Slightly Damp: To change or not?


Staff member
Yesterday afternoon, before leaving for several hours I changed my pull-up, it was my 2nd one for the day. I realized it was barely damp, but figured I should be at full capacity for the outing. In the end, I used 2 restrooms, once after eating (lncluding 1 beer) and then once shopping. No leaks. I felt I wasted the earlier pull-up. At home in the evening I had 2 urgency episodes which were well contained, I probably take more risks at home.
FWIW and only one man's opinion, I wear one Depends pullup per 24 hours normally. It gets damp. I live with it. Not ideal, but seems the best (to me) of the options.

Again, one man's opinion.
Best to be prepared. Even if not damp after putting on a pulup there is only so much use you can get out of it. So change. Especially when the weather starts getting hotter and you get swampass.
I change anytime it’s wet because otherwise I get bad rashes. It’s not ideal to have acidic urine sitting on your skin, but apparently some people get away with it.
I have to agree with everyone else on this one. You’d know best on the product capacity you’re using to support your level of IC, varied activity, fluid consumption and maybe frequency of voiding.
If you don’t do this already, keep a booster pad or two on you to use or exchange in your brief when necessary.
That’s a quick add for those kind of days.
Besides added capacity, changing out a booster in your product also adds that level of skin protection.
Clayton might be a good idea to pay attention to the leaks. If you find drinking milk (that is a big sudden surge leak in my case) or soda or lemonade are known to cause more sudden urge.

You keep track of what you call a leak, for some that means a small unexpected amount for others a big surge. So try to follow what your experience is.
I’m a little different I don’t like leaks so if I am going out I will change my diaper. I had leaked before it’s embarrassing so I would rather change my diaper early than risk a leak.
I’m with Jay, an extra diaper costs what? $2-3 for a high end product and under $1 for something like a tranquility ATN which is usually enough for me. I’ll pay $1 to prevent the humiliation of a diaper overfilling in public.
... Or use a penile clamp for those occasions or activities where you want to be totally contained. I normally use light pads but when I want total security at restaurants, bars, sports events, etc I have found the clamp to be very effective and not uncomfortable once you become accustomed to their use.
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