I had my RP a month ago (new here). Cath pulled 3 weeks ago, today. Incontinence is new to me following my surgery. My wife is a PT, though male incontinence is not her specialty. She did allow me access to her healthcare system's video training library. There I found a very helpful hour+ long video of an Australian PT whose doctorate was focused on male incontinence, specifically Kegels. Her findings found that men who performed 6 sets of 10 Kegel reps (hold for 10 secs, relax for 10 secs) followed by 10 - 1 second fast (HIIT) reps had SIGNIFICANTLY IMPROVED RESULTS over the control group who only did the "usually recommended" 3X @ day, 10 second Kegel / 10 second rest. The control group only did on/off Kegels for 10 minutes a day while the test group did Kegel exercises a total of 21 minutes a day. Participants were asked to begin their Kegel exercises at least a month before surgery and continuing after surgery. Her findings were a significantly shortened period of incontinence in those who performed Kegel exercises 6 times a day with the addition of 10 fast pulsing Kegels. ALSO, all her test subjects were asked to perform their exercises while STANDING. The traditional Kegel routine suggested 1 set standing, 1 set sitting and 1 set lying down. Standing exercises make sense since it is in the standing position that men mostly experience incontinence and loss of any control. I find this true for myself. Also, think about it, you are working the muscles in the most advantageous way, against gravity. The slow (hold) reps and rapid 10 pulses also make sense in that you will be activating both your slow and fast twitch muscle fibers.