Staying Hydrated


Staff member
So an update, the last week or two, I’ve been trying to do a better job staying hydrated hoping to reduce odors from my urinary incontinence, especially since I often just do to work can’t change immediately, it has helped some but with how hot it is here I still don’t feel like I’m hydrating enough. I have ADHD and am on medication for it that makes it so I am not hungry and thirsty during the day so I just don’t think to drink anything and as such was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for staying hydrated.

Other updates, I still feel like my leakage is all over the place some days, I get the urge and have all the time in the world to make it to a toilet and other times I barely get any urge and suddenly my bladder is emptying, I’ve pretty much moved to just using NorthShore’s MegaMax during the day because of the absorbency and because of how both quiet and strong the plastic and tapes are which is nice since I am very active. Also the refsstenable tapes are nice because I have occasional bowel urgency (thankfully never any leakage from that end as long as I’m not sick), so being able to unfasten the tapes and refasten them is a big plus. I have had one or two leaks with them though thankfully both at home, in both situations it seemed to overflow the leak guard and out the side of the leg, I think I just didn’t get quite the right fit when applying the tapes but I’m not sure if there is a better way to make sure that doesn’t happen again. I think it was more the volume of my void overflowing before it could be fully absorbed.

I hope everyone else is continuing to stay safe with COVID.
I just do my best to keep a glass/ bottle of water around or easy access. I try to drink even if I feel like I don't want to. So I do a fairly good job of it but even then I find long spells of having not. And occasionally I feel is if I'd hate to drink like resentment. Hope you can take what I do to stay hydrated as suggestions. Sometimes not drinking is a needed change of routine.

At least one doctor suggests hydrating immediately before bed. The theory being that when lying flat the body has more time to fully absorb the water. In my case, in so doing, I have not noticed any increase in urine in the morning. (i.e. he may be right.)

Another thought that I have shared often here is to manage (read, impede) your leakage, rather than having to deal with it. The short version is that wearing an external device that constricts the urethra will greatly reduce leakage. After four years of development and testing, my partner and I are now patent pending with a soft silicone device that will do the job. It's not for sale yet, but you may join our volunteer test group and offer your feedback, if interested. Best wishes. Fynlee
Hi Green gold, Hydration is very important during the summer especially here in Florida - goes without saying! If your medication makes it so you're not thirsty I think I would just take time out of your schedule every so often, say every 30 minutes (or whatever time your choose) and just take a drink of water. Easy to do if there's a fountain or other sources of water nearby. If not buy a small bottle of water (or a six-pack of water)and keep it in a portable cooler, if you have one. Take it into work along with your lunch. Hope that helps!
Same here Greengold4,
During hot weather it's hard to drink enough to offset what we're losing through perspiration. I have the same trouble that you do, being active outdoors it's so difficult to make the conscious repeated effort to hydrate.
Indoors it's easy for me to keep up with but once I start sweating- what little I go is super concentrated.
One little secret that only I know (maybe not...) is if you drink room temperature water, not cold water, you're apt to drink more of it. Try it when hydration is the objective.
I always do a final "fit check" especially around the lower part of the leg elastics. I find that the elastics aren't always firmly resting against my body in that area and that can easily cause a leak. Once I started doing the fit check the leaks have stopped.
Well, the last two days I definitely think I have been hydrating better which on the bright side I'm feeling good and healthy. On the downside my leakage is probably the heaviest it has been. Bladder has seemed like a faucet thankfully haven't had any leaks from my protection though and the odor seems to in general be down so that is good.
Given a choice, I think I would take feeling good and healthy! And odor not as bad. Also good! As for leakage, you can always do booster pads which really do work. North Shore has 'em and so do some other places on the Internet.

We have been having temps of mid 90's here in FL with heat index at or just above 100 with high humidity so hydration is a must. For me I just keep a reusable water bottle with me. When I see it it reminds me that I need to drink some. Mine is 1000 ml (right around 32 oz). I usually drink a few of them throughout the day.

So maybe, if possible, keep a water bottle with you or by you as that visual reminder to take a sip from time to time.
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