Question??? Anyone had a Defecography MRI done?


Staff member
I have look over what this test is for a few times and even brought it up with my past physical therapist. The big thing is that it is used to help determine the cause of fecal incontinence, constipation, and other conditions such as pelvic organ prolapse that may interfere with a person's ability to pass stool. For me I have pelvic floor issues, fecal incontinence, urinary incontinence and have to take a lot of medications for constipation. The information that I have not been able to find online is what doctor I should ask about this test. I feel like it would give more information to both my Physical therapist and my GI doctors as to what is going on but I don't know who to ask.... Also I hate being the I read this on the internet kind of guy but I have looked into this test enough to think it could help point out some of the issues.

Any insight would be great.
You can ask both your physical therapist and your GI doctors, and get information from all their perspectives. Go for it!
Yes FLGuy, do ask your doctor and physical therapist, by all means. It's perfectly fine to say I have read up on this test and I wonder if you think I could benefit from having it done?
And continue with, "Quite frankly I would like to pursue having it done for me. Here are my reasons for wanting it done.....
And when you've discussed that, then you can add. "Would there be any reason why it isn't the test for me?"
After all you are paying for the PT and the doctor's time and expertise so you need to explore with them every possible avenue.
Run with it and good luck!
So I brought up Defecography MRI to my physical therapist, she had me bring it up to my Gastroenterologist who also said that it was a bit early to do that test and to stay with physical therapy for now. My physical therapist also brought up a SITZ marker test which checks the whole digestive system for time and capabilities.. in January we are going to have a discussion about how things are going with physical therapy and decided if more testing is needed.

I have been approved for full-time disability ins and I also got government assistance with healthcare and energy needs so I am on a good path to get some answers and not be stressed out and money.
Glad you got a lot of the stressor sorted out. Hope you are nott in psin and are keeping safe and active in your interests
Hi FlGuy, I think you've won half the battle with being approved for full-time disability insurance and govt assistance with your healthcare and energy needs. After all being stressed out over money is not good and I'm glad you won't have those worries bugging you as you go about your therapy and ongoing tests. You need as few things as possible to stress you out. You have already made great strides so keep up the good work!!! :D You're on the way!!!
The last time I was at my physical therapy appointment I told her what my gastroenterologist said and she agreed that it was a bit early.
In January everything has to be reviewed again anyway for work so I told physical therapy that we will deal with it then.
My therapist wants the SITZ marker test done at some point as well as a balloon expulsion test.
The balloon test might be soon as she already has all the stuff needed to do the test.
What has been the big issue is that she wants some better answers as to what is going on with my puborectalis muscle as it is not doing what it is meant to do.
That is why I brought up the Defecography MRI as that test would/should highlight all of that area for them... And if that Puborectalis is not working right then there is very little that can be done without surgery.
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