Question, appointment changes, new date for Trial implant?


Talked to one of my doctor's nurses and she is going to have a specialist call me so that I can get stuff figured out. I am not against trying this thing, just do not want it if it is not going to do enough.

The nurse I talked to already said that it is a real long shot for everything I have going on but said that one of the other nurses has a lot more experience with the things so she is going to have her call me.
I'm glad you are slowing their roll.
From their perspective we are an item on an assembly line to organize a date with other moving parts.

What has alarmed me from the forum user experience is rushing from the trial to the "permanent implant,"on some cases a week later.

In your case it sounds like there are two systems that can be giving pain one the ladder the other the bowel so you might need two separate fix's.

Just talked to the main nurse and she cleared up a bunch of questions that I had. Also said that the move up in the time between trial and the full implant is due to the number of issues that I have so that makes sense to me.

She did say that the rep from the product company tries to trouble shoot everything but that if at any time I feel that things are not working well enough that I can stop or get the implant removed. She even went back over my records and also feels like this is a long shot but worth trying. So all in all I trust my doctor so I am ready but still able to say no to the full implant if it is not right for me.

Also, this nurse is the one that I will be talking with about any issue so that helps as well.
That is wonderful neews, FlGuy! Finally, you have a person on your medical team who is listening to you!!!

If you find the following information valuable that is why I am sharing it. If you're having the Axonic device, your process may be different, but I thought this might help you with the timeline you may have in front of you.

Just yesterday I had Stage 2 of the Medtronic Interstim device implanted in my left buttock.

Assuming the stimulator you're having installed will have two stages like the one I have it will be done in two stages.

Stage 1 is done to test whether or not the device will help you with your condition(s). The lead will be attached to your sacral nerve and the device will be connected to the lead. Then the device is placed externally on your hip area and held in place by a flexible belt. You will be given a cellphone-like device that can adjust the setting of the device in case that needs to be done. For two weeks you will be asked to keep a diary each day of what and how much you drink and when you drink. You'll also record how much and when you pee or have a bowel movement along with the urge you had and whether or not you had a leak.

If you have a 50% (or more) improvement in your condition(s) the doctor/nurse will probably recommend that the device be implanted. That will be Stage 2.

FWIW, during the two weeks I had the Stage 1 device, the daily diary showed that my incontinence improved more than 50%. I was called every other day to report my progress to a Medtronic Support Team Member. I hope you find whatever you have done for you will improve your quality of life. Good luck!!
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