
@wetdad I am sort of freaking out now after seeing a video about what to expect. The video mentioned being cathed.
I am now wishing the urologist would do an UroCuff instead, but I have a hunch that he suspects something is happening that a UroCuff would not detect.

I guess I should not have watched the video…
I've had a lot of cystoscopies, and I've never needed to be cathed after. My first one was under general anesthesia, but all my subsequent ones have been with just a topical anesthetic. They've ranged from extremely unpleasant (like the second one I had where the doctor used a rigid scope) to uneventful (all of them these days, since my urethra is pretty accustomed to having things put in there).

I do have to cath regularly these days, but that's because of botox injections, not because of the cysto.

I have never needed a cath after cystoscopy, and always had general anesthesia (except for the urodynamics test).

Some of the procedures would have been painful if I had been awake, because the doctor dilated or expanded to make urination easier.

For other surgeries, such as kidney stones etc., I did have a cath until I was released.
I recently had Botox injections for radiation-induced OAB, a year after the end of my radiation treatment, and 19 months after my robotic prostatectomy. The first thing the urologist did, assisted by a “medical assistant” was insert a catheter to fill the bladder with lidocaine solution. This WAS NOT painful, but rather an uncomfortable feeling. They put a “Cunningham clamp” on my penis to keep the solution from flooding out. After 20 minutes or so, in went the scope, and I could watch the progress up the urethra on a TV. Again, not painful, but uncomfortable. The Urologist stopped short of the remaining sphincter to check its function (which was quite good), and then went on to the bladder neck where he discovered that I had severe scarring from the re-attaching of the urethra to the bladder neck during the surgery. He then pushed the scope into the bladder. Te next step was 40 Botox injections into the bladder wall. As I hate needles, I could not watch this part. However, I had no pain, just the discomfort of knowing something was inserted in me and moving around - psychological rather than physical. Hope this helps.
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