

Staff member
I have a few questions that hopefully y’all can help with.

1- I’m have a DOT drug test coming up and I used to be able to take them but my bladder problem have gotten worse where I can’t retain much of any urine. I read that I will have to let them catheteris me witch will require me information my employer. Any experience with this?

2- I haven’t figured out how to tape up a diaper comfortably unless I’m laying down. Any advice how to tape up in public bathroom.

3- what supplies do you carry around and what do you use to carry your supplies. So people don’t get nosy with you taking a bag into the bathroom
Hi Trucker, I'm afraid I don't know much about the DOT drug tests but taping up a diaper in a confined restroom takes a bit of practice. I would back up to a wall and put the rear of the diaper (unfolded of course :))between your back and the wall. Spread the wings out, with your back holding the diaper onto the wall, then pull the front portion up between your legs. Get the front situated as you're going to wear it, then reach back and pull one wing forward to meet the front and then attach the tapes (bottom tape goes on first) and pull the other wing forward and tape the same way. Last, adjust the tapes to fit securely and comfortably. Hmmmm! Something like that isn't easy to explain without drawing it! So I hope that's explained in a way that's understandable. If anyone else here would like to chime in with other suggestions, go for it! :D Try it at home first before you go out on the road. If possible try to get a handicapped stall otherwise in a narrow stall, if you're like me, you'll be banging into those walls and people will think you're in some kind of trouble! :eek:
AS for the third question, I would just get a small, compact backpack. Or maybe a bookbag like kids use at school. I don't think such a bag would arouse much curiosity if you're carrying one in and out of a restroom. Besides that, it's nobody's business what you've got in there anyway!:O I got one at a thrift shop for something like a buck or two.
I hope that's of some help.
As for taping I’d say practice. I bought some cloth backed diapers with refastensble tapes and basically stood in the bathroom with a towel on the floor and practiced over and over till I got the hang of it then I grabbed one of my plastic diapers and was able to get pretty close the first time, then it just became a game of tweaking the technique and in a couple days i was able to change standing up.
After you get the diaper taped up as billliveshere said I feel it's critical to do a "fit check" to make sure the diaper's leg elastics are touching your body where your legs meet, and especially in the lower and rear areas. This will really help to reduce leaks to a minimum.
BTW... I like to tape the top tapes first, but this is purely a matter of personal preference. I think most do tape the bottom tapes first but with a bit of trail and error you will figure out what works best for you.
The "fit check" is a good suggestion, Padded53. Keeping leakage to a very minimum is what you want. That part should fit very securely. And yes, bottom or top tapes first is completely up to you. In other words just do what works for you!
I have taken a lot of DOT physicals. I always wore a high quality pull up and it was never an issue or mentioned at all. I only had one where I was checked for a hernia and asked to pull my pants and underwear down. I pulled them down together and the check was done quickly. I dont think my pullup was noticed. I dont think even if it is that it will fail your DOT test or that it will be shared with your employer or noted on any paperwork as that doesnt empair your abilty to operate the equipment your license is for. I think the urine test is a test for blood sugar issues and drugs. Unless you bring it up, I dont believe it will be discussed or reported at all.
I basically will second what newbie said above. Practice it and practice it as eventually it will become second nature. I used to always have to lie down to put them on but now a days I always just stand to put them on. Much easier especially with the plastic pants etc. Which is another reason I switched just to tape on briefs as much easier to change as compared to pull ups.
@Ruhappy It’s not the physical I’m worried about it’s a DOT preemployment drug test. Witch requires a significant amount of urine to send in for a test and the Employer has to pay for it and read they charge extra for the catheter. Also never had to have a catheter before and it sounds painful
I have to do the urine test every month because of my pain meds. I have gotten to a point of inserting an indwelling catheter early morning of appointment then putting a plug in it when i know its flowing properly. Sadly I still have to wear a diaper because of the bladder spasms at times. I’d talk with your Doc first, they usually have a trainer of sorts at a lot of the urology clinics. After sitting for a couple of hours at times, only to not make it in time is terribly frustrating, and a lot of these Pain Docs just don’t care. No pee, no meds, after 13 years on the meds!
Good luck!
@Sprung87 does it hurt to insert an indwelling catheter. So you block it off so it won’t empty before the test?
Not really from my experience. It’s just a slight discomfort granted I am assuming if you have a urinary tract infection it may be a different story. Lol. Granted I didn’t have a uti so mine was just that awkward feeling of the tube going up my penis. as I hadn’t had it done prior to these times which was about 1.5 and 3 years ago so I didn’t know what to expect. Honestly it wasn’t anything really so “Trucker” don’t get yourself to psyched up about it. It’s really just a slight discomfort and I am pretty sure if you had a urinary tract infection you would already know you do. ;). so I wouldn’t sweat it

