It may not be a scam. It might depend on who you go to. If electrical stimulation of the chest muscles, the biceps and thigh muscles is possible, and I am living proof that it was, at one time, very effective, then why should not the 3 pelvic floor muscles react in the same way, if electricity is used to make them flex? They are a little like 3 muscular hammocks, strung up between the tail bone at the back, and the pubic bone at the front.
Given how important core muscles are - and, the pelvic floor are the lowest core muscles we have, it's not a good idea to just go to the first people who suggest that their therapy works. So, I would have no idea precisely how to choose the right people. Here, in the UK, we have our own fair share of scam artists, also, but recommendations are probably available, if we can just figure out from where they can come! I believe in the therapy working, but I'd need to do a lot of research before choosing somebody.