@emily91 I do the same thing, but it's a risky thing though.
See I can't tell when I void, the only thing I can feel is a slight warm-wet feeling. I feel nothing while sleeping. During the day is when I feel the warmth slightly and I try to judge buy how long I feel the warmth , as to how much was or is voided.
Although I'm constantly dripping, to short voids , then to what feels like would be full bladder voids . Which makes having to wear briefs 24/7 essential for me .
My not being able to feel the need to pee is neurological. I've been diagnosed with a neurogenic bladder. I've got a severely damaged spinal cord, it was nearly severed last year from a cervical disc at the c3-4 level. While I had to get surgery to fix it. The surgery was postponed 3 times from this time last November until mid February of this year, the postponed surgery was
% due to COVID-19. But damage was rapidly being done through the hurry up and wait period.
I went from being able to walk to being in a wheelchair in a month, not able to stand without leaning on a wall ect to not able to stand at all. Even my arms and hands where useless .
By the time I was able to get the surgery which was in March of this year. The disc had pinched my spinal cord to the point of nearly severing it. Which wasn't found out until surgery time.
The surgery helped but I'm left with a very severely damaged spinal cord, bladder , gi, and respiratory , and neurological issues with both arms and legs, and spasticity. And various other symptoms a quadraparlgic would have.
Now I can stand for short Time and walk short distance, I do still need to use a wheelchair when shopping, but not like was required last year, which is a good improvement and I'll take it for what it is. It's uncertain how much more if any improvement will be regained.
I mean it's a tramatic experience.