Small update.


Staff member
Got a message from my GI doctor today. She is putting in a referral for me to see the liver doctor. Instead of messaging this or that, I stuck to the facts.

My Liver number was not this high last July or September. Now July I was about 10lbs lighter than I am now but in September I was a pound bigger (238) so the idea that this is just weight is crazy.

Diet really has not changed to the bad. So now it is time to see another doctor.

One thing is still that the ultrasound did not show if my bile duct is blocked but only its size. It also is not my GI position to say if anything else caused this so.

I hope for a call soon to get to the bottom of this. The good thing is that the liver doctor that I will be seeing should be in the same office as my GI doctor so.
To look for bile duct blockage, they typicay do an ERCP. That involves anesthesia and some risk of pancreatitis from the dye they use, but overall it's not a bad test to go through.

Many liver disease are progressive, so your numbers can get worse over time even if nothing else has changed. Many are also episodic, so you'll have times when you're numbers go way up, but then they'll come down when the episode passes.

I'm glad to hear you're getting in to see a hepatologist. That's a good step to take. I have a hepatologist, though unfortunately there are none in the entire state of New Mexico so I have to fly to Dallas once a year to visit with mine.
We all wish you the very best when you see that hepatologist. It sounds like you are not letting any grass grow under your feet on this one and you'll soon get an answer.
ltapilot said:
To look for bile duct blockage, they typicay do an ERCP. That involves anesthesia and some risk of pancreatitis from the dye they use, but overall it's not a bad test to go through.

Many liver disease are progressive, so your numbers can get worse over time even if nothing else has changed. Many are also episodic, so you'll have times when you're numbers go way up, but then they'll come down when the episode passes.

I'm glad to hear you're getting in to see a hepatologist. That's a good step to take. I have a hepatologist, though unfortunately there are none in the entire state of New Mexico so I have to fly to Dallas once a year to visit with mine.

The ERCP is the test that the ultrasound tech said that I should ask the liver doctor about because he could not say one way or another if the duct was blocked or if another issue is there.

I got the referral in for the liver doctor and I am going to call tommorow and I also am going to set up to get blood work done again as my GI doctor feels that I should get tested regularly now so.

My mom gave me so good essential oils to try to keep the pain down as well as to work on some of the issues and I will see how it all works.
Hope things work out well for you, I am on the Mediterranean diet-watching what I eat most of the time. Lot's of fruits, veg's, good fats and healty protein-stay away from beef- eat chicken-esp. fish is good for you.
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