Recurring Urinary Infection


Staff member
My husband has complete incontinence following a second TUPR. He wears a condom catheter at night so he can sleep and Incontinence briefs with pads during the day. He also has prostate cancer, he’s recovering from COVID-19 and has a diminished immune system (my poor sweetheart). He is now on his 4th urinary tract infection/antibiotics in 5 months. Does anyone have a solution for prevention?
I’ve been on a low dose of the antibiotic Keflex, once per day, for over three years. Every time I stop taking it, wham, infection/sores returns. Nobody is supposed to take antibiotics for that long, but if it’s low dose, and keeps infection away, in my book, it’s worth accepting the light risks and zero side effects.
@Winpat I take a low dose antibiotic every day since getting urosepsis. I'm not sure what it is called there, but in the UK it is called nitrofurantoin. It is specifically designed for UTI, so it doesn't cause so many digestive side effects. I hope that he finds something to help, it is a horrible situation to be in, Phil
I too have had a history of recurring prostate infections, and have been taking a daily 100mg tablet of trimethoprim for about a year now. It has held off any additional infections.

I also came across a new technology to analyze the bacteria(s) that is causing the problem. It is called MicroGen DX (look it up on the internet). It is NOT the standard culture-based test, but uses DNA analysis. I have listened to a couple of presentations, and this seems like the future of testing for infections. I would ask your urologist to run this test, as it really pinpoints what microbe(s) is causing the problem, and then the best medication can be used to treat it.

Good luck!
Winpat said:
My husband has complete incontinence following a second TUPR. He wears a condom catheter at night so he can sleep and Incontinence briefs with pads during the day. He also has prostate cancer, he’s recovering from COVID-19 and has a diminished immune system (my poor sweetheart). He is now on his 4th urinary tract infection/antibiotics in 5 months. Does anyone have a solution for prevention?

Bless you and your husband.

Have you tried any natural preparations with him like cranberry juice or tablets? You would need to run it past his GP if it is tablet based but I drink 300mls of cranberry juice with no added sugar every morning and for some reason, it neutralizes my urine smell and somehow keeps infections at bay.

Another thing to focus on is personal care, how long is he in wet pads and how many times a day does he wipe himself down there? I am just wondering why he is getting recurring infections and in no way accusing him of being stinky or dirty!

How much fluids does he drink throughout the day? He should be drinking between 2 to 3 litres a day to keep his urine neutral as possible. It should be a light straw colour?
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