Rant time. Gisinger medical


Staff member
Why I all that is right with the world would a huge hospital system not have the ability to actually called your care provider. And when you messaged them with the app that they say is the best way to get in touch with them does it take three days for a message to get forwarded from me to my provider. I'm beyond sick of it taking weeks, or me driving an hour one way to get someone to help me. So freaking stupid. With all of the technology out there why is this okay???
You have to make phone calls yourself, directly. You call them. It almost never works when you wait for them to answer an email or a text. Just call. It’s simple and easy. No rule exists that says you can’t make the phone call and that you have to wait around for them to call you.
snow said:
You have to make phone calls yourself, directly. You call them. It almost never works when you wait for them to answer an email or a text. Just call. It’s simple and easy. No rule exists that says you can’t make the phone call and that you have to wait around for them to call you.

Snow...That is the issue there is no phone number listed except for the call center. It's like calling 911 and waiting for EMS to show up. No number and the same thing for any emails or message through their app
Boy, oh boy, @ThatFLGuy, that IS frustrating to say the least! :(It's as if they don't want you to contact anyone who can give you any kind of a logical answer! Hmmmm, now let's see! If it were me, I would probably "go over their heads" and contact someone in the executive office. One place I can think of is their community or public relations office, or barring that, a patient advocacy office. Your header says Geisinger Medical which is a huge system in NE Pennsylvania. (well you knew that!) An outfit of that size must have a patient advocate and in some places I think they are referred to as an ombudsman. Their job is specifically to answer patient inquiries and complaints on a one-on-one basis. With the run-around you've been getting for quite some time now, this certainly needs the services of an ombudsman. See if there is an ombudsman at the Geisinger branch you deal with locally. Barring that, their main headquarters and hospital is in Danville. I don't know how far you are from there but this warrants getting action from there, even if you have to drive there. If there have been numerous complaints lodged against the call center's "service," or lack thereof, from other patients, they would certainly know about it in Danville! If you ask about a patient advocate/ombudsman are are only greeted with a "huh?" and shrugged shoulders, ask to talk to the community relations office. As the title says, they talk to the community, i.e., the patients and you are a member of that community. So they have to talk to you. Just tell them the call center does NOT serve its patients well and that you want two-way communication with your provider. Unfortunately call centers and the like are the way of business in the 21st century, however. But if enough people say "enough is enough...."
I know this has been a long post but I hope it helps. Sometimes you just have to go to the top!
This is geisinger patient advocate information
Patient liaisons for questions or concerns
If you have a question or concern that you feel hasn’t been answered or addressed fully at any time, we urge you to reach out to a patient liaison. This could be a question about your care or any aspect of our facilities or services.

The patient liaison will help you get to the right person or department, and will stay involved to aid in the resolution of your issue.

The patient liaison is available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To reach one, call our Action Line at 570-271-8881.

If you call at a time when the patient liaison is not available, you can leave your name, phone number and a brief description of your concern. The patient liaison will contact you as soon as possible.

Voicing your thoughts about the care you receive helps us improve the quality of care we provide. We value your opinions and appreciate your candidness.

I use geisinger also but haven't had this type of problem.
Just now I called the primary number listed on their website, which is
(570) 271-6211
An operator answered the phone immediately. I said I’d like to schedule an appointment and he transferred me to their appointment scheduling. Then the scheduling clerk answered the phone after just two rings. I repeated this experiment again. The same thing happened. Give them a call and you’ll have your appointment(s) scheduled.

As a side note, they earned $9.1 ***trillion*** dollars last year on patient revenue. They better answer their phone, and they do.
@That FlGuy, I think you now have the keys to talking to somebody at Geisinger. It sounds like @Garfield and @snow are really on top of this now!
And at a patient revenue of $9.1 trillion last year, the folks at Geisinger should know who is paying their salaries! You are, so call that number and good luck! Let us know what happens.
I understand your pain very well on this topic. It took me almost 3 years to simply get an MRI on my neck, only after I wrote a letter to the President of our largest healthcare system here in North Carolina. The only reason I don’t put there name in here is I signed a non-disclosure in lieu of my entire team of 4 doctors being fired! That and the other two major systems have refused to take me on as my healthcare is “Too Complicated”!
To put an end to your situation, I demand a direct to nurse of doctor phone number! I sometimes get a VM, but they always get back to me within 1 day. The other thing is over half of my Drs refuse to use the email / electronic database. They’ve told me they need a full time assistant just to run that. Best of luck to you.
PS Certified Letters still work!
ThatFLguy: It makes them more money/profit, reduces their number of competitors. Hurrah for Capitolism run amuck.
@AlasSouth Does your screen name/moniker refer to the southern region of Alaska? I know Alaska was sometimes referred to as “Alas” in olden days. Plus I seem to recall that you’ve referred to Seattle and Alaska in several of your posts?
@AlasSouth, you have explained the problem to a T! Of course we all know that money and profit is the key to everything and it does reduce the number of competitors. After all, look at the airline business. Within the past 10 years so many have gone out of business and now if you want to go anywhere it's American, Delta or United! Capitalism run amuck is the perfect way to describe this mess!
My Wife and all 3 of my sisters have each been in nursing over 20 years, at one point all at Northwestern in Chicago. My wife left to go into diabetic research 15+ years ago, but as my youngest sisters took a few years out to start families when they came back to work they were forced to first work through a consultation/ placement firm with 1/2 pay and ZERO benefits. The smaller hospitals are all on life support because the Medicare/Medicare rates were slashed upwards of 30%, and after the ACA was passed insurance companies were allowed to dictate not only care, but how much they will now pay. The smaller community hospitals are being acquired for nothing by the big systems just so the smaller communities have some form of healthcare.
If you simply looked at the presumptions built into the ACA such as every person in the United States would pay for full insurance starting on their 18th birthday, it’s simple lunacy! Yet the former administration hired 32,000 armed ex-military ENFORCERS under the wing of the IRS, paid in excess of $13,000,000.00 just for guns and ammo to arm the new ENFORCERS, and set jail terms for not paying. Even SCOTUS ruled it was legal only as the largest tax fraud ever perpetrated on the American people. And we wonder why our healthcare system is such a mess? The Insurance companies now run it!

