
Staff member
Im new to this form, Im 1 month past my robotic prostate removal.Im 63 and find a new life of ED and urinary incontinent with hope both will come back. My first goal is incontanance. Can anyone share there storie of how they became continant again how long it took, how you may have achieved it and are you happy with your decision against radation. Also can someone explain the role between the males urinary sphinkter and Kegels my Dr. Says do kegals, internet says kegals do kegals help the sphinkter I think my beginning is to understandhow they work together I hope your challenges are behind you.
I had my RP in September and still not there yet, but getting there... #1 solution is TIME!!!

However, very important to work on ED AND Incontinence together... with ED, if you don't use it, you lose it. I would suggest a hand pump, generic Cialis or Viagra for blood flow and after the incontinence is some better, you may want to talk to your Dr. about penis injections (which is what I am doing now...) I was told vascularly, I'm fine, but need to keep what you have (both girth and inches) with blood flow to the area by all means necessary, until the nerves repair.

On the incontinence side, I was doing kegals BEFORE my RP! Watch videos on YouTube or as some have suggested, seek help from a Physical Therapist. Walking also helps - walk as much as possible.

Overall, it all just takes time. There will be better days and not so good days before there are good days...but over time, you will see progress - especially if doing the above! Some people have advised to keep a log or journal.

Another good suggestion is to search this forum for past articles on all of the above! Tons of insight and information out there!

Be patient! Good luck and +God+bless+
Thats great information iuwogeo my prayers are with your progress wish you the best. The advice of working ED and continance same time for me seems messy because of my leackage. I will now start working on the ed side. Definitely don't want to loose.
Usually, once you pump, etc...due to the erection, less leakage, but there still can be some. Just go to the bathroom before you start...

Also, not sure why, but once you reach orgasm again, seems to help w/ less leakage...can't explain that one, but read that and found it to be true...

Thank you for the prayers! ALWAYS appreciated!!!
My pleasure - any questions in the future, just hit me up, since a am a few months ahead of you in the process.

BTW, after my RP, the Dr mentioned stuff, but not the extent of it. I was totally unprepared for both!

This forum helped me tremendously!

Just trying to give back!
I am 67 and I had RP on December 2, 2019. I had ED and incontinence after the surgery. I did extensive and intensive physical therapy as well as used a penis pump and cialis. Fortunately, I was able to revive erections (maybe twice a week) after a few months but no significant progress on incontinence (2-3 pads/day). After three years I had the Boston Scientific pelvic sling surgery on Jauary 6, 2023. It has been ten days and although my body is still sore from the surgery I am THRILLED with my new found driness...as in bone dry, even after walking for three miles. I remain free of cancer makers.

Hang in there. Find a good urologist who cares about your quality of life and not just zero cancer markers.
Keep doing kegels and walk. RP in September went from 6-8 pads to now 1-2 per day. Have patience. ED still a factor with me. Im still working on that. Tons of information on past posts for more information.
As all have stated time is the key, patience is harder to master.

I am 63, live an extremely active life style and had RP late July, radiation was not an option for me and I am light years from where I started and this forum is amazing; the encouragement, kind words and advise that have been given are incredibly helpful. I can't thank those here enough.

I was leaking non-stop right after surgery and was very down on myself as would be expected, to be suddenly a slave to something that all take for granted was very, very tough to bare. I wore pullups 24/7 and was sedentary, never went out as every time I moved I leaked, it was emotionally brutal to say the least. But that's where this forum entered my rehab and thank God!
I work diligently on my kegels, 6 exercises twice daily. I also requested PT for kegels with bio-feedback which, I recommend, that you should so as soon as you can. Incredibly beneficial.

I walk 5 miles a day on pretty varied terrain, steep inclines and declines, I got back to it at about week 3 but very slowly, I recommend getting moving despite the fact that you will fill a pull up. I have been dry at night for 3 months or so and at this point I am completely out of pads with the exception of activities. I play golf and when I do I wear a pad in my underwear and those get continuously drier as time goes by.
When I walk I still use a pullup but I get dryer pretty much week by week, keep in mind that progress is not straight line improvement, I will echo as some have stated, you will have good days and bad days but try to stay positive and celebrate your successes!

Luckily I have relatively no issue with ED, erections are about 60% of "normal" rigidity but all sensation is normal, I am told by my PT that this will improve with use and time as well.

Please do not despair, I know how tough this process is especially at this early stage for you but you are by no means in this alone, this is a incredibly tough surgery to recover from and based on my experience significant improvement started at 4 months and I get better and better by the day. I will say this, try to get back to social activities as early as you can as long as you are comfortable as it will certainly raise your spirits. I was also an open book with folks I let them know exactly what I was experiencing and found that extremely cathartic for me and amazingly almost everyone was immensely supportive. I couldn't believe it but, in the right group, talking about it and laughing about it was almost therapeutic.

I am more than happy to answer any questions that you might have so please do not hesitate, I know that it's hard to believe at this point in your recovery but there is absolutely light at the end of the tunnel, at least based on my recent experience. Keep your chin up and try not to keep yourself from those who are dear to you, they will understand and they will support you.

