symptoms I'd guess you won't fully recover your continence, as you probably have permanent damage to your bladder neck & INTERNAL urinary sphincter. There isn't any drug or therapy that will "cure" you, but there are medications that, like the Kegels, may provide some improvement. There are also surgical options, but none seem worth the risk to me.

I have been closely following the studies & clinical trials related to stem cell treatments. I think stem cell & other "regenerative" treatments will definitely address your symptoms (which, BTW, are identical to mine). Unfortunately these treatments aren't yet commercially available.

Good luck!
I can hardly wait until stem cell therapy is paid for by insurance companies. The people I know who can afford it (for their knees; wealthy skiers) say it’s amazing, feels like being a kid again, no more pain.
Hi Daniel,

Sorry to hear your problems. Has anyone discussed vacuum pumps to aid errections?

Somatherapy make a pump that helps build the muscles back up but it relies on regular use to be beneficial. I personally gave up because I didn't have the time required and felt embarrassed to do it in front of my partner but it might help you and has rings to put on the penis to keep the erection long enough to a satisfactory conclusion.

Have you tried an external catheter to manage your leaks? They help with mine.

Wishing you luck and let us know how you get on and you would be wise to discuss all of this with your Urologist or doctor.
Thanks all. I had a radical prostatectomy on 1/17/19, performed by a world renowned surgeon in NYC. I did Kegel exercises religiously up until a few weeks ago when I finally gave up doing so. I felt like I might have been over doing them causing my muscles to become fatigued later in the day, which is when I typically experience the worst leakage. The leakage has been about the same since I stopped. Much earlier in my recovery, I also did electrical stimulation therapy twice a week for 12 weeks, which may or may not have helped - its impossible to really know. Though I often feel lucky that my cancer was detected early and successfully treated, this experience has been extremely challenging, I thought I would bounce back to normal given my relatively young age, and otherwise great health prior to the surgery. I'm pretty certain my surgeon, is also bit suprised that I have not fully recovered. He continuse to preach patience, pointing out that I do seeem to still be improving, but I don't always feel that way. Between the leakage and th he ED, I often now find myself wondering whether my decision to undergo surgery, which seemed like a no brainer at the time, was really the right one.

Thanks again.

cmulwee said:
Daniel, you didn't mention doing any pelvic floor physical therapy (ie. Kegels). It takes time to "teach" the muscles involved (your EXTERNAL urinary sphincter) to perform at a higher level, which should provide some reduction to your leakage.

However, from the description of your symptoms I'd guess you won't fully recover your continence, as you probably have permanent damage to your bladder neck & INTERNAL urinary sphincter. There isn't any drug or therapy that will "cure" you, but there are medications that, like the Kegels, may provide some improvement. There are also surgical options, but none seem worth the risk to me.

I have been closely following the studies & clinical trials related to stem cell treatments. I think stem cell & other "regenerative" treatments will definitely address your symptoms (which, BTW, are identical to mine). Unfortunately these treatments aren't yet commercially available.

Good luck!
cmulwee said:
Daniel, you didn't mention doing any pelvic floor physical therapy (ie. Kegels). It takes time to "teach" the muscles involved (your EXTERNAL urinary sphincter) to perform at a higher level, which should provide some reduction to your leakage.

However, from the description of your symptoms I'd guess you won't fully recover your continence, as you probably have permanent damage to your bladder neck & INTERNAL urinary sphincter. There isn't any drug or therapy that will "cure" you, but there are medications that, like the Kegels, may provide some improvement. There are also surgical options, but none seem worth the risk to me.

I have been closely following the studies & clinical trials related to stem cell treatments. I think stem cell & other "regenerative" treatments will definitely address your symptoms (which, BTW, are identical to mine). Unfortunately these treatments aren't yet commercially available.

Good luck!
I also have the same problems 13 months after prostatectomy. Kegels seem to have no effect on me.
However, I am not losing hope, because I heard that improvement may take up to 2 yrs after surgery.
@Daniel Have you talked to your doctor about the male sling? Basically it is a mesh tape that lifts and tightens the area.
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