Sorry about the rant, I was involved in modeling this mess right up until my accident. Trying to find a solution that would work similar to Massachusetts. All reasonable programs were tossed aside just to get it signed, with full knowledge it would collapse within 3 years. Now all of us are stuck with the leftovers, when we were all promised the same as every Senator or Representative receives. FAR FROM IT!
So, update. I reached out to the patient advocate and she is going to be checking up with my doctors to see what is going on..(note..my GI doctor while I was on the phone with my mom and then messaged me through The app and asked me if my gp filled out the paperwork..grrr..and I tried to call back but the number blocks all incoming calls not from the hospital) I told the advocate how frustrating I was and she looked up all of my records and said you are right to be. She knows that both of my doctors got the paperwork on 7/30 and neither of them reached out to me on it. Every call in and out is recorded in a log as well as every message so she is not happy with the run around. I did message my gi doctor back and explained again that the paperwork is for short term disability insurance coverage gives to me through work and that it doesn't matter why I have to be out of work off and on they just need to know that I was and what the plan and time frame looks like. As well as if I will need to be out more which I have been. I seem like they don't want to fill it out because it sets up an ability to use it for a full disability claim later on which would be the next step and I have been told by my gp and main gi doctor that I would be listed as disability if things cannot be fixed. I already have a year ++ worth of recorders showing what is going on. So.. I cannot take anything for pain and I can't even drive or walk when it hits. I can't pass gas without being in the fetel position and having to use the squatty potty stance to go #2. When I make it to the bathroom. This is not okay for someone that is 35..wants to work but almost passes out from going #2.
Hi @ThatFLGuy Great move, getting to talk to a patient advocate. Just the person you want to talk to! You've got her ear and you are now on her radar screen. Sounds like she has your back,. Well she should as that's her job! It's encouraging that she acknowledges you have been getting the run-around and that she is not happy about that. Stay in touch with her and if need be she may kick this up to a higher level to get something done. Keep hanging in there and the advocate will be your point person for getting this resolved. Wishing you more success in getting back on y our feet again!
ThatFLguy: I'll add that the employer is entitled to the Doc's evaluation and that's it. "The Employee is UnFit For Duty". Had an employer that tried to get access to patient medical files at doctors' offices. The employers theory was that they were looking for fraud. That was over Sick Leave. I know of at least 6 towns where the doctors instructed their staff to deny any access. The administrators at the employer were not doctors. The "Company Doctor" refuged to cooperate with employer on this - due to his ethics.
Not sure, but the Federal HIPA law about patient privacy backs that up.
I suspect that if one applies for disability, either Social Security or Employer might get some details. Getting disability from Social Security takes time, effort, and sometimes appeals. Sometimes a lawyer. Ugg.
Sprung87: One issue is the people who answer the phone at help centers, patient support, customer service, etc, are working off a script. That's all they are allowed to say, except "I'm sorry about that" or "I apologize about that". That's all they are trained at. That's all they know. They can give a rote answer to only a limited number of things. Get them off the scripts and they are lost. They are instructed to ask for data that is meaningless, or needless. "What's the date of service?" Who cares? There is a serial number and a date on that EOB, and they can read it or punch it in just as well as you or I could. It might be a denial on a bill over a year old and I'm supposed to remember the date and day of the week? But do that enough times, and they hope you'll believe them or will give up. In the meantime, it also lets them "blame the victim": "see, you don't give me the information I need to look that up. Call us back when you know these things so we can keep you on hold for another half hour or more." I've spent over an hour on the phone with these people, at one time, fighting my way towards common sense - "common sense is not so common".
I spent half a day - yes, 4 hours - trying to get through to someone who could explain and fix a denial - they had denied the anesthesia for a mastectomy on the basis of: we can't see a connection between the operation and the anesthesia. The wife in this case finally got on the phone, and asked (very impolitely but delightfully) if they'd pay for the two bullets they thought she was supposed to bite down on.
We got passed rapidly up the line. One wanted an official letter from the hospital explaining the "need". He was told - without a swear word, but in detail - exactly where he could put that letter. We got passed up the line, again. They eventually paid, but they should have paid my salary for the time wasted. (Lord, do I wish I had a recording of that woman!)
This happened twice, two different woman. Tell me that company cared where their money came from. Go on, tell me - and see if you can keep from choking. How long would your nose grow?
Just having to remember that and I wonder what my blood pressure is up to.
I'll bet a congress person, retired or not, doesn't get that kind of hassle. They get, at taxpayer expense, permanent, no-limit, no deductible, no co-pay medical insurance for the rest of their lives.
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