So checking in...


Staff member
Hi everyone.

Just a check in to see how everyone is doing. Crazy stuff all around our country these days but we are strong and can handle anything.

Me, I'm doing great. Life, work and fam all good. I am missing getting in my kayak or on my MT bike though. Anyone in N Fl want to hit a trail or a river/coast for some riding/paddle fun?

Hope all are making it the best we can and staying strong.


p.s. went just over a month staying dry at night before waking wet the other morning. Was a good sry run and looking to repeat it if not longer.
Glad to hear from you!
Kind of hot to do those outdoors activities but if you love it...
I wonder what factored into your dry run?

It is a big hot. Especially with heat advisories like we've had. But if you hydrate well and don't over do it it can be done and fun.

Not sure they cause of my dry run. It is not unusual as I am not a chronic bedwetter, just occasional with a couple to few times a month or go month to two months staying dry. What ever the reason, I'll take it.
Happy to hear you are staying dry and that things are good. I am doing well for the most part, my job/school (graduate student doing summer research at the moment) is going really great. I've had dry runs before but lately it seems like they are fewer and don't last as long. Keep staying safe and social distancing as much as possible. It sucks but as much as I hate not being able to do as much (I am going to a sporting event next weekend assuming that their protocals are sufficient imo which so far I am not certain on)but the only way this gets over is if everyone does there part, I see too many people around here especially people my age not taking necessary precautions not realizing that even young healthy people like me can have permanent effects from COVID and that even if they don't get it bad they can give the disease to people who might not be young and healthy.

Good advice. Gotta stay safe and keep our guard up against COVID. It is sad to see so many young thinking they are not effected by it or under the mindset that if they get it they will be okay. Glad you are using rational reasoning in your decisions on what you do.

What type of research are you working on? Grad school time can be so fun and rewarding. Keep at it.

Sorry you have not been having dry runs lately but they will come back. Comes and goes.
I just don't get the people not wearing masks it is like knowing your incontinent and not using diapers or some other form of protection. I'd prefer to not have to wear a mask but know I need to in order to protect myself and others. I'd also prefer not to use diapers but if I don't then I'd likely end up with soiled clothes.

I do mechanical engineering research.

Eh, dry runs seem to be becoming less frequent and shorter but oh well it is what it is

Engineering research, cool. That is some hard work for sure.

Sorry about the dry runs not being a frequent but looks like you have a positive attitude about it. Stay strong.
Glad everyone is doing well this summer. Me, I continue to work part-time at a local Home Depot in Ohio. Trying to stay dry at night with no success. No daytime issues yet. Getting ready for bed now. Every one stay healthy during this pandemic.

Not sure if you were asking me but if you were, I was diagnosed with an overactive bladder when I was in kindergarten or 1st grade, thanks to medication learned to manage it and stay dry and went off the medicine after a year or two because of the side effects. But was completely dry pretty much until college started except for some issues in the 5th grade (had a teacher who wouldn't let us use the restroom except at predetermined times which didn't work well for me with an overactive bladder). First or second year of college started having some accidents at night which became more and more frequent, I'm not sure if it was stress or no longer being on a good sleep cycle or what. Then started having day time issues again starting as occasional small leaks went to an urologist and got given medication had the same side effects as when I was little and stopped taking it because I would rather deal with protection. Nighttime issues seemed to for the most part stop once I got a more regular and consistent sleep cycle but still sometimes happen. The day issues have become more and more frequent, now am at the point where typically when things aren't good I'll have full bladder leaks, still go throught stretches where things are better and stretches where things are worse, usually comes down to how long I can hold it when the urge hits and how strong the urges are.
Hi Jaytee,
Good hearing from you and glad you are okay.
Hope you’ve had a chance to do some riding or kayaking. Nice summer but starting to get too warm last couple weeks. My sunburn started peeling where it was already peeling😁
Good to hear from you!

Good overview of your situation. Thanks for sharing and here to hoping for more and more better days than no good days for you.

Good to hear from you too. Sunburn on sunburn OUCH!!!

I have not gotten in any kayaking but have gotten bike time rides in. With the increasing heat and heat indexes going right at or above 100 gotta be carful and take precautions. I tend to try and plan my rides out for the morning or evening time when it is a bit cooler. Mornings are best, but dang work gets in the way of that time so more times than not it is in the evening or on the weekend. Good thing on evening rides is that I can plan my hydration routine by slowly drinking more water throughout the afternoon at work so that I have a good hydration level in me before the ride. Been cutting the distance back some due to time and heat. Doing on average 10-15 K and closer to the 10 K side. But all is good.
I used to ride all the time when I was younger and when in college but now I need two knee replacements so I don’t do that anymore. 🙂
Glad you are okay. Be safe out in the heat and with the spike in virus.
Have to run for now, in a remote session with one of the people I support.

Double knees, wow. Best of luck with that. So far my knees are doing good. No issues with them, yet.

Def on being safe with the heat and the COVID spike. I ride pretty much by myself and not in a group or congested areas or trails. I really want to go down to Ocala area and hit their mt bike trails again but not feeling totally safe with traveling right now. So I'll stay local.
Hi everyone,

I have urge incontinence. I've worn diapers at night for about 10 years, b/c I simply couldn't make it to the bathroom on time. All day long I suffer with getting to the bathroom on time also, often resulting in a public wetting.

Since the quarantine began, I decided to give into my urge incontinence and just wear diapers 24/7. I can't believe how this has relieved my mind. I have fought this for so many years, I've taken the meds with only side effects, no change in urinary habits. My Urokogist wants to implant the nerve stimulator, but I read up on it and it doesn't always get the results they would like to promise.

I still lead an active, healthy lifestyle, only in diapers or catheters now, and I am much happier! There is so much stress with this Pandemic, I don't need anymore. I have embraced my wetting and need for protection, and I'm just fine!

Btw, I am a 70 year young female.

Glad to hear you are not stressing. Never easy to deal with bedwetting or day wetting. So easy to deal on it and stress yourself out more.

Keep being you and doing great.
Bedwwetter, if it aint broke any worse than that, dont fix it. If it wasnt for surgeries there wouldnt be surgical failures or surgical complications. Im about 5 mo post prostatectomy and wpuld like to be in a better place. But i took an 8 hour guided fishing trip today and survivedd
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