Recovery from AUS surgery


Staff member

I am scheduled to have AUS surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN on February 7th. Since my prostatectomy on 9/9/22, I have had severe stress incontinence. While it has improved somewhat over time, I still use more than 10 pads/depends per day.

I understand that I must wait 6 weeks for the device to be activated. I would like to understand how recovery from this surgery compares with recovery from the prostatectomy.


Jumping in to see replies. Also had severe incontinence. 100% first 6 months. Zero bladder control and dripped and squirted everything all day. Gradually improved to about 8 ounces a day but more if walking a lot at 2 years. Had sling 2 years and 2 months and that was 5 months ago now. Was told 6 weeks to heal but saw greatest improvement 3 to 4 months and still improving at 5. Aus more invasive but if sling fails, I will be looking into that. One thing I can say is being dry is worth it. My sling surgeon is well respected in my state and beyond with great credentials. Recovery was tough. Hard to walk and sit. Very sore extremities. Wishing you the best.
No comparison, mine was much easier yes there was some pain for a week or so. Naturally the incision area was tender The catheter came out the next day an it smaller than the RP one
The waiting was the worst part
My AUS surgery was much easier than the RP. I was sore for 3-4 days, finding it hard to sit up in bed without help. After that, it was two weeks without picking up anything, then another 4 weeks of light activity. Testicles were swollen and tender for a couple of weeks. The device has been like a miracle. I’m not 100% dry, as a few drops may be left in the urethra after the cuff closes, or if I cough or sneeze, a couple o drops get by. Some of the leakage is technique, which you can improve. Good luck.
@Nocontrol I am 2 days short of 6 weeks post sling surgery. Am also finding recovery is tough, wound is in a really sensitive area and was very swollen and sore for quite a while, still some numbness in scrotum. Plus an internal stitch on mine gave way after 17 days with part of wound opening, hospital didn't want to risk infection by putting another stitch in so I have had to keep it clean and covered and wait patiently for it to heal itself from inside out, and it is taking a while, still not quite there. No wound infection issues luckily, but I have had a bad flu for the last 2 weeks and have been constantly coughing sneezing and blowing my nose which hasn't helped my stress incontinence and I haven't yet been able to resume much activity. What I have noticed is that when I do pee there seems to be a lot of drip afterwards, like I am not able to push it all out past the sling and it just drips out. Glad to hear you were still experiencing improvement at 5 months post surgery,so am hopeful I will have same.
Like all that respond regarding AUS. I was the same some discomfort for about a week after surgery but not even close to PR recovery. Went back to work about 2 week later. After AUS was activated it was like someone turned the lights on while in a dark room. You will be a happy man.
@DouginOz I also have to allow extra time for drainage now. I generally sit at home and stand otherwise and there seems to be a reserve tank now. I was still leaking a bit for a while and had to learn to relax the pelvic muscles without relaxing the sphincter. For 2 years they were in sync. I am dry now though and pretty much back to how I was 2 1/2 years ago pre rarp. I would take things real easy and try not to strain. The urge incontinence was brutal for the first couple months and my doc was scratching his head but said he felt my issues would resolve themselves. They did. Hang in there.
AUS Surgery was a blessing for me. I have been dry for almost a year now.
There was some discomfort for a short while but well worth it!!!!!
I very much appreciate and am encouraged by the responses to my inquiry. Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences with me and others. This forum has provided consolation and support since my surgery and its effects.
I had AUS surgery on 10/17/2023 and could not be more pleased with the results. I had no control prior to surgery and am going without any protection at all now. I will occasionally wear a pad if I’m going somewhere if I think about it but most of the time I don’t and haven’t had any issues. The worst for me has been soreness of my scrotum. It felt like when they shaved me prior to surgery they must’ve taken several layers of skin also. The first time in the shower was pretty uncomfortable when the warm water hit. There’s still some soreness but it’s getting better and I have no regrets. It has been life changing for the better. BTW, I was able to have the device activated at 3 weeks. Best of luck to you!
It has been almost 8 weeks since my AUS surgery and I am no longer using pads/diapers. The device was activated 10 days ago. For the first few days I leaked from time to time, but for the last six days have not leaked even while doing somewhat strenuous yard work and lifting. I very much agree with Lemmo, it has been a dramatic improvement.

As I mentioned above, I very much appreciate the responses to my inquiry. This forum has been very helpful since my prostate surgery.
I'm due for AUS surgery the end of May. Very comforting to hear the results of others. Hopelessly incontinent at the moment, exercises have not provided any relief, so surgery it is. Given the comments , looking forward to the day it's activated.
Definitely will be best the best day in years. It will take a little while to believe how relieved you are.
Activated and couldn't be happier. No leaks, no clamp.
So thankful this procedure was available. I'm lucky , only 9 very wet months from prostate surgery. After months of physio that sadly failed to improve my situation , life can return to as normal as can be.
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