Running with incontinence


New member

I am wondering how other runners handle incontinence management while out on a run? I almost always have to go while running, even if I just went beforehand and the run isn’t that long. I used to find a quiet area and go on a tree, but then had an embarrassing accident in a neighborhood. Since then, I’ve been wearing diapers while I run. I wear loose running clothes, so I don’t think anyone can tell. What do other runners here do?
Hi Craigclrk,

So I don't run often, but I do run on occasion and other strenuous physical stuff, like Jiu Jit Su. So, I get by with washable absorbent underwear, these are the ones that have the extra material sewn in where we need it most. To stack the odds in my favor, I add a disposable incontinence pad, that way if it leaks my underwear will catch any escaping leaks. I have found through extensive trial and error that the best pads are the Northshore Liners. Size medium is just big enough to handle a full bladders worth, worst case scenario, and the tall leak guards are amazing when moving so everything stays where it's supposed to.

I do not know how extensive your accidents are, but you could always increase/decrease pad size based on your specific needs. Also, as much as it sounds counterproductive, stay hydrated. The more concentrated your pee is in your bladder, the more irritating it is when your body is moving.
It took some trial and error but I found a system that works for me. After an injury I have no urinary control but really wanted to get back to the things I loved like running. I found that with my normal daily diapers there was too much chafing so now to run I wear a NorthShore Go-Supreme Pull-up with compression shorts to help with the chafing and prevent sagging when wet. I am now back to running 1/2 marathons and enjoying running.
I find the same when running even with trying to empty my bladder. My running theory is that residual urine is irritating my bladder, oddly the same with my bowels. After emptying, I am still irritated but can mostly tolerate it.

Running on a treadmill is easy to manage. Pause button. Outdoors, I choose where I run, mainly rural and trail so, forced stops are easy, and when I leak/spasms there isn’t a problem with an audience. I will run wearing a thin pull-up underwire at times as well.

Lastly, I wear black or dark blue shorts and compression underwear.
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