Running contributing to Incontinence symptom


Staff member
Has anyone ever experienced a worsening of their symptoms after running or other physical exertion?
I have been struggling with incontinence for about six years now, i am 39 right now. I Have mild Cerebral Palsy, which i think contributes to my problems. The doctor's are not really sure what causes it, meds help some, but i still need a night diaper. They also tend to leave me exhausted so i choose to not do meds. In general i wet at night, with sporadic mild to moderate day time problems. Typically it is not much of a problem as long as use the restroom hourly, which works well with my job. Occasionally i will go through periods of days to two weeks, where my bladder is leaking like crazy. High urgency and loss of control. I use daytime diapers during those time. Me and my doctor think they are muscle spasms, which come and go with other parts of my body as well. It is definitely impacted by sleep and stress as well.
So back to my question. I first started to have this problem after a bladder infection moved into my prostate. This caused mild wetting, but it intensified over the next several months. I know i was running intensely at the time 3-4 miles a day. I broke the routine when the weather got cold, and haven't really gotten a new routine started until recently. Right now i am running about 1 mile a day. I experience mild stress leakage during this time, which i expect, but i am finding that for the two to three hours following the workout i am having incredible urgency, I have to use the bathroom every 20 minutes and frequently don't make it. But after the two to three hours everything seems fine. Has anyone ever experienced something similar.
In general, i think i am okay with where my body is at, but this inconsistency drives me crazy at times.
Yes I get that same problem when I am working in the yard or just plain exerting allot of energy. I figured it was just that my muscles were tense and would squeeze my bladder and the inevitable leak happens. My incontinence has worsened with age to the point I usually wear a diaper most days and always at night now.
I go to the gym early 5:00 so not much in me then i also had a series of uti,s and bad case,s of protistias which left me wetting a lot so have been confined to diapers most all the time.I,am in my 70,s nothing works.
Hey there, MightyChi. I can relate - and I also think there's something to what you're saying. I'm a weightlifter and bodybuilder, and something similar happens to me when I'm working out and for a while afterward. I just wet a LOT more. Part of it is that I am pretty good at hydrating and drinking water when I'm working out. But I do know that exercise and exertion raise the blood pressure, which typically increases kidney output and urination, among other things. (I'm an RN and learned that in nursing school.)

At the end of the day, though, it sounds like the worst part for you is the inconsistency!

PM me if you want to chat more. Good luck!
Running is about the only time i don't have bad issues. I run a few miles a day at the gym and can get away with a pullup at those times. I have severe urge incontinence so usually I need a full tape on diaper as a bladder spasm could result in anywhere from 5 to 15 ounces flooding out. When on the treadmill though, my bladder really calms down. I don't understand why but maybe my brain is too busy coordinating all the other muscle movements to mess with my bladder.

i definitely end up with a bit of a soggy pullup most days at the end of my run but I don't have the massive floods that are more typical of my incontinence.

I sweat A LOT when I run so I tend to rehydrate a lot afterwards. Since I run in the evening this means I'm drinking quite a bit of water in the hours leading up to bed time and that results in major bedwetting. Luckily my diaper is up to the task though.
Too much exertion or the wrong type of exertion makes my symptoms for Urge IC worse because my Urge IC is from strong muscles pushing a lot of urine out ie 500ml very fast in a gush.
Timed toilet trips and double urination help. When I go between IC episodes stage one drops. Then I have to wait for stage two to drop or the reservoir stays too full. I can empty about half a cup when stage two drops. Otherwise it gets retained and then contributes to a urge flood later. Its like my bladder controller is only working half time when I go pee. I have to remember to stay seated while gravity drops the rest of the fluid and let go gently without pushing so hard.
Yes the unknowing timing of periodic floods is really unnerving at times.
Journaling when flooding occurrs when and how much fluid intake and when and how much happened at the toilet can help understand the future based upon the past.
Exercise is for other things not my urethra or my bladder cause it makes my bladder and bladder sphincters and urethra parts worse.
I definitely leak when I lift weights. I will also leak when running, but only a tiny amount. Given the nature of my IC, whether it's a small amount of leakage or a significant amount, I can't really tell.
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