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I got my second opinion that I was fighting to get, and I was told that the urologist wants to scope me to see what my prostate looks like on the inside. Has anyone been through this procedure? I am curious as to what men experienced… I know what it feels like to be cathed, and I know it’s a weird sensation that I don’t want to experience ever again while awake. Should I ask to be under general anesthesia???
I don't know how they ordinarily handle this procedure but I'm quite sure that I would want to be under general anesthesia.

I am a 76-year-old male, and I have had many urinary procedures. I ALWAYS ask for general anesthesia if it is possible. Most of the time my urologist agrees, and I am happy! However, there are some procedures when it is not possible.

One of the worst tests that I have gone through is the "urodynamics" test. I had to be awake for that. Not only is it painful, but it is also humiliating and embarrassing, because I was standing in front of 2 female nurses for about 30 minutes! I hate to tell you this, but after your first cystoscopy urodynamics is likely to be the next step.

I suggest that you speak up and ask your doctor for sedation whenever possible. I had one doctor try to play down the pain and talked me into being awake. He no longer works for me!
those uro tests are why I am ok not going back. Awkward and a bit painful. My wife laughed and said "get over yourself with needing the stirrups". I did not like the water injection, my bladder almost immediately went into spasm and they saw it. I ended up urinating all over the table, embarrassing but they said no big deal happens all of the time. The standing and trying to fill a measuring reservoir was awkward as the nurse just kept watching and the one time I needed it to just flow, it got stage freight!

It was awful!

At the end of the test, they told me to just finish peeing there. I told them I can't do that, because when my bladder is that full, I also have to crap! So, I had to quickly dry off, put on a gown, and run across the hall to get to the restroom!
I’m 63 years old and had radical prostatectomy 2 years ago and bladder cancer surgery 7 years ago. I’ve had more cystoscopies than I can count. It not pleasant, but there are definitely worse procedures to go through. Only takes a few minutes. It’s the gold standard exam to see what’s happening inside. Just do it!
Talk to you doctor regarding what happens, in detail. Ask if he or the facility has a video of the prep and the procedure. If you prefer a male nurse, ask the dr. if he has a male nurse who does the prepping. Don't be afraid to ask whatever questions you may have. Also, let your preferences be known. Speak up. Urologists need to know that some males prefer gender-concordant care. This occurs in women's' health; but, unfortunately, men are left out in this regard. Let us know when (if) your dr. gives you a thorough explanation of the details. How can you be expected to give informed consent to a procedure if you don't know what's happening? Take care and I wish you well.
I had the scope used and in me four times over the last ten years. They add new numbing gel before they use the scope. For me, I have a kink urethra. When the scope came to this area that added pressure to get threw it. That was very painful. It hurt to pee the next few days after. You should be fine if you don’t have a kink in your urethra. One more thing , don’t look at the size of the scoop. It will make you cry. Your poor little unit will be stretched . I was never put under. I wish you the best.
One more thing. The scope is worth it. 7 years ago the doctor found 3 tumors on my bladder neck. They were able to remove them early before they turn to cancer. I probably wouldn’t be living today if I ignored to use of the scope. It helps to see what is inside and like me saved my life.
Thanks for the reassurance that it needs done. What I am experiencing right now is so uncomfortable that anything to understand what is truly going on will ease my mind. I will ask for general anesthesia.

The size really doesn’t freak me out unless you are talking larger than a finger’s diameter… I remember being cathed while in the hospital and awake and I just remember a sensation of needing to vomit as the catheter was going on past the tip opening.
I actually don’t care if I see the scope before it’s inserted for the cystoscopy anymore… I am in so much misery about having to wait almost a month before the urologist does the test due to the scheduling in his office. These spasms won’t stop and I am trying to slowly let a little urine out over time instead of flooding this pull-up when I am not near a restroom presently. I have a spare brief in a backpack, but not a change of clothes. It’s torture. I wonder if I can beg to have the test done sooner before I can’t stand it anymore.

Has anyone else had luck getting tests moved up? Or are urologists simply sticklers about their schedule?
Sometimes you can, but the test is just that and won't change the spasms unfortunately. I have them too and trusting your protection is key. I wear a full brief and even then have had problems. I feel for you and the spasms, I would give another to not have then anymore. They can make me stop and curl over sometimes!
@wetdad I am taking another hiking break on a nature trail trying to get a view of the flora and fauna, and saw your response. I am tempted to just "use nature" but so many other people are hiking today, with a restroom 4 miles down the trail. I'm trying not to double over, as you worded a little differently, and I can feel this pull-up starting to get heavy. I think I am going to make a phone call tomorrow morning to see if I can move the test up. I'm already anxious enough knowing my prostate is the size of a small apple, and not until all the necessary tests are done will the urologist inform me of my "second opinion" options. Okay, time to suck it up and hike the rest of the journey along the trail, hoping I don't leak.
Had a scope a few weeks ago and it was an in office procedure. It's a little uncomfortable, but it wasn't very painful per se. They injected some numbing gel in the end to make it more tolerable. It was all over in less than a minute. Only tip would be to practice some deep breathing when they get close to the prostate and if they go into the bladder. Clenching down would probably be very painful.
Any way to prepare for a cystoscopy; not speaking about anything weird or kinky, but any mental strategies? I still have until the middle of September, and the anxiety is building because I don’t like thinking about something going into a place which is meant for fluids to come out.
Basically, just learn to calm yourself. Maybe take a few minutes each day to learn how to relax and find a place mentally where you can tune stuff out. Then remember that when you go and just try to remove yourself from the moment.
When I have a cystoscopic exam without anaesthesia, I think it's rather interesting to see what the inside of my prostate and bladder look like. It's a bit of a consolation for having to experience the discomfort. However, if it's possible, I prefer to receive a general anaesthetic.
I have a question for those who have been through a male cystoscopy…

Did you have to use a catheter and collection bag for a couple days, or did you just empty your bladder at the conclusion of the test and go about your normal activities?
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