Question, small intestine???


Staff member
So reading up on degistian as I am no anatomy expect (walked out of class in highschool and made them let me take something else. Me and dicecting cats is not happening)

So I am wondering if my issue may be more than my doctors are thinking. The reason for this is that digesting food from eating to passing stool should take about 36 hours give or take according to mayo clinic. So why then am I seeing stuff that I ate over a week ago in my stool? Bigger point, why would it still be there after a clean out? Either that or I only passed the peppers that I ate two hours ago and not the steak rice?? I was passing corn during my clean out on Friday 7/24 that was from a meal that I ate on Saturday 7/11 and Sunday 7/12. If it was from before that then it was from last month like 6/28. The point is that I am finding stuff from a week or more ago in my stool. Yea I am going to be calling my GI doctor tomorrow and bringing that up to her because even my mom knows how long some food stay in my system because I have been keeping track of what I eat and pass. Crazy..
Honestly just from hearing everyone's story I feel that the doctors don't really know what's going on with us but that they do try. You know your body best so maybe yeah just show your intake and output (but for stool) and present it to your GI. I hope it brings something new to light!
I got tired of the medical field telling me I just have chronic constipation, I already know that. So I started seeing a colonic irrigation therapist. I saw her for 3 years. I felt so much better, and as you mentioned you cant imagined what I witnessed in therapy, I will not get into details here. My PCP "noticed" and started asking questions.
I simply told her what I was doing. She quickly responded and said that she wanted to see me when I have a constipation issue, which didn't take long, as I could not get to my therapist ( she was on a vacation) so I saw my PCP,had me get into a gown, and examined. She told me I was impacted! With hemorrhoid's! She told me she had set up a procedure in the hospital for me. So I could get relief. I wasn't feeling well, so they took me to a dimly lit room, 2 nurses, a large bag of a yellow looking substance. I was to get enemas till clear!
The yellow substance was a mixture of Lactulose/saline. After the 3rd dose, I did get relief. My PCP came in and ask me how I felt. I felt much better. She then told me. I want you to email me when you cannot go. I will order this same procedure for you.

It is getting harder for me to travel with my issues, the trip too the therapist is 200mi, round trip. So I didn't feel I had any choice but to see my PCP.

I would find out what your issues are thou. Maybe ask after you get some answers from your PCP if you need help if they could provide this option.
Hey FLGuy, I know just what you mean about dissecting cats was not happening!:( Somehow during my school career I managed to escape that as well! Don't ask me how, just lucky I guess! I would not have enjoyed dissecting cats for one minute. I did have a childhood friend who did some volunteer community service project dissecting dogs at Hahnemann University. No thanks! To each his own, I guess!
From what you tell us it sounds like your digestion is slow-acting. I don't know if it is unusual or not, because everybody is different and our bodies act in different ways. But that is definitely something to ask the doctor. Since you mention corn, it is one food that doesn't get digested completely. I saw somewhere corn has cellulose which is why it doesn't get completely digested. But we like to eat it anyway!
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