Time and patience will be your healers!!
I am 60 and had my RP on December 7, 2021. I must say that it's been a very tough year. Started doing Kegels as soon as the catheter came out. My doctor recommended doing 5 sets of Kegels, 30 per set at 1 minute interval for a total of 150 Kegels a day. You hold the Kegel for about 8-10 seconds, release and then let the minute run out before doing another. Each set took about 30 - 40 minutes. Needless to say that it kind of consumed my days. A year later I'm still doing them but have been cheating lately, shorter intervals (30 seconds), more per set and fewer sets. I really don't see myself stopping anytime soon.

You might want to check out Michelle Kenway on Youtube,
. She's a Pelvic Floor Therapist from Australia and I found her to be truly helpful. She great at explaining how to do Kegels, what to look for and what you should feel. I later followed up with a local PFT to get some reassurance.

I started seeing progress with my ED in about 3 months after the catheter came out. I was prescribed half a Cialis pill twice a week at this point. With practice I'm happy to say that my ED problem is no longer. Don't really need Cialis anymore but have kept it in my bedside table.

My incontinence is also good. I don't wear any pads when I'm around the house or when taking a walk around the neightbourhood with my wife. I might dribble the odd time but even that is getting better. I will wear a lite pad when dinning with friends, exercising or gathering with people but this is done just in case.

I have read that you shouldn't measure your progress in days but rather in weeks and months. That is so true when.

Stay positive and do your exercises, you will get better. I wish you well.
I am so thankful for this site and especially you all that have sent encouragement and shared your journey it helps to get a glimpse there is light at the end of the tunnel when yesterday I could see none. January 19 2023 I will be 1 month past RP it has been a struggle. Mine was outpatient, I was ok but 6 days after I had to contact my doctor due to high fever 101.5 thru 102.2 everyday so what turned into an outpatient sugury became being admitted into the hospital scans until they found a fluid build up, it was drained but the antiobotics along with tempatures left me feeling like well you know until day before yesterday. I am so happy to be past that so if anyone experiences a temp let them know sooner than later. I am taking all of your advise and encouragement it feels like I lost 3 weeks of recovery but hopefully no more complications. And with your insight I'm sure I will begin to understand the healing process.
Thank you all
I am 76 years old and had a Robotic Prostatectomy on 12/06/22
Catheter came out 13 days after surgery.
Tomorrow (01/16/23) will be six weeks since my surgery.

Have some incontinence. Able to get out of bed and hold until I reach the bathroom which I see as a good thing.

Using 3 or 4 pads a day and most leakage is if I am active like today working in the garage or when I sit for a while and get up seems to cause a leak.

Started doing my Kegels 5 weeks before I had the surgery and then started again after the catheter came out. I do two sets (Nuts to Guts and Butt Squeeze) four times a day.

I am not very patient, so the leakage is a bit frustrating but from what most have said, it is a SLOW and STEADY road we are on.

Would like to thank all that post here. When I start to get a bit down and feeling sorry for myself, I read some posts and that gives me the encouragement and drive I need to keep at it.
snow said:
@Daddyrod Welcome! May you find the friends and support you need here!

I agree; Welcome @Daddyrod and @BillVt. You will make good friends here if you stick around.

I wish I could say my incontinence was manageable by holding or squeezing I leak right past the squeeze and as im trying to make my way to the bath by the time I get there I have leaked it all I'm beginning to wonder the point of trying to make it there or just letting it go. Im doing 2 times a day 7 different kegals positions sitting, standing on my side and back standing from a sitting position and quick flips each with 20 reps 4 are quick and 3 are timed 10 second squeeze and 10 seconds off a total of 280 kegles a day. Prior to going into the hospital for the drain tube I was able to make it to the bath and pee 3 to 4 seconds now after the hospital I have zero ability to hold.
@Daddyrod The solution that will bring you calm and confidence is diapers. They’re a really horrible thing to get used to in the beginning, mentally, but they will bring you a great sense of safety.
Your story very similar to mine. Have patience. I didn’t have much but most here helped with that. I went from wearing an external catheter with leg bag for work to 1-2 pads/day in about 3 months. Takes a little longer for some but hang in there.
Be patience, there's nothing wrong with be depressed, their will be times when you will fell hopeless, then in about 2 months you will see some improvement, and you will think I am going to be good soon and maybe you will or maybe it will take another 2 months or 4 to see even a better improvement. But my point is it will happen. I am coming up on 1 year and am 90 percent slight leakage but getting better it seems every weak. But have had 3 .01 PSA and happy with no cancer. Best and most frustrated, depressing, and glad that I did it decision🙂
I am almost two weeks post RALP and am dealing with stress incontinence like so many of you. I am asking all of you who say you are now dry when walking....are you doing anything consciously with your pelvic muscles to accomplish this? I stay dry when sitting and sleeping. I can then hold it in until I get to the bathroom in each situation. But when standing for long periods of time, or walking, I can't hold it in forever. Will I learn to hold it in, or will my bladder just eventually stop leaking when I'm upright? I do my kegels religiously and walk everyday. When I finally say I am continent, will I have to consciously keep from leaking, or will my bladder stop leaking on its own?
@donegatf Thank you for posting this question. I support the question as I've been wondering the same.
I can tell you your doing better than I at 2 weeks, it took me 4 to 6 weeks to make it to the kamode and void only 1-4 seconds.
Great question .
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