Granted they would say I should be doing intermittent catherization however I have resisted using it to just eliminate any chance of getting an infection. I have just chosen to wear diapers instead.
ok, I think I understand now. I have used caths, its been a good while back tho. Have you considered trying a clamping device?
Our DOT/USCG urine test was weird because the employer and testing company were focused on cutting cost. The law require being given a certain number of hours after being notified - and being tequired to complete the mandatory watch-standing - a conflict requiring you to be in 2 places at once.
I don't remember how many hours, but we go a hold of the actual Federal Code (from the CFR). Then we confronted the employer with the law and filed a grievance at the binding arbitration level, which required the employer to pay the Federal Mediator and his costs.
They caved and we got time.
If you got out of bed, peed and dressed, and then were told to report for the test, you didn't have enough to meet the requirements and the testing company got nasty.
They had to cave, too.
Maybe you don't have a Union, but you can get the federal law and present it. Our testing was random in the sense we didn't know they were coming aboard ship until they arrived.
Good luck.
I have used them and still use them some, it takes some getting use to how much clamping force you need. And some brands are better. You dont want to keep putting it on the same area all the time it can make you sore. If your bladder isnt use to filling up it can be unconfortable until you get it used to holding again, I know I had to go empty too often when I first started using one. But once I got used to it it worked good for the most part. Clamping allowed me to live in areas and work situations that buying, storing, carrying, changing, and disposing of diapers was absolutely imposible.
@Ruhappy ok thank you I ordered one and will practice using it before my test on Monday. Would it be recommended to wear some kinda protective underwear? Or do they hold the urine in very well
Seem kinda weird to take theses photo let alone post them but I have more questions. I never had kids or had to watch them so I don’t even know how a diaper is actually supposed to fit. The mega max smalls seem really big like the go up high enough to cover my bellybutton. But if I get a small in a different northenshore they just go above my hair line. But if I get a medium I can’t even get them to tape on they so big. My apologies about the photo but I’m just not sure it they fit correctly. Getting so tired of dealing with this hats off to all you long time troopers

I work for an insurance company. The US government has a website. FMCSA.GOV. Maybe this site can answer some of your questions regarding the test or give you guidance to contact someone for answers.
These is a link dedicated to testing
I travel around my territory in a company car. I have a small duffel bag that has wipes, extra pants, diapers and other supplies. A hack I have learned is to have a pre-taped diaper all ready. I usually only tape the bottom two tapes and leave the top undone. This way you can just pull it up and readjust.
Emptying, cleaning Or changing my colostomy bag was much harder. For that I’d always have bottles of water of water on hand to flush the bag. I found using hotel bathrooms to be more private and cleaner on the road. As long as you’re somewhat clean and presentable, I’d never had a problem using them.
All my best and good luck with whatever you decide.
My first impression is that they're awfully big. If that's a small, though, that may be something you'll have to live with.

You have the your upper tapes much lower and more angled than I put them. I keep them at the top of the taping panel, which helps support the upper part of the front. Then the lower tape go far enough down that they keep the wings flat - if they're to high, the wings tend to pull together in a bunch of wrinkles that I find uncomfortable. Everybody's shaped a little differently, of course, but that's what works for me.
Hi Trucker, that's a small in the picture? It does seem awfully big to me. If it's small I wouldn't think the tapes would extend all the way across like they do in the top pic. I think if the waist band goes higher than your belly button then it definitely isn't a small you're wearing. Worse comes to worse, you can always call to where they came from and tell them your dilemma. Admittedly trying to figure out sizes is confusing. If it were me I would get several samples first, making sure their sizes are clearly marked. And if a sample works for you and you would like to order some, then put a check mark (star or whatever you prefer) on the package so you know it's the one to order. If a sample is not the right size, just put an "x" on the package so you won't order them. And that's the thing about incontinence; it's a lot of trial and error. I'd bet every one of us here has gone through that in finding the perfect one.
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